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F Indicates the earliest period in the series that has been revised.(Other repair: installation & maintenanceTelecommunications services OEducation: technical & vocational secondary; higher; other; educational support million555658Next publication:  Issued by: TOffice for National Statistics, Government Buildings, Cardiff Road, Newport NP10 8XGMedia contact: TelEmail press.office@ons.gsi.gov.ukStatistical contact: NameEmail Contact us:Website www.statistics.gov.uk Twitterwww.twitter.com/statisticsONS%Turnover and Orders in the ProductionJQ34JQ37]Motion picture, video & television programme production, sound recording and music publishing JQ8A JQ84 JQ8J JQ9UJQ3BJQ3IJQ6I Percentage change1 to Percentage change1 to Enquiries 23.1-4/7-923.5-624.4-5 25.1-3/5-930.3..+44 (0) 845 601 3034 -Media Relations Office +44 (0) 845 6041858(Emergency on-call +44 (0) 7867 906553info@ons.gsi.gov.ukJQS8p3 GB Services excludes 47, 49.1-2, 50-51, 53.1, 64-68, 70.1, 75, 81.1, 81.3, 84, 85.1-31, 86-88, 91-94, 96.04-09=Total turnover for manufacturing in the UK and services in GBMining & quarrying; Processing & preserving of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, fruit & veg; Bakery & farinaceous products; Other food products; Soft drinks: production of mineral waters & other bottled watersqTobacco products; Textiles; Wearing apparel; Leather & related products; Wood and products of wood excl furniturePaper & paper products; Printing & reproduction of recorded media; Industrial gases, inorganics & fertilisers; Petrochemicals; Dyestuffs and agrochemicals Paints, varnishes, printing inks & mastics; Soaps & detergents, cleaning & polishing, perfumes & toiletries; Other chemical products; Basic pharmaceutical products & preparations; Rubber & plastic productsGlass, refractory, clay, porcelain, ceramic, stone products; Cement, lime, plaster & articles of concrete; Other basic metals & casting excl. iron & steel; Fabricated metal products excl. weapons & ammunition Weapons & ammunition; Computer, electronic & optical products; Electrical equipment; Machinery & equipment n.e.c; Motor vehicles, trailers & semi trailersBuilding of ships & boats; Air & spacecraft & related machinery; Other transport equipment; Furniture; Other manufactured goodsRepair & maintenance of ships; Repair & maintenance of air & spacecraft; Other repair: installation & maintenance; Sewerage services; Waste collection, remediation & other waste managementWholesale & retail trade & repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles; Wholesale trade services, except of motor vehicles & motorcycles; Land transport & transport via pipelines, excl. rail transport; Warehousing & support services for transportation Motion picture, video & television programme production, sound recording and music publishing; Programming & broadcasting; Telecommunications services; Computer programming, consultancy & managementInformation services; Information services; Accounting, bookkeeping & auditing; Management consulting; Architectural & engineering servicesScientific research & development; Advertising & market research; Other professional, scientific & technical services; Rental & leasing services; Employment servicesTravel agency, tour operator & other reservation services; Security & investigation services; Cleaning activities; Office administration & support & other support servicesEducation: technical & vocational secondary; higher; other; educational support; Creative, arts & entertainment services; Repair services of computer & personal & household goods; Other personal servicesX2 UK Manufacturing total excludes 10.1, 10.4-10.6, 10.9, 11.01-11.06, 12, 19, 24.1-24.32 Alaa Al-Hamad+44 (0) 1633 455648 indexofproduction@ons.gsi.gov.ukGB Services Turnover<#Manufacturing and Services Turnover53DYQO53.2#Other postal and courier services 3" JQ33-3 Information suppressed to avoid disclosure.A4 Industry 53 replaced 53.2 from January 2016, due to disclosure. 2016 ->Back to ContentsPostal and courier activities 4 Other postal and courier services; Postal and courier activities; Accommodation services; Food & beverage serving services; Publishing services2015 Mar2016 Mar. -> Marks an increase in data coverage of ourKBusiness Register, to include a population of solely PAYE based businesses.V Industry estimates most affected: 14, 16, 56, 68, 69, 70, 74, 78, 81, 82, 86, 96 ..17th June 2016#and Services Industries, March 2016BZ 8h_1j+dP 2DV@[ s  I ; 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