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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`SSheet1,5Organisation NameStatusDatasetPurposeDate of access End of access 3152/2014Bank of EnglandLabour Force Survey!Statistical research and analysis-Department for Business Innovation and Skills7Department for Business, Energy and Industrial StrategyLow Pay Commission'Department for Culture, Media and SportDepartment for EducationDepartment for Transport Department for Work and PensionsHealth and Safety ExecutiveHM Revenue and Customs HM Treasury Home Office Office for Budget ResponsibilityOffice for Manpower EconomicsScottish GovernmentWelsh Government 3215/2014Cabinet OfficeAnnual Population Survey&Setting policy; research and analysis./Department for Communities and Local Government0Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs8Department of Finance and Personnel for Northern IrelandDepartment of HealthMinistry of DefencePublic Health EnglandPublic Health WalesLiving Costs and Food Survey3Analysis of taxes and benefits for budgetary policy"Crime Survey for England and WalesoMatching with National pupil database, Individualised learner record and Higher education statistical authorityMonthly Business Survey 3228/2014/Northern Ireland Statistics and Research AgencyHM Revenue & Customs 3614/2015Wealth and Assets SurveyFinancial Conduct Authority 3665/2015 European Health Interview Survey2Quality assurance and supplement existing analyses)Health and Social Care Information Centre 3973/2016Annual population surveyEmployee sickness statistics 3952/2016Intellectual Property OfficeUK Innovation SurveyTo detail businesses' innovation activity including innovations made, financing, impact on the business and patenting and trademarking behaviour 4613/2017ActiveInstitute for ApprenticeshipsjUnderstand the demand for and trends in apprenticeships in different sectors and industries of the economy,Labour Force Survey Annual Population Survey 4373/20176Five year forecast for the economy and public finances/ONS Approved Organisation Access Release Record 4559/2017Adult Education Survey=Research projects to study participation in lifelong learning 4816/2018Social Mobility Commission 4898/2018Her Majesty's Treasury[Monitoring progress made towards improving social mobility in the UK and advising ministers(Independent Inquiry into Child Sex AbuseGTo inform sampling strategies for IICSA's research into child sex abuseAAnalysis to aid evidence base on bullying amongst 10-15 year olds$2013 Children's Dental Health SurveyProducing national estimates of children's oral health, estimates of oral health condition, attitudes towards attending dental check ups, indices of dental service utilisation, and oral health behavioursTo aid policy analysisMModelling analysis to aid the publication of the Fiscal Sustainability ReportGovernment Equalities Office Analysis into the gender pay gap 4919/2018National Records of Scotland 4611/2017 5208/2019 4299/2016 3208/2014 5300/2019%Kings College London Dental Institute8Adult (2009) and Children's (2013) dental health survey @Assessing effect of neighbourhood characteristics on oral health,Estimate healthy life expectancy in Scotland 2878/2013 3610/2015 4590/2017CImpact assessment of National Minimum Wage and National Living WageExpired 4439/2017DMatch more granular identifiers to the Wealth and Assets Survey data 4430/2017uImplication of the introduction of the national living wage for the employment and hours of workers aged 25 and older 3907/2015'Study of labour market statistic trends 2910/2013Scottish Executive/Public sector gross operating surplus estimates 2875/2013General Lifestyle Survey:To inform alcohol strategt policy development and delivery 2841/2013BHistoric European Union Statistics on Income and Living ConditionsYproduction of European Union Statistics on Income and living Conditions from 2012 onwards 2696/2013%Evaluate statement of fitness to work 2586/2012)Assess self reported behaviours over time)Longitudinal analysis of violence at work 1160/20081Department for Environment Food and Rural AffairsExpenditure and Food Survey4Statistics on food expenditure and nutritional valueMDistributions of ethnicity, gender, disability & age within target industriesRef No. Sport EnglandDept. Health & Social Care 5393/2020Opinions2Report on wellbeing and loneliness during Covid 19 5397/2020#Aid development of NHS Covid 19 app 5436/2021Food Standards Scotland9to investigate dietary trends in the Scottish population 4254/2016DEFRAB To generate statistics on food expenditure and nutritional value.LCFS 1129/2008 5447/2021 Opinions LiteBEISClimate change analysisDSTL"Analysis to populate NHS DashboardPHW!Behavioural Intervention analysisDFTTransport analysis DHSCO Assess the level of  adherence to the Government s social distancing measuresScot Gov*Analysis and briefing on COVID-19 outbreakCMAY Policy analysis concerning refunds for services purchased prior to the COVID-19 outbreakDWPHMRCK Reporting on the working time of individuals on furlough in the populationNHSX6To inform policy development for the NHS Covid-19 App WGe QA of ONS outputs and additional analysis to support Welsh Government response to Covid-19 pandemic To produce a report about Wellbeing and Loneliness during Covid-19 and the likely resulting impacts for sport and physical activityTImpacts of Covid-19 relating to the Income, Families, Disadvantage Analysis divisionPHEA For analysis of behaviour change during the coronavirus pandemicCO)To populate the Cabinet Office dashboard DCMSInform the department s understanding of engagement with its sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic and resultant links to wellbeing.LCFS/HFS,Estimating the alcohol consumption in the UKBristol University5Under contract to ONS to analyse self-completion data 5433/2021 Labour Force Survey (Identified)Identified LFS variables to enable linking of standard LFS data with Universal Credit data and subsequent de-identified linked dataset deposited in the SRS to enable statistical researchXReleases of data under the Statistics and Registration Service Act, updated October 20217 ^8|w9F:dZ;x<a=V>t?@ !C? 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