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fish, salted but not dried; fish in brine (excluding fillets, smoked, heads, tails and maws)_Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon (including fillets, excluding heads, tails and maws)DSmoked herrings (including fillets, excluding heads, tails and maws)xSmoked fish (excluding herrings, Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon), including fillets, excluding head, tails and mawsWFish heads, tails and maws, other edible fish offal: dried, salted or in brine, smoked"Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pelletsUSanitary towels, tampons and similar article of textile materials (excluding wadding)aNapkins and napkin liners for babies and similar article of textile materials (excluding wadding)Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths, knitted or crocheted; life-jackets, life-belts and other made up articles (excluding sanitary towels and napkins and similar articles)Babies clothing and accessories, of textiles, not knitted or crocheted (for children of height <= 86 cm) including vests, rompers, underpants, stretch-suits, gloves, mittens and outerwear (excluding sanitary towels and napkins and similar articles)4Parts of footwear (excluding uppers) other materials*Coated bases for paper and paperboard of a kind used for: photo-, heat- and electro-sensitive paper and having 10 % or less of mechanical and chemi-mechanical fibres, and paper and paperboard of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, which weight less than or equal to 150g/mOther colouring matter; pigments and preparations based on inorganic or mineral colouring matter; inorganic products of a kind used as luminophoresSulphuric acid; oleum.cCompounds, inorganic or organic, of mercury, not chemically defined as mercury (excluding amalgams)7Tetrahydrofuran, 2-Furaldehyde, Furfuryl, and PiperonalQHeterocyclic compounds with oxygen only hetero-atom(s) (excluding other lactones)]Aldehyde-alcohols, Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen functionOther chemical products, n.e.c.Biofuels (diesel substitute)Phenolphthalein; 1-Hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-1-naphthyl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isochromen-1-yl]-6-octadecyloxy-2-naphthoic acid; 32 -Chloro-62 -cyclohexylaminospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),92 -xanthen]-3-one; 62 -(N-Ethyl-p-toluidino)-22 -methylspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),92 -xanthen]-3-one; Methyl-6-docosyloxy-1-hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenanthryl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-naphtho[1,8-cd]pyran-1-yl]naphthalene-2-carboxylate, gamma-ButyrolactoneLactones (excl. phenolphthalein; 1-Hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-1-naphthyl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isochromen-1-yl]-6-octadecyloxy-2-naphthoic acid; 3''-Chloro-6''-cyclohexylaminospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9''-xanthen]-3-one; 6''-(N-Ethyl-p-toluidino)-2''-methylspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9''-xanthen]-3-one; Methyl-6-docosyloxy-1-hydroxy-4-[1-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenanthryl)-3-oxo-1H,3H-naphtho[1,8-cd]pyran-1-yl]naphthalene-2-carboxyla, gamma-Butyrolactone, and inorganic or organic compounds of mercury)Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; cultures of micro-organisms; toxins (excluding yeasts)Antisera, other immunological products which are directly involved in the regulation of immunological processes and other blood fractionsVaccines for human medicineGlass fibres in bulk or flocks (excl. textile glass fibres and mineral wool), Pads and casings for insulating tubes and pipes, article of glass fibres (excl. yarn, woven fabrics, incl. narrow fabrics, thin sheets "voiles", webs, mats, mattresses and boards and similar nonwoven products, pads and casings for insulating tubes and pipes, brushes of glass fibres, and dolls wigs, electrical insulators or parts thereof, optical fibre bundles or cable, brushes of glass fibres, lighting cables and the likeArticles of cellulose fibre-cement or the like, not containing asbestos (excl. co< rrugated and other sheets, panels, paving, tiles and similar articles)Weirs, sluices, lock-gates, landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures, of iron or steel, Structures and parts of structures of iron or steel, n.e.s. (excl. bridges and bridge-sections; towers; lattice masts; gates; doors, windows and their frames and thresholds; equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit-propping, and structures and parts of structures not manufactured exclusively or mainly from plate)]Forks and other hand tools (excluding clasp knives) for agriculture, horticulture or forestryTools for milling, Hobs, interchangeable, for working metal, with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets (excl. shank-type )Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of HS 8305) and similar articles, of iron or steel not cold-pressed from wireaWelded link chain of iron or steel (excl. articulated link chain, skid chain and stud-link chain)YTable, kitchen or household articles and parts thereof of stainless steel (excl. cutlery)Table, kitchen or household articles and parts thereof of iron other than cast iron, or steel other than stainless; varnished or painted7Video game consoles (not operated by means of payments) Cinematographic cameras for filmIron or steel gas domestic appliances, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers, for both gas and other fuels radiators (excluding cooking appliances and plate warmers );Winches and capstans (excluding those for raising vehicles)dElectro-mechanical hand tools operated without an external source of power (excluding drills, saws )Electromechanical hand tools, with self-contained electric motor operating with an external source of power (excl. saws, drills, grinders, sanders, planers, hedge trimmers and lawn edge cutters)aFurniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof; other parts of sewing machines_Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping, of a weight <= 1 600 kg^Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping, of a weight > 1 600 kg2Parts and accessories of motorcycles and side-carsVehicles not mechanically propelled including industry trolleys, barrows, luggage trucks, hopper-trucks, hand pulled golf trolleys excluding shopping trolleysaParts and accessories of bicycles and other cycles, not motorised (excl. frames and front forks).FIndian ink drawing pens; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other penshDried fish, whether or not salted; fish, salted but not dried; fish in brine (excluding fillets, smoked)>Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon (including fillets)#Smoked herrings (including fillets)YSmoked fish (including fillets) (excluding Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon, herrings)NoteN/AFloor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths, knitted or crocheted; life-jackets, life-belts and other made up articlesBabies' clothing and accessories, of textiles, not knitted or crocheted (for children of height <= 86 cm) including vests, rompers, underpants, stretch-suits, napkins, gloves, mittens and outerwear7Wooden parts of footwear (excluding uppers, stiffeners)eCoated base for paper..., for photo-, heat-, electro-sensitive paper, weight <= 150 g/m, m.f. <= 10%aCoated paper, for writing, printing, graphic purposes (excluding coated base, weight <= 150 g/m)@Pigments and preparations based on chromium or cadmium compounds5Other colouring matter, preparations and luminophoresSulphuric acidOleumHeterocyclic compounds with oxygen only hetero-atom(s) (including coumarin; methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins) (excluding other lactones)Aldehyde-alcoholsJAldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function=Biofuels (diesel substitute), other chemical products, n.e.c.ALactones (excluding coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins)"Antisera and other blood fractions*Glass fibre mats (including of glass wool),Glass fibre voiles (including of glass wool)JOther articles of glass fibre, of non-textile fibres, bulk, flocks, othersJOther articles of glass fibre, pads, casings for insulating tubes or pipes&Glass fibre articles of textile fibresTubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings, of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc) and cement or other hydraulic binders, not containing asbestosArticles of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc) and cement or other hydraulic binders, not containing asbestos (excluding sheets, panels, tiles and similaryWeirs, sluices, lock-gates, fixed landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures of iron or steel!Other structures of iron or steel=Forks of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestrySOther hand tools (excluding clasp knives) for agriculture, horticulture or forestry`Hob type milling tools for working metal (excluding with working part of sintered metal carbide)Milling tools with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide, for working metal (including bore type) (excluding shank type)BIron or steel drawing pins (excluding with copper or copper heads)>Other nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articlesHOther welded link chain (excluding stud-link) of iron or steel, <= 16 mmGOther welded link chain (excluding stud-link) of iron or steel, > 16 mm$Table articles... of stainless steelTStainless steel kitchen and household articles and parts thereof (excluding cutlery)*Table articles... of iron or steel, n.e.c.Other, varnished or paintedlIron or steel snuff boxes, cigarette cases, cosmetic and powder boxes and cases, and similar pocket articlesPerforated buckets and similar articles of iron or steel sheet used to filter water at the entrance to drains (excluding forged or stamped);Articles of iron or steel, n.e.c. (excluding cast articles)5Video games of a kind used with a television receiverTables for casino games, automatic bowling alley equipment, and other funfair, table or parlour games, including pintables (excluding operated by coins, banknotes "paper currency", discs or other similar articles, billiards, video games for use with a television receiverKCinematographic cameras for film of a width < 16 mm or for double 8 mm film\Cinematographic cameras (excluding for film of a width < 16 mm wide or for double 8 mm film)Iron or steel gas domestic appliances with an exhaust outlet, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers, for both gas and other fuels (excluding cooking appliances and plate warmers)Iron or steel gas domestic appliances, including heaters, grates, fires and braziers, for both gas and other fuels radiators (excluding cooking appliances, plate warmers and appliances with an exhaust outlet)YElectro-mechanical hand tools used for working textile materials (excluding drills, saws)Electro-mechanical hand tools operated without an external source of power (excluding drills, saws, those used for working textile materials)Other electric toolsAFurniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereoffParts of industrial sewing machines (excluding needles, furniture, bases and covers and parts thereof)QFolding caravans; caravans of a weight <= 750 kg (including semi-trailer caravanslCaravans of a weight > 750 kg but <= 3 500 kg (including semi-trailer caravans) (excluding folding caravans)Caravans of a weight > 3 500 kg-Saddles for motorcycles, mopeds, and scootersNParts and accessories for motorcycles, mopeds and scooters (excluding saddles)]Non-motorized bicycles and other cycles, without ball bearings (including delivery tricycles)YNon-motorized bicycles and other cycles with ball bearings (including delivery tricycles)Parts of frames, front forks, brakes, coaster braking hubs, hub brakes, pedals crank-gear and free-wheel sprocket-wheels for bicycles, other non<-motorized cycles and side-carsGOther parts and accessories of bicycles and other cycles, not motorisedIndian ink drawing pensQFountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens (excluding Indian ink drawing pens)Men's or boys' raincoats/Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, etc5Men's or boys' suits (excluding knitted or crocheted)9Men's or boys' ensembles (excluding knitted or crocheted)8Women's or girls' suits (excluding knitted or crocheted)<Women's or girls' ensembles (excluding knitted or crocheted)2011 PRODCOM Code2011 Description2012 PRODCOM Code2012 Description2013 PRODCOM Code2013 Description2014 PRODCOM Code2014 DescriptionlThis heading is a merge of 17124180 & 17124172, and in the UK's PRODCOM results it is published as 17129901.[Both 2011 headings were split across a number of 2012 headings, with no direct correlation.=There is no previous code, as this is a new product for 2012. 1 heading split into 2 for 2012."2 headings merged into 1 for 2012."3 headings merged into 1 for 2012."5 headings merged into 1 for 2012."2 headings merged into 1 for 2013.#The 2 headings were merged in 2014.HTextile sanitary wear was removed and put into its own heading for 2012.@There is no previous heading, as this is a new product for 2012.kThis heading is a merge of 20146231 & 20146239 and in the UK's PRODCOM results it is published as 20149903.lThis heading is a merge of 20146115 & 20146119, and in the UK's PRODCOM results it is published as 20149902.bOnly part of heading 28993975 was allocated to this new heading - see also heading 28993980 below.bOnly part of heading 28993975 was allocated to this new heading - see also heading 26406050 above.SOnly a part of heading 29202230 is here- some was also allocated to 29202298 below.SOnly a part of heading 29202230 is here- some was also allocated to 29202292 above.3UK Manufacturers' Sales by Product Survey (PRODCOM)Annual PRODCOM List ChangesYears covered:PRODCOMPRODCOM stands for PRODucts of the European COMmunity and is a European Union (EU) wide survey of production mainly for the manufacturing industries. Data is provided for around 3,805 products classified to 234 industries. Businesses selected for PRODCOM provide data on the value of sales for the products they manufacture, as well as non-manufacturing income. In addition, where applicable, businesses also provide data on the volume of sales, in appropriate units. 'The Eurostat website can be found here:#The PRODCOM List can be found here:http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/enhttp://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm?TargetUrl=LST_NOM_DTL&StrNom=PRD_2011&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntPcKey=&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIChttp://General InformationlThe PRODCOM Quality and Methodology Information report provides further details relating to this publicationAA user interpretation manual illustrates how the data can be used 2011- 2012 2012-2013 2013-2014Statistical contact:William BarnesTelephone number:+44 (0)1633 455711Email:"prodcompublications@ons.gsi.gov.uk Crown copyright 2015Further information on the PRODCOM List can be found in our technical report, the background notes of our statistical bulletin and our Quality and Methodology Report. Please contact us if you require further information.This spreadsheet shows the annual changes to the PRODCOM List, spanning 2011 to 2014. The PRODCOM List is a list drawn up by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) detailing the products for which data must be collected and submitted by member states. Data format;A glossary for PRODCOM is available in the Technical report,Information is presented in excel format, giving the previous product codes and descriptions (where applicable) in the first two colums, then the new codes and descriptions (where applicable) in the next two columns. Also included is a column of notes, to aid user understanding of what has occurred.The "offal" etc was removed from the individual headings and created as a new heading here, hence the change in numbering and content for the other 4.#change of SIC. No change in contentWomen's or girls' raincoats Women's or girls' overcoats, etc.Women s or girls raincoats and overcoats, etcvCreped or crinkled sack kraft paper in rolls or sheets; paper and paperboard, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforatedEsters of orthophthalic acidAromatic ketones without other oxygen function; ketone- alcohols and ketone aldehydes; ketone phenols and ketones with other oxygen function; other cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without other oxygen function/Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen functionlThis heading is a merge of 20143410 & 20143420, and in the UK's PRODCOM results it is published as 20149901.rThis product code has been reclassified to a different product code for 2012, with no change in content from 2011.rThis product code has been reclassified to a different product code for 2013, with no change in content from 2012.Zީ 6d>lFt$N|,V4^[ oAK(4> zlRE+  ccB   &  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono PC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,Baynhsj admind" dXX333333?333333?&<3U} m V} $ V} mV} $ V} $ VXhx@g@ @ vZ  X@ @  , , , X@  ,     .$& / W0 a: a; a<` E V3 Y5 i4 6  F [[[[[[[[[[ H  1XXXXXXXXXX 2 7 \\ Y8]]\\\ XX YG]^___ XX ^9]]___ D b= bc c>ddcc b? bc e@ bA bf gBhhcc fC fff26*.B080000&0000***(     0A??NS_RGBPicture 1NS_RGB 0K]&`>@d R        yK  http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/enyK Xhttp://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/enyX;H,]ą'c yK http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm?TargetUrl=LST_NOM_DTL&StrNom=PRD_2011&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntPcKey=&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIChttp://yK Thttp://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm?TargetUrl=LST_NOM_DTL&StrNom=PRD_2011&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntPcKey=&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIChttp://yX;H,]ą'cyK BA user interpretation manual illustrates how the data can be usedyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/business-and-energy/manufacturing/publications/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cyK ;A glossary for PRODCOM is available in the Tehnical reportyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/business-and-energy/manufacturing/publications/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cyK mThe PRODCOM Quality and Methodology Information report provides further details relating to this publicationyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/business-and-energy/manufacturing/publications/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cdyK '2011-2012'!A1'2011-2012'!A1ZyK  2012-2013'2012-2013'!A1^yK  2013-2014'2013 - 2014'!A1yK *mailto:prodcompublications@ons.gsi.gov.ukyK lmailto:prodcompublications@ons.gsi.gov.ukyX;H,]ą'cggD  V>5 @\JQ  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"333333?333333?*&<3U} }} $/} }} $/} #T} $ }V           @            ~             @  E  D M    N~ Ҵn   N~ Jn   N    N F  G OI H  I P' !  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