Who we are and what we do

About us
Office locations
Contact details

What we spend and how we spend it

Annual report and accounts

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Annual report and accounts
Business plan

Our policies and procedures

Code of Practice

Services we offer

You can obtain information from us in the following ways:

You can request bespoke analysis from the following surveys, using the relevant email address:

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings –earnings@ons.gov.uk
Annual Business Survey –abs@ons.gov.uk
R&D surveys –randd@ons.gov.uk
Internet access –society@ons.gov.uk
ICT activity –ecommerce@ons.gov.uk
Census –census.customerservices@ons.gov.uk
Trade –trade.in.goods@ons.gov.uk
Inter-departmental Business Register (IDBR) -idbrdas@ons.gov.uk
Population –pop.info@ons.gov.uk
Migration –pop.info@ons.gov.uk
Household Income and Expenditure –hie@ons.gov.uk
Pensions analysis –pensionsanalysis@ons.gov.uk
Wealth and Assets –Wealth.and.Assets.Survey@ons.gov.uk
Health analysis, mortality and births –Health.Data@ons.gov.uk


We want to make as much information available at the lowest cost to the public. Any charges the UK Statistics Authority make will be justified, transparent and kept to a minimum. Any material published and accessed on our website is free. We may charge for some information, in line with acharging regimeset by Parliament. Charges can be made for costs incurred, such as photocopying, postage and packaging or the costs incurred from viewing information.

If you need something that isn’t published here, request it from us by emailingfoi.team@ons.gov.uk. We’ll consider it in line with the FOI act.

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