
  • Boosting the Northern Ireland price sample for the Consumer Prices Index

    Methodology | Released on 20 September 2022

    Details of work that the Office for National Statistics is undertaking to produce consumer price inflation estimates for Northern Ireland through a sample boost to the price collection.

    Keywords: Weights, CPI, CPIH, pricecollection, northernireland

  • Consumer price inflation, historical estimates, UK, 1950 to 1988 – methodology

    Methodology | Released on 18 May 2022

    A historical series of our lead measure of inflation, the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupier's housing costs (CPIH), which extends the series back to 1950. Definitive historical division-level indices for both Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and CPIH from 1950 to 1988 are available. Data in this release are not a National Statistic and are provided for indicative purposes only.

    Keywords: inflation rate, remodelling, rental equivalence, rent, housing costs

  • Identifying food price anomalies to support the Sustainable Development Goals

    Methodology | Released on 7 June 2021

    Details of the methodology used to apply the UN methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals Indicator 2.c.1, Food Price Anomalies, to the UK.

    Keywords: Sustainable, Development Goals, SDGs, 2.c.1, Food Prices, CPI

  • Services Producer Price Inflation QMI

    Methodology | Released on 18 January 2021

    Quality and Methodology Information for the Services Producer Price Index, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: SPPI, chain-linking, PPI

  • Producer price indices QMI

    Methodology | Released on 18 November 2020

    Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report for the Producer Price Index, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: SPPI, prices, PPI, methodology

  • Consumer price statistics: resuming a field-based price collection

    Methodology | Released on 17 August 2020

    This article describes our plans for resuming a field-based price collection for our consumer price statistics, in light of the relaxing of movement restrictions in the UK.

    Keywords: prices, , measuring inflation, CPIH, coronavirus, COVID-19

  • Household Cost Indices, UK, methodology for third preliminary estimates: 2005 to 2019

    Methodology | Released on 7 August 2020

    The methodological framework for the third preliminary estimates of the Household Cost Indices.

    Keywords: HCIs, Inflation, Household subgroups, democratic weighting

  • Consumer Prices Indices Technical Manual, 2019

    Methodology | Released on 18 September 2019

    This technical manual is a reference tool for anyone wanting to understand how measures of consumer price inflation and associated indices are compiled.

    Keywords: inflation, index, consumer, prices, manual

  • Household Cost Indices, UK: methodology for second preliminary estimates, 2005 to 2018

    Methodology | Released on 8 August 2019

    This article provides the methodological framework for the second preliminary estimates of the Household Cost Indices.

    Keywords: inflation, student loan repayments, democratic weighting

  • Methodology to calculate CPIH-consistent inflation rates for UK household groups

    Methodology | Released on 22 May 2019

    Methodology used to calculate estimates of inflation rates for different types of households in the UK on a Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH)-consistent basis.

    Keywords: LCF, living costs and food, COICOP, household expenditure, imputed rents