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Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10310 PCC 10311110 PCC 10311130 PCC 10311200 PCC 10311300 PCC 10311430 PCC 10311460 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10320 PCC 10321100 PCC 10321210 PCC 10321220 PCC 10321230 PCC 10321300 PCC 10321400 PCC 10321500 PCC 10321600 PCC 10321700 PCC 10321910 PCC 10321920 PCC 10321930 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10390 PCC 10391100 PCC 10391200 PCC 10391330 PCC 10391350 PCC 10391390 PCC 10391500 PCC 10391600 PCC 10391710 PCC 10391721 PCC 10391725 PCC 10391730 PCC 10391740 PCC 10391750 PCC 10391760 PCC 10391770 PCC 10391780 PCC 10391790 PCC 10391800 PCC 10392100 PCC 10392230 PCC 10392290 PCC 10392330 PCC 10392390 PCC 10392410 PCC 10392430 PCC 10392510 PCC 10392520 PCC 10392550 PCC 10393000 PCC 10399100 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10410 PCC 10411100 PCC 10411200 PCC 10411900 PCC 10412100 PCC 10412200 PCC 10412310 PCC 10412330 PCC 10412400 PCC 10412500 PCC 10412600 PCC 10412700 PCC 10412800 PCC 10412900 PCC 10413000 PCC 10414130 PCC 10414150 PCC 10414170 PCC 10414190 PCC 10414200 PCC 10415100 PCC 10415200 PCC 10415310 PCC 10415330 PCC 10415400 PCC 10415500 PCC 10415600 PCC 10415700 PCC 10415800 PCC 10415900 PCC 10416030 PCC 10416050 PCC 10417100 PCC 10417200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10420 PCC 10421030 PCC 10421050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10510 PCC 10511133 PCC 10511137 PCC 10511142 PCC 10511148 PCC 10511210 PCC 10511220 PCC 10511230 PCC 10511240 PCC 10512130 PCC 10512160 PCC 10512230 PCC 10512260 PCC 10513030 PCC 10513050 PCC 10513070 PCC 10514030 PCC 10514050 PCC 10514070 PCC 10515104 PCC 10515108 PCC 10515241 PCC 10515245 PCC 10515263 PCC 10515265 PCC 10515300 PCC 10515400 PCC 10515530 PCC 10515560 PCC 10515600 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10520 PCC 10521000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10610 PCC 10611100 PCC 10611230 PCC 10611250 PCC 10612100 PCC 10612200 PCC 10612300 PCC 10612400 PCC 10613133 PCC 10613135 PCC 10613230 PCC 10613240 PCC 10613250 PCC 10613333 PCC 10613335 PCC 10613351 PCC 10613353 PCC 10613355 PCC 10614010 PCC 10614030 PCC 10614050 PCC 10614090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10620 PCC 10621111 PCC 10621113 PCC 10621115 PCC 10621119 PCC 10621130 PCC 10621150 PCC 10621170 PCC 10621200 PCC 10621310 PCC 10621320 PCC 10621330 PCC 10621390 PCC 10621430 PCC 10621460 PCC 10622000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10710 PCC 10711100 PCC 10711200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10720 PCC 10721130 PCC 10721150 PCC 10721230 PCC 10721253 PCC 10721255 PCC 10721257 PCC 10721259 PCC 10721910 PCC 10721920 PCC 10721940 PCC 10721950 PCC 10721990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10730 PCC 10731130 PCC 10731150 PCC 10731200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10810 PCC 10811100 PCC 10811230 PCC 10811290 PCC 10811300 PCC 10811430 PCC 10811450 PCC 10812000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10820 PCC 10821100 PCC 10821200 PCC 10821300 PCC 10821400 PCC 10822130 PCC 10822150 PCC 10822170 PCC 10822190 PCC 10822233 PCC 10822235 PCC 10822239 PCC 10822243 PCC 10822245 PCC 10822253 PCC 10822255 PCC 10822260 PCC 10822270 PCC 10822280 PCC 10822290 PCC 10822310 PCC 10822320 PCC 10822330 PCC 10822353 PCC 10822355 PCC 10822363 PCC 10822365 PCC 10822373 PCC 10822375 PCC 10822383 PCC 10822390 PCC 10822400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10830 PCC 10831130 PCC 10831150 PCC 10831170 PCC 10831210 PCC 10831240 PCC 10831270 PCC 10831300 PCC 10831400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10840 PCC 10841130 PCC 10841190 PCC 10841210 PCC 10841230 PCC 10841253 PCC 10841255 PCC 10841270 PCC 10843000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10850 PCC 10851100 PCC 10851200 PCC 10851300 PCC 10851410 PCC 10851430 PCC 10851900 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10860 PCC 10861010 PCC 10861030 PCC 10861050 PCC 10861060 PCC 10861070 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10890 PCC 10891100 PCC 10891230 PCC 10891250 PCC 10891334 PCC 10891339 PCC 10891350 PCC 10891370 PCC 10891400 PCC 10891910 PCC 10891925 PCC 10891930 PCC 10891935 PCC 10891940 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10910< PCC 10911010 PCC 10911033 PCC 10911035 PCC 10911037 PCC 10911039 PCC 10912000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 10920 PCC 10921030 PCC 10921060 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11010 PCC 11011020 PCC 11011030 PCC 11011040 PCC 11011050 PCC 11011063 PCC 11011065 PCC 11011070 PCC 11011080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11020 PCC 11021130 PCC 11021190 PCC 11021211 PCC 11021215 PCC 11021217 PCC 11021220 PCC 11021231 PCC 11021250 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11030 PCC 11031000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11040 PCC 11041000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11050 PCC 11051000 PCC 11051010 PCC 11052000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11060 PCC 11061030 PCC 11061050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 11070 PCC 11071130 PCC 11071150 PCC 11071930 PCC 11071950 PCC 11071970 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 12000 PCC 12001130 PCC 12001150 PCC 12001170 PCC 12001930 PCC 12001990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13100 PCC 13101000 PCC 13102100 PCC 13102200 PCC 13102300 PCC 13102400 PCC 13102500 PCC 13102600 PCC 13102900 PCC 13103100 PCC 13103200 PCC 13104010 PCC 13104030 PCC 13104050 PCC 13105010 PCC 13105030 PCC 13105050 PCC 13106132 PCC 13106133 PCC 13106135 PCC 13106152 PCC 13106153 PCC 13106155 PCC 13106160 PCC 13106200 PCC 13107110 PCC 13107120 PCC 13107200 PCC 13108110 PCC 13108130 PCC 13108150 PCC 13108210 PCC 13108250 PCC 13108320 PCC 13108333 PCC 13108336 PCC 13108340 PCC 13108380 PCC 13108390 PCC 13108410 PCC 13108430 PCC 13108510 PCC 13108550 PCC 13109901 PCC 13109902 PCC 13109903 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13200 PCC 13201100 PCC 13201230 PCC 13201260 PCC 13201330 PCC 13201360 PCC 13201400 PCC 13201900 PCC 13202014 PCC 13202017 PCC 13202019 PCC 13202020 PCC 13202031 PCC 13202042 PCC 13202044 PCC 13202049 PCC 13202060 PCC 13202072 PCC 13202074 PCC 13202079 PCC 13203130 PCC 13203150 PCC 13203170 PCC 13203210 PCC 13203220 PCC 13203230 PCC 13203240 PCC 13203250 PCC 13203290 PCC 13203330 PCC 13203350 PCC 13204100 PCC 13204200 PCC 13204300 PCC 13204400 PCC 13204500 PCC 13204600 PCC 13209901 PCC 13209902 PCC 13209903 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13300 PCC 13301110 PCC 13301121 PCC 13301122 PCC 13301123 PCC 13301124 PCC 13301125 PCC 13301126 PCC 13301127 PCC 13301128 PCC 13301210 PCC 13301220 PCC 13301230 PCC 13301240 PCC 13301250 PCC 13301260 PCC 13301270 PCC 13301280 PCC 13301290 PCC 13301310 PCC 13301320 PCC 13301330 PCC 13301340 PCC 13301350 PCC 13301360 PCC 13301370 PCC 13301380 PCC 13301390 PCC 13301410 PCC 13301420 PCC 13301430 PCC 13301440 PCC 13301450 PCC 13301460 PCC 13301470 PCC 13301480 PCC 13301490 PCC 13301910 PCC 13301920 PCC 13301930 PCC 13301940 PCC 13301950 PCC 13301960 PCC 13301970 PCC 13301980 PCC 13301990 PCC 13301995 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13910 PCC 13911100 PCC 13911910 PCC 13911920 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13920 PCC 13921130 PCC 13921150 PCC 13921190 PCC 13921230 PCC 13921253 PCC 13921255 PCC 13921259 PCC 13921270 PCC 13921330 PCC 13921353 PCC 13921355 PCC 13921359 PCC 13921370 PCC 13921430 PCC 13921450 PCC 13921470 PCC 13921530 PCC 13921550 PCC 13921570 PCC 13921620 PCC 13921640 PCC 13921660 PCC 13921680 PCC 13922130 PCC 13922150 PCC 13922170 PCC 13922190 PCC 13922210 PCC 13922230 PCC 13922250 PCC 13922270 PCC 13922300 PCC 13922430 PCC 13922493 PCC 13922499 PCC 13922953 PCC 13922957 PCC 13922990 PCC 13922993 PCC 13922997 PCC 13922999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13930 PCC 13931100 PCC 13931200 PCC 13931300 PCC 13931930 PCC 13931990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13940 PCC 13941130 PCC 13941153 PCC 13941155 PCC 13941160 PCC 13941170 PCC 13941190 PCC 13941233 PCC 13941235 PCC 13941253 PCC 13941255 PCC 13941259 PCC 13941280 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13950 PCC 13951010 PCC 13951020 PCC 13951030 PCC 13951050 PCC 13951070 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13960 PCC 13961100 PCC 13961200 PCC 13961300 PCC 13961400 PCC 13961500 PCC 13961620 PCC 13961650 PCC 13961680 PCC 13961730 PCC 13961750 PCC 13961770 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 13990 PCC 13991130 PCC 13991150 PCC 13991170 PCC 13991230 PCC 13991250 PCC 13991270 PCC 13991300 PCC 13991400 PCC 13991500 PCC 13991600 PCC 13991900 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14110 PCC 14111000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14120 PCC 14121120 PCC 14121130 PCC 14121240 PCC 14121250 PCC 14122120 PCC 14122130 PCC 14122240 PCC 14122250 PCC 14123013 PCC 14123023 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14130 PCC 14131110 PCC 14131120 PCC 14131230 PCC 14131260 PCC 14131270 PCC 14131310 PCC 14131320 PCC 14131430 PCC 14131460 PCC 14131470 PCC 14131480 PCC 14131490 PCC 14132110 PCC 14132115 PCC 14132120 PCC 14132130 PCC 14132200 PCC 14132210 PCC 14132220 PCC 14132300 PCC 14132442 PCC 14132444 PCC 14132445 PCC 14132448 PCC 14132449 PCC 14132455 PCC 14132460 PCC 14133110 PCC 14133115 PCC 14133120 PCC 14133130 PCC 14133200 PCC 14133210 PCC 14133220 PCC 14133330 PCC 14133470 PCC 14133480 PCC 14133542 PCC 14133548 PCC 14133549 PCC 14133551 PCC 14133561 PCC 14133563 PCC 14133565 PCC 14133569 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14140 PCC 14141100 PCC 14141220 PCC 14141230 PCC 14141240 PCC 14141310 PCC 14141420 PCC 14141430 PCC 14141440 PCC 14141450 PCC 14142100 PCC 14142220 PCC 14142230 PCC 14142240 PCC 14142300 PCC 14142430 PCC 14142450 PCC 14142460 PCC 14142480 PCC 14142489 PCC 14142530 PCC 14142550 PCC 14142570 PCC 14143000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14190 PCC 14191100 PCC 14191210 PCC 14191230 PCC 14191240 PCC 14191250 PCC 14191290 PCC 14191300 PCC 14191930 PCC 14191960 PCC 14192100 PCC 14192150 PCC 14192210 PCC 14192220 PCC 14192230 PCC 14192240 PCC 14192250 PCC 14192310 PCC 14192333 PCC 14192338 PCC 14192353 PCC 14192358 PCC 14192370 PCC 14192393 PCC 14192395 PCC 14193175 PCC 14193180 PCC 14193190 PCC 14193200 PCC 14194130 PCC 14194150 PCC 14194230 PCC 14194250 PCC 14194270 PCC 14194300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14200 PCC 14201030 PCC 14201090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14310 PCC 14311033 PCC 14311035 PCC 14311037 PCC 14311050 PCC 14311090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 14390 PCC 14391031 PCC 14391032 PCC 14391033 PCC 14391053 PCC 14391055 PCC 14391061 PCC 14391062 PCC 14391071 PCC 14391072 PCC 14391090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 15110 PCC 15111030 PCC 15111050 PCC 15112100 PCC 15112200 PCC 15113100 PCC 15113200 PCC 15113300 PCC 15114130 PCC 15114150 PCC 15114230 PCC 15114250 PCC 15114330 PCC 15114350 PCC 15115100 PCC 15115200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 15120 PCC 15121100 < PCC 15121210 PCC 15121220 PCC 15121230 PCC 15121250 PCC 15121270 PCC 15121300 PCC 15121930 PCC 15121960 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 15200 PCC 15201100 PCC 15201210 PCC 15201231 PCC 15201237 PCC 15201330 PCC 15201351 PCC 15201352 PCC 15201353 PCC 15201361 PCC 15201362 PCC 15201363 PCC 15201370 PCC 15201380 PCC 15201444 PCC 15201445 PCC 15201446 PCC 15202100 PCC 15202900 PCC 15203120 PCC 15203150 PCC 15203200 PCC 15204020 PCC 15204050 PCC 15204080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 16100 PCC 16101010 PCC 16101033 PCC 16101035 PCC 16101037 PCC 16101039 PCC 16101050 PCC 16101071 PCC 16101077 PCC 16102110 PCC 16102150 PCC 16102200 PCC 16102303 PCC 16102305 PCC 16103116 PCC 16103200 PCC 16103900 PCC 16109100 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 16210 PCC 16211100 PCC 16211211 PCC 16211214 PCC 16211217 PCC 16211221 PCC 16211224 PCC 16211313 PCC 16211316 PCC 16211319 PCC 16211350 PCC 16211423 PCC 16211426 PCC 16211429 PCC 16211443 PCC 16211446 PCC 16211449 PCC 16212113 PCC 16212118 PCC 16212200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 16220 PCC 16221030 PCC 16221060 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 16230 PCC 16231110 PCC 16231150 PCC 16231200 PCC 16231900 PCC 16232000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 16240 PCC 16241133 PCC 16241135 PCC 16241200 PCC 16241320 PCC 16241350 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 16290 PCC 16291130 PCC 16291180 PCC 16291200 PCC 16291300 PCC 16291410 PCC 16291420 PCC 16291490 PCC 16292130 PCC 16292150 PCC 16292250 PCC 16292290 PCC 16292320 PCC 16292350 PCC 16292380 PCC 16292400 PCC 16292500 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17110 PCC 17111100 PCC 17111200 PCC 17111300 PCC 17111400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17120 PCC 17121100 PCC 17121200 PCC 17121300 PCC 17121410 PCC 17121435 PCC 17121439 PCC 17121450 PCC 17121470 PCC 17122030 PCC 17122055 PCC 17122057 PCC 17122090 PCC 17123100 PCC 17123200 PCC 17123300 PCC 17123400 PCC 17123520 PCC 17123540 PCC 17124120 PCC 17124140 PCC 17124160 PCC 17124180 PCC 17124220 PCC 17124240 PCC 17124260 PCC 17124280 PCC 17124330 PCC 17124360 PCC 17124400 PCC 17125110 PCC 17125910 PCC 17126000 PCC 17127100 PCC 17127200 PCC 17127335 PCC 17127336 PCC 17127337 PCC 17127360 PCC 17127375 PCC 17127379 PCC 17127400 PCC 17127500 PCC 17127600 PCC 17127710 PCC 17127733 PCC 17127735 PCC 17127755 PCC 17127759 PCC 17127770 PCC 17127780 PCC 17127820 PCC 17127850 PCC 17127953 PCC 17127955 PCC 17127970 PCC 17129901 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17210 PCC 17211100 PCC 17211230 PCC 17211250 PCC 17211300 PCC 17211400 PCC 17211530 PCC 17211550 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17220 PCC 17221120 PCC 17221140 PCC 17221160 PCC 17221180 PCC 17221210 PCC 17221220 PCC 17221230 PCC 17221240 PCC 17221250 PCC 17221290 PCC 17221300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17230 PCC 17231100 PCC 17231230 PCC 17231250 PCC 17231270 PCC 17231313 PCC 17231315 PCC 17231317 PCC 17231319 PCC 17231330 PCC 17231350 PCC 17231370 PCC 17231380 PCC 17231390 PCC 17231400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17240 PCC 17241100 PCC 17241200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 17290 PCC 17291120 PCC 17291140 PCC 17291160 PCC 17291180 PCC 17291200 PCC 17291910 PCC 17291920 PCC 17291930 PCC 17291951 PCC 17291955 PCC 17291957 PCC 17291985 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 18110 PCC 18111000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 18120 PCC 18120001 PCC 18120002 PCC 18120003 PCC 18120004 PCC 18121100 PCC 18121230 PCC 18121250 PCC 18121300 PCC 18121407 PCC 18121414 PCC 18121421 PCC 18121428 PCC 18121435 PCC 18121442 PCC 18121449 PCC 18121456 PCC 18121463 PCC 18121910 PCC 18121920 PCC 18121930 PCC 18121990 PCC 18129999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 18130 PCC 18131000 PCC 18132000 PCC 18133000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 18140 PCC 18141010 PCC 18141030 PCC 18141050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 18200 PCC 18201010 PCC 18201030 PCC 18201050 PCC 18201070 PCC 18202050 PCC 18202070 PCC 18203030 PCC 18203050 PCC 18203070 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 19100 PCC 19103000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20110 PCC 20111120 PCC 20111130 PCC 20111150 PCC 20111160 PCC 20111170 PCC 20111230 PCC 20111250 PCC 20111270 PCC 20111290 PCC 20111300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20120 PCC 20121130 PCC 20121150 PCC 20121200 PCC 20121910 PCC 20121930 PCC 20121950 PCC 20121973 PCC 20121975 PCC 20121990 PCC 20122110 PCC 20122120 PCC 20122130 PCC 20122140 PCC 20122150 PCC 20122160 PCC 20122170 PCC 20122250 PCC 20122270 PCC 20122330 PCC 20122350 PCC 20122415 PCC 20122419 PCC 20122440 PCC 20122450 PCC 20122470 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20130 PCC 20132111 PCC 20132116 PCC 20132120 PCC 20132130 PCC 20132140 PCC 20132150 PCC 20132180 PCC 20132235 PCC 20132237 PCC 20132260 PCC 20132300 PCC 20132413 PCC 20132415 PCC 20132433 PCC 20132434 PCC 20132435 PCC 20132453 PCC 20132455 PCC 20132460 PCC 20132473 PCC 20132475 PCC 20132477 PCC 20132525 PCC 20132527 PCC 20132530 PCC 20132550 PCC 20132560 PCC 20132570 PCC 20132580 PCC 20133110 PCC 20133130 PCC 20133150 PCC 20133170 PCC 20133230 PCC 20133250 PCC 20134110 PCC 20134133 PCC 20134135 PCC 20134151 PCC 20134157 PCC 20134173 PCC 20134175 PCC 20134210 PCC 20134220 PCC 20134230 PCC 20134240 PCC 20134270 PCC 20134280 PCC 20134310 PCC 20134320 PCC 20134340 PCC 20134390 PCC 20135110 PCC 20135125 PCC 20135175 PCC 20135183 PCC 20135185 PCC 20135250 PCC 20135270 PCC 20135275 PCC 20135290 PCC 20136100 PCC 20136220 PCC 20136230 PCC 20136240 PCC 20136270 PCC 20136280 PCC 20136300 PCC 20136450 PCC 20136480 PCC 20136500 PCC 20136600 PCC 20136700 PCC 20136800 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20140 PCC 20141120 PCC 20141130 PCC 20141140 PCC 20141150 PCC 20141160 PCC 20141190 PCC 20141213 PCC 20141215 PCC 20141223 PCC 20141225 PCC 20141243 PCC 20141245 PCC 20141247 PCC 20141250 PCC 20141260 PCC 20141270 PCC 20141290 PCC 20141313 PCC 20141315 PCC 20141323 PCC 20141325 PCC 20141353 PCC 20141357 PCC 20141371 PCC 20141374 PCC 20141379 PCC 20141450 PCC 20141470 PCC 20141490 PCC 20141910 PCC 20141930 PCC 20141950 PCC 20141970 PCC 20142100 PCC 20142210 PCC 20142220 PCC 20142230 PCC 20142240 PCC 20142263 PCC 20142265 PCC 20142270 PCC 20142310 PCC 20142320 PCC 20142333 PCC 20142339 PCC 20142350 PCC 20142360 PCC 20142373 PCC 20142375 PCC 20142410 PCC 20142433 PCC 20142439 PCC 20142450 PCC 20143120 PCC 20143130 PCC 20143150 PCC 20143195 PCC 20143197 PCC 20143215 PCC 20143219 PCC 20143220 PCC 20143235 PCC 20143250 PCC 20143271 PCC 20143277 PCC 20143278 PCC 20143280 PCC 20143310 PCC 20143320 PCC 20143330 PCC 20143340 PCC 20143350 PCC 20143363 PCC 20143365 < PCC 20143367 PCC 20143370 PCC 20143383 PCC 20143385 PCC 20143387 PCC 20143410 PCC 20143420 PCC 20143430 PCC 20143440 PCC 20143473 PCC 20143475 PCC 20144113 PCC 20144119 PCC 20144123 PCC 20144129 PCC 20144130 PCC 20144151 PCC 20144153 PCC 20144159 PCC 20144170 PCC 20144233 PCC 20144235 PCC 20144237 PCC 20144239 PCC 20144290 PCC 20144310 PCC 20144320 PCC 20144330 PCC 20144340 PCC 20144350 PCC 20144360 PCC 20144370 PCC 20144420 PCC 20144430 PCC 20144450 PCC 20144490 PCC 20145133 PCC 20145139 PCC 20145150 PCC 20145210 PCC 20145215 PCC 20145225 PCC 20145230 PCC 20145260 PCC 20145280 PCC 20145290 PCC 20145350 PCC 20145380 PCC 20146111 PCC 20146113 PCC 20146115 PCC 20146119 PCC 20146120 PCC 20146130 PCC 20146135 PCC 20146140 PCC 20146150 PCC 20146160 PCC 20146170 PCC 20146211 PCC 20146213 PCC 20146215 PCC 20146219 PCC 20146231 PCC 20146233 PCC 20146235 PCC 20146239 PCC 20146260 PCC 20146270 PCC 20146310 PCC 20146323 PCC 20146325 PCC 20146333 PCC 20146339 PCC 20146350 PCC 20146360 PCC 20146373 PCC 20146375 PCC 20146379 PCC 20146380 PCC 20146430 PCC 20146450 PCC 20146470 PCC 20147120 PCC 20147130 PCC 20147140 PCC 20147150 PCC 20147170 PCC 20147200 PCC 20147320 PCC 20147340 PCC 20147360 PCC 20147390 PCC 20147400 PCC 20147500 PCC 20149901 PCC 20149902 PCC 20149903 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20150 PCC 20151050 PCC 20151075 PCC 20151077 PCC 20152030 PCC 20152080 PCC 20153130 PCC 20153180 PCC 20153200 PCC 20153300 PCC 20153400 PCC 20153530 PCC 20153580 PCC 20153930 PCC 20153960 PCC 20153990 PCC 20154100 PCC 20154900 PCC 20155100 PCC 20155200 PCC 20155900 PCC 20156000 PCC 20157100 PCC 20157130 PCC 20157180 PCC 20157200 PCC 20157300 PCC 20157400 PCC 20157500 PCC 20157600 PCC 20157930 PCC 20157980 PCC 20158000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20160 PCC 20161035 PCC 20161039 PCC 20161050 PCC 20161070 PCC 20161090 PCC 20162035 PCC 20162039 PCC 20162050 PCC 20162070 PCC 20162090 PCC 20163010 PCC 20163023 PCC 20163025 PCC 20163040 PCC 20163060 PCC 20163090 PCC 20164013 PCC 20164015 PCC 20164020 PCC 20164030 PCC 20164040 PCC 20164050 PCC 20164062 PCC 20164064 PCC 20164070 PCC 20164080 PCC 20164090 PCC 20165130 PCC 20165150 PCC 20165230 PCC 20165250 PCC 20165270 PCC 20165350 PCC 20165390 PCC 20165450 PCC 20165490 PCC 20165550 PCC 20165570 PCC 20165630 PCC 20165650 PCC 20165670 PCC 20165700 PCC 20165920 PCC 20165940 PCC 20165960 PCC 20165970 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20170 PCC 20171050 PCC 20171090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20200 PCC 20201130 PCC 20201140 PCC 20201150 PCC 20201160 PCC 20201190 PCC 20201220 PCC 20201230 PCC 20201240 PCC 20201250 PCC 20201260 PCC 20201270 PCC 20201290 PCC 20201350 PCC 20201370 PCC 20201430 PCC 20201450 PCC 20201490 PCC 20201515 PCC 20201530 PCC 20201545 PCC 20201560 PCC 20201575 PCC 20201590 PCC 20201930 PCC 20201980 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20300 PCC 20301150 PCC 20301170 PCC 20301225 PCC 20301229 PCC 20301230 PCC 20301250 PCC 20301270 PCC 20301290 PCC 20302130 PCC 20302150 PCC 20302170 PCC 20302213 PCC 20302215 PCC 20302220 PCC 20302230 PCC 20302240 PCC 20302253 PCC 20302255 PCC 20302260 PCC 20302273 PCC 20302279 PCC 20302350 PCC 20302370 PCC 20302450 PCC 20302470 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20410 PCC 20411000 PCC 20412020 PCC 20412030 PCC 20412050 PCC 20412090 PCC 20413120 PCC 20413150 PCC 20413180 PCC 20413240 PCC 20413250 PCC 20413260 PCC 20413270 PCC 20414100 PCC 20414270 PCC 20414280 PCC 20414330 PCC 20414350 PCC 20414370 PCC 20414383 PCC 20414389 PCC 20414400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20420 PCC 20421150 PCC 20421170 PCC 20421250 PCC 20421270 PCC 20421300 PCC 20421400 PCC 20421500 PCC 20421630 PCC 20421650 PCC 20421670 PCC 20421700 PCC 20421850 PCC 20421890 PCC 20421915 PCC 20421930 PCC 20421945 PCC 20421960 PCC 20421975 PCC 20421990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20510 PCC 20511130 PCC 20511150 PCC 20511250 PCC 20511270 PCC 20511300 PCC 20511400 PCC 20512000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20520 PCC 20521020 PCC 20521040 PCC 20521060 PCC 20521080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20530 PCC 20531020 PCC 20531030 PCC 20531050 PCC 20531075 PCC 20531079 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20590 PCC 20591130 PCC 20591150 PCC 20591170 PCC 20591200 PCC 20592000 PCC 20593000 PCC 20594155 PCC 20594157 PCC 20594175 PCC 20594179 PCC 20594250 PCC 20594270 PCC 20594290 PCC 20594330 PCC 20594350 PCC 20595100 PCC 20595210 PCC 20595230 PCC 20595250 PCC 20595270 PCC 20595300 PCC 20595400 PCC 20595550 PCC 20595570 PCC 20595580 PCC 20595590 PCC 20595620 PCC 20595630 PCC 20595640 PCC 20595650 PCC 20595660 PCC 20595670 PCC 20595720 PCC 20595730 PCC 20595740 PCC 20595750 PCC 20595770 PCC 20595910 PCC 20595920 PCC 20595930 PCC 20595940 PCC 20595953 PCC 20595957 PCC 20595963 PCC 20595965 PCC 20595967 PCC 20595971 PCC 20595975 PCC 20595990 PCC 20595993 PCC 20595997 PCC 20596020 PCC 20596050 PCC 20596080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 20600 PCC 20601110 PCC 20601120 PCC 20601130 PCC 20601140 PCC 20601150 PCC 20601190 PCC 20601220 PCC 20601240 PCC 20601260 PCC 20601310 PCC 20601320 PCC 20601330 PCC 20601340 PCC 20601350 PCC 20601390 PCC 20601420 PCC 20601440 PCC 20602120 PCC 20602140 PCC 20602190 PCC 20602200 PCC 20602320 PCC 20602340 PCC 20602390 PCC 20602400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 21100 PCC 21101030 PCC 21101050 PCC 21101070 PCC 21102010 PCC 21102020 PCC 21102040 PCC 21102060 PCC 21102070 PCC 21103110 PCC 21103117 PCC 21103119 PCC 21103130 PCC 21103140 PCC 21103155 PCC 21103159 PCC 21103170 PCC 21103180 PCC 21103200 PCC 21104000 PCC 21105100 PCC 21105200 PCC 21105300 PCC 21105400 PCC 21106020 PCC 21106040 PCC 21106050 PCC 21106055 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 21200 PCC 21201130 PCC 21201150 PCC 21201160 PCC 21201180 PCC 21201230 PCC 21201250 PCC 21201260 PCC 21201270 PCC 21201310 PCC 21201320 PCC 21201340 PCC 21201360 PCC 21201380 PCC 21202120 PCC 21202125 PCC 21202140 PCC 21202145 PCC 21202160 PCC 21202200 PCC 21202320 PCC 21202340 PCC 21202420 PCC 21202430 PCC 21202440 PCC 21202460 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 22110 PCC 22111100 PCC 22111200 PCC 22111355 PCC 22111357 PCC 22111370 PCC 22111400 PCC 22111530 PCC 22111550 PCC 22111570 PCC 22111600 PCC 22112030 PCC 22112050 PCC 22112090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 22190 PCC 22191000 PCC 22192013 PCC 22192019 PCC 22192030 PCC 22192050 PCC 22192070 PCC 22192083 PCC 22192085 PCC 22192087 PCC 22193030 PCC 22193055 PCC 22193057 PCC 22193059 PCC 22193070 PCC 22194030 PCC 22194050 PCC 22194070 PCC 22194090 PCC 22195050 PCC 22195070 PCC 22196000 PCC 22197120 PCC 22197130 PCC 22197200 PCC 22197310 PCC 22197321 < PCC 22197323 PCC 22197330 PCC 22197345 PCC 22197347 PCC 22197349 PCC 22197350 PCC 22197365 PCC 22197379 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 22210 PCC 22211050 PCC 22211070 PCC 22211090 PCC 22212130 PCC 22212153 PCC 22212155 PCC 22212157 PCC 22212170 PCC 22212920 PCC 22212935 PCC 22212937 PCC 22212950 PCC 22212970 PCC 22213010 PCC 22213017 PCC 22213021 PCC 22213023 PCC 22213026 PCC 22213030 PCC 22213035 PCC 22213036 PCC 22213037 PCC 22213038 PCC 22213053 PCC 22213059 PCC 22213061 PCC 22213063 PCC 22213065 PCC 22213067 PCC 22213069 PCC 22213070 PCC 22213082 PCC 22213086 PCC 22213090 PCC 22214120 PCC 22214130 PCC 22214150 PCC 22214170 PCC 22214180 PCC 22214230 PCC 22214250 PCC 22214275 PCC 22214279 PCC 22214280 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 22220 PCC 22221100 PCC 22221200 PCC 22221300 PCC 22221450 PCC 22221470 PCC 22221910 PCC 22221920 PCC 22221930 PCC 22221950 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 22230 PCC 22231155 PCC 22231159 PCC 22231190 PCC 22231250 PCC 22231270 PCC 22231290 PCC 22231300 PCC 22231450 PCC 22231470 PCC 22231500 PCC 22231950 PCC 22231990 PCC 22232000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 22290 PCC 22291000 PCC 22292130 PCC 22292140 PCC 22292240 PCC 22292320 PCC 22292340 PCC 22292400 PCC 22292500 PCC 22292610 PCC 22292620 PCC 22292630 PCC 22292910 PCC 22292915 PCC 22292920 PCC 22292950 PCC 22292990 PCC 22299110 PCC 22299125 PCC 22299127 PCC 22299130 PCC 22299140 PCC 22299150 PCC 22299160 PCC 22299180 PCC 22299193 PCC 22299197 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23110 PCC 23111110 PCC 23111130 PCC 23111150 PCC 23111212 PCC 23111214 PCC 23111217 PCC 23111230 PCC 23111290 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23120 PCC 23121150 PCC 23121190 PCC 23121210 PCC 23121230 PCC 23121250 PCC 23121270 PCC 23121330 PCC 23121350 PCC 23121390 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23130 PCC 23131110 PCC 23131120 PCC 23131130 PCC 23131140 PCC 23131150 PCC 23131160 PCC 23131170 PCC 23131180 PCC 23131220 PCC 23131240 PCC 23131260 PCC 23131290 PCC 23131310 PCC 23131330 PCC 23131350 PCC 23131360 PCC 23131390 PCC 23131400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23140 PCC 23141110 PCC 23141130 PCC 23141150 PCC 23141162 PCC 23141167 PCC 23141170 PCC 23141210 PCC 23141217 PCC 23141230 PCC 23141237 PCC 23141250 PCC 23141293 PCC 23141295 PCC 23141297 PCC 23141299 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23190 PCC 23191110 PCC 23191130 PCC 23191150 PCC 23191200 PCC 23192100 PCC 23192200 PCC 23192330 PCC 23192350 PCC 23192400 PCC 23192500 PCC 23192640 PCC 23192670 PCC 23192690 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23200 PCC 23201100 PCC 23201210 PCC 23201233 PCC 23201235 PCC 23201237 PCC 23201290 PCC 23201300 PCC 23201410 PCC 23201430 PCC 23201455 PCC 23201459 PCC 23201490 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23310 PCC 23311010 PCC 23311020 PCC 23311030 PCC 23311050 PCC 23311053 PCC 23311057 PCC 23311071 PCC 23311073 PCC 23311075 PCC 23311079 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23320 PCC 23321110 PCC 23321130 PCC 23321250 PCC 23321270 PCC 23321300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23410 PCC 23411130 PCC 23411150 PCC 23411210 PCC 23411230 PCC 23411250 PCC 23411290 PCC 23411330 PCC 23411350 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23420 PCC 23421030 PCC 23421050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23430 PCC 23431030 PCC 23431033 PCC 23431035 PCC 23431039 PCC 23431050 PCC 23431053 PCC 23431055 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23440 PCC 23441100 PCC 23441210 PCC 23441230 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23490 PCC 23491100 PCC 23491230 PCC 23491250 PCC 23491255 PCC 23491259 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23510 PCC 23511100 PCC 23511210 PCC 23511290 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23520 PCC 23521033 PCC 23521035 PCC 23521050 PCC 23522000 PCC 23523030 PCC 23523050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23610 PCC 23611130 PCC 23611150 PCC 23611200 PCC 23612000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23620 PCC 23621050 PCC 23621090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23630 PCC 23631000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23640 PCC 23641000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23650 PCC 23651100 PCC 23651220 PCC 23651240 PCC 23651260 PCC 23651270 PCC 23651280 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23690 PCC 23691100 PCC 23691930 PCC 23691980 PCC 23699901 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23700 PCC 23701100 PCC 23701210 PCC 23701230 PCC 23701260 PCC 23701270 PCC 23701280 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23910 PCC 23911110 PCC 23911120 PCC 23911130 PCC 23911140 PCC 23911150 PCC 23911190 PCC 23911230 PCC 23911250 PCC 23911290 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 23990 PCC 23991100 PCC 23991253 PCC 23991255 PCC 23991259 PCC 23991290 PCC 23991310 PCC 23991320 PCC 23991400 PCC 23991500 PCC 23991910 PCC 23991920 PCC 23991930 PCC 23991950 PCC 23991970 PCC 23991980 PCC 23991990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24100 PCC 24101100 PCC 24101215 PCC 24101230 PCC 24101245 PCC 24101260 PCC 24101275 PCC 24101290 PCC 24101300 PCC 24101410 PCC 24101420 PCC 24102110 PCC 24102121 PCC 24102122 PCC 24102210 PCC 24102221 PCC 24102222 PCC 24102310 PCC 24102321 PCC 24102322 PCC 24103110 PCC 24103130 PCC 24103150 PCC 24103210 PCC 24103230 PCC 24103310 PCC 24103320 PCC 24103330 PCC 24103340 PCC 24103410 PCC 24103420 PCC 24103510 PCC 24103520 PCC 24103530 PCC 24103540 PCC 24103550 PCC 24103600 PCC 24104110 PCC 24104130 PCC 24104150 PCC 24104200 PCC 24104300 PCC 24105110 PCC 24105120 PCC 24105130 PCC 24105140 PCC 24105150 PCC 24105210 PCC 24105230 PCC 24105310 PCC 24105330 PCC 24105410 PCC 24105430 PCC 24105500 PCC 24106110 PCC 24106120 PCC 24106130 PCC 24106140 PCC 24106190 PCC 24106210 PCC 24106230 PCC 24106250 PCC 24106300 PCC 24106410 PCC 24106430 PCC 24106450 PCC 24106470 PCC 24106510 PCC 24106530 PCC 24106550 PCC 24106570 PCC 24106610 PCC 24106620 PCC 24106630 PCC 24106640 PCC 24106650 PCC 24106660 PCC 24106700 PCC 24107110 PCC 24107120 PCC 24107130 PCC 24107140 PCC 24107200 PCC 24107300 PCC 24107410 PCC 24107420 PCC 24107500 PCC 24109901 PCC 24109902 PCC 24109903 PCC 24109904 PCC 24109905 PCC 24109906 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24200 PCC 24201110 PCC 24201150 PCC 24201210 PCC 24201250 PCC 24201310 PCC 24201330 PCC 24201350 PCC 24201370 PCC 24201400 PCC 24202110 PCC 24202150 PCC 24202200 PCC 24202300 PCC 24202400 PCC 24203110 PCC 24203150 PCC 24203210 PCC 24203250 PCC 24203310 PCC 24203340 PCC 24203370 PCC 24203410 PCC 24203430 PCC 24203450 PCC 24203470 PCC 24203500 PCC 24204010 PCC 24204030 PCC 24204050 PCC 24204073 PCC 24204075 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24310 PCC 24311010 PCC 24311< 020 PCC 24311030 PCC 24311040 PCC 24311050 PCC 24311060 PCC 24312010 PCC 24312020 PCC 24312030 PCC 24312040 PCC 24312050 PCC 24313000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24320 PCC 24321011 PCC 24321012 PCC 24321014 PCC 24321016 PCC 24321018 PCC 24321022 PCC 24321025 PCC 24321028 PCC 24321030 PCC 24321040 PCC 24321050 PCC 24322010 PCC 24322020 PCC 24322030 PCC 24322040 PCC 24322050 PCC 24322060 PCC 24329901 PCC 24329902 PCC 24329903 PCC 24329904 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24330 PCC 24331110 PCC 24331130 PCC 24331150 PCC 24331200 PCC 24332000 PCC 24333000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24340 PCC 24341130 PCC 24341150 PCC 24341170 PCC 24341200 PCC 24341300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24410 PCC 24411030 PCC 24411050 PCC 24412030 PCC 24412050 PCC 24412070 PCC 24413030 PCC 24413050 PCC 24413070 PCC 24414000 PCC 24415030 PCC 24415050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24420 PCC 24421130 PCC 24421153 PCC 24421154 PCC 24421155 PCC 24421200 PCC 24422100 PCC 24422230 PCC 24422250 PCC 24422330 PCC 24422350 PCC 24422430 PCC 24422450 PCC 24422500 PCC 24422630 PCC 24422650 PCC 24422670 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24430 PCC 24431130 PCC 24431150 PCC 24431190 PCC 24431230 PCC 24431250 PCC 24431330 PCC 24431350 PCC 24432100 PCC 24432200 PCC 24432300 PCC 24432400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24440 PCC 24441100 PCC 24441200 PCC 24441330 PCC 24441370 PCC 24442100 PCC 24442200 PCC 24442330 PCC 24442350 PCC 24442370 PCC 24442400 PCC 24442500 PCC 24442630 PCC 24442650 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24450 PCC 24451100 PCC 24451200 PCC 24452100 PCC 24452200 PCC 24452300 PCC 24452400 PCC 24453013 PCC 24453017 PCC 24453023 PCC 24453025 PCC 24453027 PCC 24453030 PCC 24453043 PCC 24453047 PCC 24453055 PCC 24453057 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24510 PCC 24511110 PCC 24511190 PCC 24511210 PCC 24511220 PCC 24511240 PCC 24511250 PCC 24511290 PCC 24511310 PCC 24511320 PCC 24511340 PCC 24511350 PCC 24511390 PCC 24512000 PCC 24513030 PCC 24513050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24520 PCC 24521010 PCC 24521030 PCC 24521040 PCC 24521050 PCC 24521090 PCC 24523000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24530 PCC 24531010 PCC 24531020 PCC 24531040 PCC 24531050 PCC 24531090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 24540 PCC 24541010 PCC 24541020 PCC 24541040 PCC 24541050 PCC 24541090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25110 PCC 25111030 PCC 25111050 PCC 25112100 PCC 25112200 PCC 25112310 PCC 25112330 PCC 25112350 PCC 25112355 PCC 25112360 PCC 25112370 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25120 PCC 25121030 PCC 25121050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25210 PCC 25211100 PCC 25211200 PCC 25211300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25290 PCC 25291110 PCC 25291120 PCC 25291130 PCC 25291150 PCC 25291170 PCC 25291200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25300 PCC 25301110 PCC 25301150 PCC 25301170 PCC 25301230 PCC 25301250 PCC 25301330 PCC 25301350 PCC 25302100 PCC 25302200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25400 PCC 25401230 PCC 25401250 PCC 25401270 PCC 25401290 PCC 25401300 PCC 25401400 PCC 25408999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25500 PCC 25501134 PCC 25501137 PCC 25501151 PCC 25501152 PCC 25501153 PCC 25501154 PCC 25501156 PCC 25501157 PCC 25501158 PCC 25501210 PCC 25501220 PCC 25501230 PCC 25501240 PCC 25501250 PCC 25501260 PCC 25501270 PCC 25501280 PCC 25501290 PCC 25501310 PCC 25501320 PCC 25501330 PCC 25501340 PCC 25501350 PCC 25501370 PCC 25502020 PCC 25502080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25610 PCC 25611130 PCC 25611150 PCC 25611170 PCC 25611190 PCC 25611230 PCC 25611250 PCC 25612100 PCC 25612230 PCC 25612250 PCC 25612270 PCC 25612290 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25620 PCC 25621001 PCC 25621003 PCC 25621005 PCC 25621007 PCC 25621009 PCC 25621011 PCC 25621013 PCC 25622000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25710 PCC 25711115 PCC 25711120 PCC 25711130 PCC 25711145 PCC 25711160 PCC 25711175 PCC 25711190 PCC 25711230 PCC 25711280 PCC 25711330 PCC 25711350 PCC 25711370 PCC 25711430 PCC 25711480 PCC 25711500 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25720 PCC 25721130 PCC 25721150 PCC 25721170 PCC 25721230 PCC 25721250 PCC 25721270 PCC 25721330 PCC 25721350 PCC 25721370 PCC 25721410 PCC 25721420 PCC 25721430 PCC 25721440 PCC 25721450 PCC 25721460 PCC 25721470 PCC 25721480 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25730 PCC 25731010 PCC 25731020 PCC 25731030 PCC 25731040 PCC 25731050 PCC 25731055 PCC 25731060 PCC 25731070 PCC 25732010 PCC 25732020 PCC 25732030 PCC 25732050 PCC 25732093 PCC 25732095 PCC 25732097 PCC 25732099 PCC 25733013 PCC 25733015 PCC 25733016 PCC 25733017 PCC 25733023 PCC 25733025 PCC 25733033 PCC 25733035 PCC 25733037 PCC 25733053 PCC 25733055 PCC 25733057 PCC 25733063 PCC 25733065 PCC 25733073 PCC 25733077 PCC 25733083 PCC 25733085 PCC 25733087 PCC 25734014 PCC 25734016 PCC 25734019 PCC 25734023 PCC 25734025 PCC 25734027 PCC 25734031 PCC 25734033 PCC 25734035 PCC 25734037 PCC 25734044 PCC 25734045 PCC 25734048 PCC 25734050 PCC 25734061 PCC 25734065 PCC 25734066 PCC 25734067 PCC 25734069 PCC 25734071 PCC 25734074 PCC 25734079 PCC 25734081 PCC 25734083 PCC 25734085 PCC 25734087 PCC 25734089 PCC 25735013 PCC 25735015 PCC 25735020 PCC 25735030 PCC 25735050 PCC 25735060 PCC 25735070 PCC 25735080 PCC 25736013 PCC 25736018 PCC 25736023 PCC 25736024 PCC 25736033 PCC 25736039 PCC 25736043 PCC 25736045 PCC 25736050 PCC 25736053 PCC 25736055 PCC 25736063 PCC 25736065 PCC 25736067 PCC 25736090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25910 PCC 25911100 PCC 25911200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25920 PCC 25921133 PCC 25921135 PCC 25921150 PCC 25921210 PCC 25921230 PCC 25921240 PCC 25921250 PCC 25921260 PCC 25921280 PCC 25921330 PCC 25921350 PCC 25921370 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25930 PCC 25931130 PCC 25931150 PCC 25931230 PCC 25931250 PCC 25931270 PCC 25931313 PCC 25931315 PCC 25931320 PCC 25931330 PCC 25931343 PCC 25931345 PCC 25931350 PCC 25931360 PCC 25931400 PCC 25931410 PCC 25931480 PCC 25931510 PCC 25931530 PCC 25931550 PCC 25931570 PCC 25931613 PCC 25931615 PCC 25931617 PCC 25931631 PCC 25931633 PCC 25931635 PCC 25931637 PCC 25931653 PCC 25931655 PCC 25931660 PCC 25931680 PCC 25931710 PCC 25931723 PCC 25931724 PCC 25931725 PCC 25931730 PCC 25931750 PCC 25931770 PCC 25931780 PCC 25931800 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25940 PCC 25941113 PCC 25941115 PCC 25941117 PCC 25941123 PCC 25941125 PCC 25941127 PCC 25941129 PCC 25941131 PCC 25941133 PCC 25941135 PCC 25941139 PCC 25941153 PCC 25941157 PCC 25941173 PCC 25941175 < PCC 25941183 PCC 25941185 PCC 25941187 PCC 25941190 PCC 25941210 PCC 25941230 PCC 25941250 PCC 25941270 PCC 25941310 PCC 25941340 PCC 25941370 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 25990 PCC 25991110 PCC 25991127 PCC 25991131 PCC 25991135 PCC 25991137 PCC 25991217 PCC 25991223 PCC 25991225 PCC 25991229 PCC 25991237 PCC 25991243 PCC 25991245 PCC 25991249 PCC 25991253 PCC 25991255 PCC 25991257 PCC 25991270 PCC 25991280 PCC 25992120 PCC 25992130 PCC 25992150 PCC 25992170 PCC 25992200 PCC 25992330 PCC 25992350 PCC 25992370 PCC 25992400 PCC 25992530 PCC 25992550 PCC 25992570 PCC 25992600 PCC 25992910 PCC 25992911 PCC 25992913 PCC 25992919 PCC 25992922 PCC 25992925 PCC 25992927 PCC 25992928 PCC 25992929 PCC 25992931 PCC 25992933 PCC 25992935 PCC 25992937 PCC 25992941 PCC 25992945 PCC 25992949 PCC 25992955 PCC 25992958 PCC 25992960 PCC 25992963 PCC 25992967 PCC 25992971 PCC 25992972 PCC 25992973 PCC 25992974 PCC 25992975 PCC 25992976 PCC 25992977 PCC 25992979 PCC 25992982 PCC 25992983 PCC 25992985 PCC 25992987 PCC 25992995 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26110 PCC 26111100 PCC 26111200 PCC 26112120 PCC 26112150 PCC 26112180 PCC 26112220 PCC 26112240 PCC 26112260 PCC 26112280 PCC 26113003 PCC 26113006 PCC 26113023 PCC 26113027 PCC 26113034 PCC 26113054 PCC 26113065 PCC 26113067 PCC 26113080 PCC 26113091 PCC 26113094 PCC 26114010 PCC 26114040 PCC 26114070 PCC 26114090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26120 PCC 26121020 PCC 26121050 PCC 26121080 PCC 26122000 PCC 26123000 PCC 26129999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26200 PCC 26201100 PCC 26201200 PCC 26201300 PCC 26201400 PCC 26201500 PCC 26201640 PCC 26201650 PCC 26201660 PCC 26201700 PCC 26201800 PCC 26202100 PCC 26202200 PCC 26203000 PCC 26204000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26300 PCC 26301100 PCC 26301200 PCC 26301300 PCC 26302100 PCC 26302200 PCC 26302310 PCC 26302320 PCC 26302330 PCC 26302340 PCC 26302370 PCC 26303000 PCC 26304010 PCC 26304035 PCC 26304039 PCC 26304040 PCC 26304050 PCC 26304060 PCC 26304070 PCC 26305020 PCC 26305080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26400 PCC 26401100 PCC 26401250 PCC 26401270 PCC 26401290 PCC 26402020 PCC 26402040 PCC 26402090 PCC 26403100 PCC 26403200 PCC 26403300 PCC 26403420 PCC 26403440 PCC 26403460 PCC 26403480 PCC 26404100 PCC 26404235 PCC 26404237 PCC 26404239 PCC 26404270 PCC 26404355 PCC 26404359 PCC 26404370 PCC 26404400 PCC 26405150 PCC 26405170 PCC 26405180 PCC 26405200 PCC 26406000 PCC 26406050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26510 PCC 26511120 PCC 26511150 PCC 26511180 PCC 26511215 PCC 26511235 PCC 26511239 PCC 26511270 PCC 26512020 PCC 26512050 PCC 26512080 PCC 26513100 PCC 26513200 PCC 26513300 PCC 26513310 PCC 26513330 PCC 26514100 PCC 26514200 PCC 26514310 PCC 26514330 PCC 26514355 PCC 26514359 PCC 26514400 PCC 26514520 PCC 26514530 PCC 26514555 PCC 26514559 PCC 26515110 PCC 26515135 PCC 26515139 PCC 26515150 PCC 26515175 PCC 26515179 PCC 26515235 PCC 26515239 PCC 26515255 PCC 26515259 PCC 26515271 PCC 26515274 PCC 26515279 PCC 26515283 PCC 26515289 PCC 26515313 PCC 26515319 PCC 26515320 PCC 26515330 PCC 26515350 PCC 26515381 PCC 26515383 PCC 26515390 PCC 26516100 PCC 26516210 PCC 26516230 PCC 26516255 PCC 26516259 PCC 26516330 PCC 26516350 PCC 26516370 PCC 26516430 PCC 26516453 PCC 26516455 PCC 26516470 PCC 26516500 PCC 26516620 PCC 26516630 PCC 26516650 PCC 26516670 PCC 26516683 PCC 26516689 PCC 26517015 PCC 26517019 PCC 26517030 PCC 26517090 PCC 26518100 PCC 26518200 PCC 26518300 PCC 26518433 PCC 26518435 PCC 26518450 PCC 26518520 PCC 26518550 PCC 26518600 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26520 PCC 26521100 PCC 26521200 PCC 26521300 PCC 26521400 PCC 26522100 PCC 26522200 PCC 26522300 PCC 26522400 PCC 26522500 PCC 26522600 PCC 26522700 PCC 26522810 PCC 26522830 PCC 26522840 PCC 26522850 PCC 26522870 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26600 PCC 26601115 PCC 26601119 PCC 26601130 PCC 26601150 PCC 26601170 PCC 26601230 PCC 26601280 PCC 26601300 PCC 26601433 PCC 26601439 PCC 26601450 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26700 PCC 26701100 PCC 26701250 PCC 26701300 PCC 26701400 PCC 26701500 PCC 26701530 PCC 26701550 PCC 26701600 PCC 26701700 PCC 26701800 PCC 26701900 PCC 26702153 PCC 26702155 PCC 26702170 PCC 26702180 PCC 26702230 PCC 26702250 PCC 26702270 PCC 26702310 PCC 26702330 PCC 26702390 PCC 26702410 PCC 26702430 PCC 26702500 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 26800 PCC 26801100 PCC 26801200 PCC 26801300 PCC 26801400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27110 PCC 27111010 PCC 27111030 PCC 27111050 PCC 27111053 PCC 27111055 PCC 27111070 PCC 27111090 PCC 27112100 PCC 27112230 PCC 27112250 PCC 27112300 PCC 27112403 PCC 27112405 PCC 27112407 PCC 27112530 PCC 27112540 PCC 27112560 PCC 27112590 PCC 27112610 PCC 27112630 PCC 27112650 PCC 27112670 PCC 27113110 PCC 27113130 PCC 27113150 PCC 27113170 PCC 27113233 PCC 27113235 PCC 27113250 PCC 27113270 PCC 27114120 PCC 27114150 PCC 27114180 PCC 27114220 PCC 27114240 PCC 27114260 PCC 27114330 PCC 27114380 PCC 27115013 PCC 27115015 PCC 27115023 PCC 27115030 PCC 27115033 PCC 27115035 PCC 27115040 PCC 27115053 PCC 27115055 PCC 27115070 PCC 27115080 PCC 27116100 PCC 27116203 PCC 27116205 PCC 27116207 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27120 PCC 27121010 PCC 27121020 PCC 27121030 PCC 27121040 PCC 27121090 PCC 27122130 PCC 27122150 PCC 27122170 PCC 27122230 PCC 27122250 PCC 27122330 PCC 27122350 PCC 27122370 PCC 27122433 PCC 27122435 PCC 27122450 PCC 27123130 PCC 27123150 PCC 27123170 PCC 27123203 PCC 27123205 PCC 27124030 PCC 27124090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27200 PCC 27201100 PCC 27201200 PCC 27202100 PCC 27202200 PCC 27202210 PCC 27202250 PCC 27202300 PCC 27202400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27310 PCC 27311100 PCC 27311200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27320 PCC 27321100 PCC 27321130 PCC 27321150 PCC 27321200 PCC 27321340 PCC 27321380 PCC 27321400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27330 PCC 27331100 PCC 27331200 PCC 27331310 PCC 27331330 PCC 27331350 PCC 27331360 PCC 27331370 PCC 27331380 PCC 27331410 PCC 27331430 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27400 PCC 27401100 PCC 27401250 PCC 27401293 PCC 27401295 PCC 27401300 PCC 27401460 PCC 27401490 PCC 27401510 PCC 27401530 PCC 27401550 PCC 27401570 PCC 27402100 PCC 27402200 PCC 27402300 PCC 27402400 PCC 27402500 PCC 27403100 PCC 27403200 PCC 27403300 PCC 27403910 PCC 27403930 PCC 27404100 PCC 27404230 PCC 27404250 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27510 PCC 27511110 PCC 27511133 PCC 27511135 PCC 27511150 PCC 27511170 PCC 27511200 PCC 27511300 PCC 27511400 PCC 27511530 PCC 27511580 PCC 27512< 123 PCC 27512125 PCC 27512170 PCC 27512190 PCC 27512200 PCC 27512310 PCC 27512313 PCC 27512315 PCC 27512330 PCC 27512350 PCC 27512370 PCC 27512410 PCC 27512430 PCC 27512450 PCC 27512490 PCC 27512530 PCC 27512550 PCC 27512560 PCC 27512570 PCC 27512630 PCC 27512650 PCC 27512690 PCC 27512700 PCC 27512810 PCC 27512830 PCC 27512833 PCC 27512835 PCC 27512850 PCC 27512870 PCC 27512890 PCC 27512900 PCC 27513010 PCC 27513030 PCC 27513050 PCC 27513070 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27520 PCC 27521113 PCC 27521115 PCC 27521190 PCC 27521233 PCC 27521234 PCC 27521235 PCC 27521250 PCC 27521270 PCC 27521300 PCC 27521400 PCC 27522000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 27900 PCC 27901150 PCC 27901230 PCC 27901280 PCC 27901330 PCC 27901350 PCC 27901370 PCC 27901390 PCC 27902020 PCC 27902050 PCC 27902080 PCC 27903109 PCC 27903118 PCC 27903145 PCC 27903154 PCC 27903163 PCC 27903172 PCC 27903181 PCC 27903191 PCC 27903200 PCC 27903330 PCC 27903350 PCC 27903370 PCC 27903390 PCC 27904010 PCC 27904030 PCC 27904050 PCC 27904060 PCC 27904070 PCC 27905100 PCC 27905220 PCC 27905240 PCC 27905300 PCC 27906035 PCC 27906037 PCC 27906055 PCC 27906057 PCC 27906080 PCC 27907010 PCC 27907030 PCC 27908100 PCC 27908200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28110 PCC 28111100 PCC 28111200 PCC 28111311 PCC 28111315 PCC 28111319 PCC 28111320 PCC 28111331 PCC 28111333 PCC 28111335 PCC 28111337 PCC 28111353 PCC 28111355 PCC 28111357 PCC 28111373 PCC 28111375 PCC 28112160 PCC 28112200 PCC 28112300 PCC 28112400 PCC 28113100 PCC 28113200 PCC 28113300 PCC 28114100 PCC 28114200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28120 PCC 28120001 PCC 28120002 PCC 28121130 PCC 28121180 PCC 28121200 PCC 28121320 PCC 28121350 PCC 28121380 PCC 28121420 PCC 28121450 PCC 28121480 PCC 28121530 PCC 28121580 PCC 28121630 PCC 28121680 PCC 28122000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28130 PCC 28130001 PCC 28130002 PCC 28130003 PCC 28130004 PCC 28131105 PCC 28131125 PCC 28131145 PCC 28131165 PCC 28131185 PCC 28131220 PCC 28131250 PCC 28131280 PCC 28131320 PCC 28131340 PCC 28131360 PCC 28131380 PCC 28131413 PCC 28131415 PCC 28131417 PCC 28131420 PCC 28131430 PCC 28131451 PCC 28131453 PCC 28131455 PCC 28131460 PCC 28131471 PCC 28131475 PCC 28131480 PCC 28132170 PCC 28132190 PCC 28132200 PCC 28132300 PCC 28132400 PCC 28132530 PCC 28132550 PCC 28132630 PCC 28132650 PCC 28132670 PCC 28132690 PCC 28132730 PCC 28132753 PCC 28132755 PCC 28132800 PCC 28132881 PCC 28132882 PCC 28132883 PCC 28132884 PCC 28132889 PCC 28133100 PCC 28133200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28140 PCC 28141120 PCC 28141140 PCC 28141160 PCC 28141170 PCC 28141180 PCC 28141233 PCC 28141235 PCC 28141253 PCC 28141255 PCC 28141313 PCC 28141315 PCC 28141333 PCC 28141335 PCC 28141337 PCC 28141353 PCC 28141355 PCC 28141357 PCC 28141373 PCC 28141375 PCC 28141377 PCC 28141380 PCC 28142000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28150 PCC 28151030 PCC 28151053 PCC 28151055 PCC 28151057 PCC 28151070 PCC 28151090 PCC 28152130 PCC 28152150 PCC 28152170 PCC 28152230 PCC 28152250 PCC 28152270 PCC 28152330 PCC 28152350 PCC 28152432 PCC 28152433 PCC 28152434 PCC 28152440 PCC 28152450 PCC 28152473 PCC 28152475 PCC 28152500 PCC 28152600 PCC 28153130 PCC 28153150 PCC 28153200 PCC 28153930 PCC 28153950 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28210 PCC 28211130 PCC 28211150 PCC 28211170 PCC 28211230 PCC 28211270 PCC 28211330 PCC 28211351 PCC 28211353 PCC 28211354 PCC 28211355 PCC 28211357 PCC 28211430 PCC 28211450 PCC 28211470 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28220 PCC 28221130 PCC 28221170 PCC 28221200 PCC 28221260 PCC 28221330 PCC 28221350 PCC 28221370 PCC 28221420 PCC 28221433 PCC 28221435 PCC 28221440 PCC 28221450 PCC 28221460 PCC 28221470 PCC 28221513 PCC 28221515 PCC 28221530 PCC 28221550 PCC 28221570 PCC 28221630 PCC 28221650 PCC 28221670 PCC 28221740 PCC 28221750 PCC 28221770 PCC 28221793 PCC 28221795 PCC 28221820 PCC 28221840 PCC 28221850 PCC 28221930 PCC 28221950 PCC 28221970 PCC 28222000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28230 PCC 28231100 PCC 28231200 PCC 28231300 PCC 28232100 PCC 28232200 PCC 28232300 PCC 28232400 PCC 28232500 PCC 28232600 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28240 PCC 28241113 PCC 28241115 PCC 28241117 PCC 28241120 PCC 28241123 PCC 28241125 PCC 28241127 PCC 28241133 PCC 28241135 PCC 28241150 PCC 28241180 PCC 28241185 PCC 28241190 PCC 28241240 PCC 28241260 PCC 28241280 PCC 28242100 PCC 28242250 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28250 PCC 28251130 PCC 28251150 PCC 28251220 PCC 28251240 PCC 28251250 PCC 28251270 PCC 28251333 PCC 28251335 PCC 28251360 PCC 28251380 PCC 28251390 PCC 28251410 PCC 28251430 PCC 28251440 PCC 28252030 PCC 28252050 PCC 28252070 PCC 28253010 PCC 28253030 PCC 28253050 PCC 28253070 PCC 28253080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28290 PCC 28291100 PCC 28291230 PCC 28291250 PCC 28291270 PCC 28291330 PCC 28291350 PCC 28292120 PCC 28292150 PCC 28292180 PCC 28292210 PCC 28292220 PCC 28292230 PCC 28292240 PCC 28292300 PCC 28293130 PCC 28293180 PCC 28293200 PCC 28293910 PCC 28293930 PCC 28293950 PCC 28293960 PCC 28293975 PCC 28293979 PCC 28294100 PCC 28294200 PCC 28294330 PCC 28294350 PCC 28295000 PCC 28296030 PCC 28296050 PCC 28296090 PCC 28297020 PCC 28297090 PCC 28298100 PCC 28298220 PCC 28298250 PCC 28298313 PCC 28298315 PCC 28298320 PCC 28298340 PCC 28298350 PCC 28298400 PCC 28298510 PCC 28298520 PCC 28298600 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28300 PCC 28301000 PCC 28302100 PCC 28302200 PCC 28302330 PCC 28302350 PCC 28302370 PCC 28302390 PCC 28303140 PCC 28303210 PCC 28303220 PCC 28303230 PCC 28303250 PCC 28303270 PCC 28303333 PCC 28303335 PCC 28303350 PCC 28303430 PCC 28303450 PCC 28303900 PCC 28304010 PCC 28304030 PCC 28304050 PCC 28304070 PCC 28305130 PCC 28305150 PCC 28305170 PCC 28305200 PCC 28305340 PCC 28305420 PCC 28305450 PCC 28305480 PCC 28305915 PCC 28305930 PCC 28305945 PCC 28305960 PCC 28305970 PCC 28306010 PCC 28306030 PCC 28306050 PCC 28306090 PCC 28307040 PCC 28308100 PCC 28308200 PCC 28308300 PCC 28308400 PCC 28308500 PCC 28308630 PCC 28308660 PCC 28309100 PCC 28309200 PCC 28309330 PCC 28309380 PCC 28309400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28410 PCC 28411110 PCC 28411130 PCC 28411150 PCC 28411170 PCC 28411180 PCC 28411220 PCC 28411240 PCC 28411250 PCC 28411270 PCC 28412123 PCC 28412127 PCC 28412129 PCC 28412140 PCC 28412160 PCC 28412213 PCC 28412217 PCC 28412223 PCC 28412225 PCC 28412233 PCC 28412235 PCC 28412240 PCC 28412260 PCC 28412270 PCC 28412280 PCC 28412305 PCC 28412315 PCC 28412325 PCC 28412335 PCC 28412345 PCC 28412355 PCC 28412365 PCC 28412375 PCC 28412385 PCC 28412395 PCC 28412410 PCC 28412430 < PCC 28412470 PCC 28412490 PCC 28413120 PCC 28413140 PCC 28413160 PCC 28413180 PCC 28413220 PCC 28413240 PCC 28413260 PCC 28413280 PCC 28413310 PCC 28413320 PCC 28413350 PCC 28413360 PCC 28413410 PCC 28413430 PCC 28413450 PCC 28413470 PCC 28414030 PCC 28414050 PCC 28414070 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28490 PCC 28491130 PCC 28491150 PCC 28491170 PCC 28491210 PCC 28491220 PCC 28491233 PCC 28491235 PCC 28491237 PCC 28491250 PCC 28491263 PCC 28491265 PCC 28491267 PCC 28491275 PCC 28491279 PCC 28491283 PCC 28491287 PCC 28492110 PCC 28492130 PCC 28492140 PCC 28492150 PCC 28492170 PCC 28492230 PCC 28492250 PCC 28492270 PCC 28492350 PCC 28492430 PCC 28492450 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28910 PCC 28911130 PCC 28911153 PCC 28911157 PCC 28911230 PCC 28911250 PCC 28911270 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28920 PCC 28921100 PCC 28921233 PCC 28921235 PCC 28921253 PCC 28921255 PCC 28922130 PCC 28922150 PCC 28922200 PCC 28922300 PCC 28922400 PCC 28922530 PCC 28922550 PCC 28922600 PCC 28922730 PCC 28922750 PCC 28922800 PCC 28922900 PCC 28923010 PCC 28923030 PCC 28923050 PCC 28923070 PCC 28923090 PCC 28924030 PCC 28924050 PCC 28924070 PCC 28925000 PCC 28926130 PCC 28926150 PCC 28926200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28930 PCC 28931100 PCC 28931200 PCC 28931300 PCC 28931400 PCC 28931530 PCC 28931560 PCC 28931580 PCC 28931600 PCC 28931713 PCC 28931715 PCC 28931720 PCC 28931730 PCC 28931740 PCC 28931750 PCC 28931760 PCC 28931770 PCC 28931780 PCC 28931900 PCC 28932000 PCC 28933100 PCC 28933200 PCC 28933300 PCC 28933400 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28940 PCC 28941100 PCC 28941200 PCC 28941300 PCC 28941430 PCC 28941450 PCC 28941470 PCC 28941510 PCC 28941530 PCC 28942110 PCC 28942130 PCC 28942150 PCC 28942170 PCC 28942180 PCC 28942230 PCC 28942250 PCC 28942270 PCC 28942300 PCC 28942430 PCC 28942450 PCC 28943030 PCC 28943050 PCC 28943070 PCC 28944000 PCC 28945110 PCC 28945130 PCC 28945150 PCC 28945170 PCC 28945210 PCC 28945220 PCC 28945230 PCC 28945250 PCC 28945260 PCC 28945270 PCC 28945280 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28950 PCC 28951113 PCC 28951115 PCC 28951117 PCC 28951133 PCC 28951135 PCC 28951137 PCC 28951140 PCC 28951150 PCC 28951160 PCC 28951170 PCC 28951190 PCC 28951230 PCC 28951250 PCC 28951270 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28960 PCC 28961010 PCC 28961030 PCC 28961040 PCC 28961050 PCC 28961060 PCC 28961073 PCC 28961075 PCC 28961082 PCC 28961084 PCC 28961091 PCC 28961093 PCC 28961095 PCC 28961097 PCC 28962000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 28990 PCC 28991110 PCC 28991130 PCC 28991150 PCC 28991170 PCC 28991190 PCC 28991200 PCC 28991330 PCC 28991390 PCC 28991410 PCC 28991430 PCC 28991450 PCC 28991490 PCC 28992020 PCC 28992040 PCC 28992060 PCC 28993130 PCC 28993150 PCC 28993200 PCC 28993905 PCC 28993910 PCC 28993915 PCC 28993920 PCC 28993925 PCC 28993930 PCC 28993935 PCC 28993940 PCC 28993945 PCC 28993950 PCC 28993953 PCC 28993955 PCC 28993965 PCC 28993970 PCC 28993975 PCC 28993980 PCC 28994000 PCC 28995100 PCC 28995230 PCC 28995280 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 29100 PCC 29101100 PCC 29101200 PCC 29101300 PCC 29102100 PCC 29102230 PCC 29102250 PCC 29102310 PCC 29102330 PCC 29102340 PCC 29102353 PCC 29102355 PCC 29102400 PCC 29103000 PCC 29104110 PCC 29104130 PCC 29104140 PCC 29104200 PCC 29104300 PCC 29104400 PCC 29105100 PCC 29105200 PCC 29105930 PCC 29105950 PCC 29105990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 29200 PCC 29201030 PCC 29201050 PCC 29202100 PCC 29202210 PCC 29202230 PCC 29202250 PCC 29202292 PCC 29202298 PCC 29202300 PCC 29203030 PCC 29203050 PCC 29203070 PCC 29203090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 29310 PCC 29311000 PCC 29312130 PCC 29312150 PCC 29312170 PCC 29312230 PCC 29312250 PCC 29312270 PCC 29312310 PCC 29312330 PCC 29312350 PCC 29312370 PCC 29313030 PCC 29313080 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 29320 PCC 29321000 PCC 29322030 PCC 29322050 PCC 29322090 PCC 29323010 PCC 29323020 PCC 29323033 PCC 29323036 PCC 29323040 PCC 29323050 PCC 29323061 PCC 29323063 PCC 29323065 PCC 29323067 PCC 29323090 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30110 PCC 30112130 PCC 30112150 PCC 30112210 PCC 30112230 PCC 30112250 PCC 30112270 PCC 30112300 PCC 30112410 PCC 30112430 PCC 30112450 PCC 30112470 PCC 30112490 PCC 30113130 PCC 30113150 PCC 30113200 PCC 30113330 PCC 30113350 PCC 30114030 PCC 30114050 PCC 30115000 PCC 30119100 PCC 30119200 PCC 30119999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30120 PCC 30121100 PCC 30121200 PCC 30121930 PCC 30121970 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30200 PCC 30201100 PCC 30201200 PCC 30201300 PCC 30202000 PCC 30203100 PCC 30203200 PCC 30203300 PCC 30204030 PCC 30204050 PCC 30204060 PCC 30209100 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30300 PCC 30301100 PCC 30301200 PCC 30301300 PCC 30301400 PCC 30301500 PCC 30301600 PCC 30302000 PCC 30303100 PCC 30303200 PCC 30303300 PCC 30303400 PCC 30304000 PCC 30305010 PCC 30305030 PCC 30305050 PCC 30305090 PCC 30306030 PCC 30306050 PCC 30306070 PCC 30309999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30400 PCC 30409999 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30910 PCC 30911100 PCC 30911200 PCC 30911300 PCC 30912000 PCC 30912030 PCC 30912090 PCC 30913100 PCC 30913200 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30920 PCC 30921000 PCC 30921030 PCC 30921050 PCC 30922030 PCC 30922090 PCC 30923010 PCC 30923030 PCC 30923060 PCC 30923070 PCC 30923090 PCC 30924030 PCC 30924050 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 30990 PCC 30991000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 31010 PCC 31001150 PCC 31001155 PCC 31001159 PCC 31001190 PCC 31011100 PCC 31011110 PCC 31011140 PCC 31011170 PCC 31011200 PCC 31011300 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 31020 PCC 31001290 PCC 31021000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 31030 PCC 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Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33120 PCC 33120001 PCC 33120002 PCC 33121100 PCC 33121210 PCC 33121220 PCC 33121400 PCC 33121500 PCC 33121800 PCC 33121990 PCC 33122110 PCC 33122120 PCC 33122200 PCC 33122300 PCC 33122400 PCC 33122500 PCC 33122600 PCC 33122700 PCC 33122800 PCC 33122910 PCC 33122990 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33130 PCC 33131110 PCC 33131120 PCC 33131200 PCC 33131300 PCC 33131900 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33140 PCC 33141120 PCC 33141150 PCC 33141900 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33150 PCC 33151010 PCC 33151030 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33160 PCC 33161000 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33170 PCC 33171100 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33190 PCC 33191020 9Quality Measures for Principal Products of Industry 33200 PCC 33200001 PCC 33200002 PCC 33201100 PCC 33202100 PCC 33202910 PCC 33202920 PCC 33202930 PCC 33202940 PCC 33202950 PCC 33202960 PCC 33202970 PCC 33203100 PCC 33203200 PCC 33203300 PCC 33203400 PCC 33203500 PCC 33203600 PCC 33203700 PCC 33203800 PCC 33203900 PCC 33204100 PCC 33204200 PCC 33205020 PCC 33205050 PCC 33205090 PCC 33206000 PCC 33207000 PCC 33208999 HUK Manufacturers' Sales by Product - Intermediate 2013, Quality Measures7Please click on the links below to access the datasets: Division 08 Division 10 Division 11 Division 12 Division 13 Division 14 Division 15 Division 16 Division 17 Division 18 Division 19 Division 20 Division 21 Division 22 Division 23 Division 24 Division 25 Division 26 Division 27 Division 28 Division 29 Division 30 Division 31 Division 32 Division 33Other mining and quarryingManufacture of food productsManufacture of beveragesManufacture of tobacco productsManufacture of textilesManufacture of wearing apparel+Manufacture of leather and related productsManufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork; except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials'Manufacture of paper and paper products+Printing and reproduction of recorded media2Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products.Manufacture of chemicals and chemical productsLManufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations*Manufacture of rubber and plastic products2Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral productsManufacture of basic metalsHManufacture of fabricated metal products; except machinery and equipment8Manufacture of computer; electronic and optical products#Manufacture of electrical equipment-Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.9Manufacture of motor vehicles; trailers and semi-trailers(Manufacture of other transport equipmentManufacture of furnitureOther manufacturing2Repair and installation of machinery and equipment,PRODCOM - UK Manufacturers' Sales by Product-Intermediate Estimates 2013, Quality Measures This spreadsheet contains the quality measures for the 2013 Intermediate Estimates, and for the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Final Estimates. These quality measures cover 25 divisions: Symbols usedSuppressed as disclosiveData not availablenNot able to provide data due to secondary disclosure, different units of measurement or other technical issues.Not able to calculateStatistical contact:William BarnesTelephone number:+44 (0)1633 455711Email:"prodcompublications@ons.gsi.gov.uk Crown copyright 2014Suppression of data1Statistical disclosure control methodology is applied to PRODCOM data. This ensures that information attributable to an individual or individual organisation is not identifiable in any published outputs. The Code of Practice for Official Statistics, and specifically the Principle on Confidentiality (P.C) set out practices for how ONS protects data from being disclosed. The P.C includes the statement that ONS outputs should  ensure that official statistics do not reveal the identity of an individual or organisation, or any private information relating to them, taking into account other relevant sources of information . More information can be found in National Statistician s Guidance: Confidentiality of Official Statistics and also on the statistical disclosure control methodology page of the ONS website. For more information on the disclosure control of PRODCOM data please see Background Note 10 of the associated Statistical Bulletin." 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