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See link below.ron developments within the National Accounts; supplementary analyses of data to help users with the interpretationgONS regularly publishes methodological information and articles to give users more detailed information9National Accounts concepts, sources and methodology guide Web linksnhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/get-involved/taking-part-in-a-survey/information-for-households/index.htmlnhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/get-involved/taking-part-in-a-survey/information-for-businesses/index.htmleconfidentiality can be found in the respondent charters for businesses and households on our website.We are committed to ensuring all information provided is kept strictly confidential and will only be used for statistical purposes. Further details regardingConfidentialityOnly rarely are there avoidable  errors such as human or system failures, and such mistakes are made quite clear when they do occur.either the adoption of new statistical techniques, or the incorporation of new information which allows the statistical error of previous estimates to be reduced.but in this context the word refers to the uncertainty inherent in any process or calculation that uses sampling, estimation or modelling. Most revisions reflectVery few statistical revisions arise as a result of  errors in the popular sense of the word. All estimates, by definition, are subject to statistical 'error',/3. Early estimates are based on incomplete data[2. Revisions are an inevitable consequence of the trade off between timeliness and accuracyQ1. Expectations of accuracy and reliability in early estimates are often too high8Common pitfalls in interpreting series are the followingQuality3 - nil or less than half the final digit shown .. not available2. Symbols usedj1. Rounding may lead to inconsistencies between the sum of constituent parts and the total in some tables.Notes on the tablespsa@ons.gov.uk 01633 456722Jamie Pritchard(Government final consumption expendituresaving.ratio@ons.gov.uk 01633 455612David MatthewsonCompensation of employeesconsumer.trends@ons.gov.uk 01633 455864 Vera Ruddock)Households final consumption expenditure-Households and NPISH sector general inquiriesContactsCNon-profit institutions serving households: Financial balance sheetAnnual6.3.11=Non-profit institutions serving households: Financial account6.3.8ANon-profit institutions serving households: Accumulation accounts6.3.7ANon-profit institutions serving households: Use of income account6.3.6TNon-profit institutions serving households: Redistribution of income in kind account6.3.5TNon-profit institutions serving households: Secondary distribution of income account6.3.4PNon-profit institutions serving households: Allocation of primary income account6.3.3RNon-profit institutions serving households: Distribution and use of income account6.3.2>Non-profit institutions serving households: Production account6.3.1iIndividual consumption expenditure by households, NPISH and general government at chained volume measures6.2.15Individual consumption expenditure by households, non-profit institutions serving households and general government at current market prices6.2.14pHouseholds final consumption expenditure: Final consumption expenditure of households at chained volume measures6.2.13nHouseholds final consumption expenditure: Final consumption expenditure of households at current market prices6.2.12#Households: Financial balance sheet6.2.11Households: Financial account6.2.8!Households: Accumulation accounts6.2.7!Households: Use of income account6.2.64Households: Redistribution of income in kind account6.2.5OHouseholds: Secondary distribution of income, Social benefits and contributions6.2.4S4Households: Secondary distribution of income account6.2.40Households: Allocation of primary income account6.2.32Households: Distribution and use of income account6.2.2Households: Production account6.2.1RHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Financial balance sheet6.1.11OHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Revaluations account6.1.10dHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Other changes in volume of assets account6.1.9LHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Financial account6.1.8PHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Accumulation accounts6.1.7PHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Use of income account6.1.6cHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Redistribution of income in kind account6.1.5cHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Secondary distribution of income account6.1.4_Households and non-profit institutions serving households: Allocation of primary income account6.1.3aHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Distribution and use of income account6.1.2MHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households: Production account6.1.1 Description FrequencyReference TableXContents of the households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) sectorDate of next release:Beginning of each time seriesRevision Period:Publication date: QWLMQWLLQWLKQWLIQWLJQWLHQWLGQWLF B.1nP.51cB.1gTUP.2 TRP.1P.13P.12P.11Value added, net!less consumption of fixed capitalGross value added Total usesIntermediate consumptionTotal resourcesTotalOther non-market outputOutput for own final use Market output P.1 OutputUses ResourcesI Production accountxHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 Sectors S.14 and S.15: Production account (million)Consumption of fixed capital is made up of Consumption of fixed capital on gross operating surplus plus Consumption of fixed capital on gross mixed incomeNotesQWLVQWLUQWLTQWLSQWLRQWLQQWLPQWLOQWLNB.3nB.2nB.3gB.2gD.39D.29D.1D.12D.11Mixed income, netOperating surplus, net"Less consumption of fixed capital1! Total uses (gross value added)Mixed income, grossOperating surplus, gross0less production subsidies other than on products'Production taxes other than on productsTotal Employers' social contributionsWages and salariesD.1 Compensation of employeesQII.1.1 Generation of Income account before deduction of fixed capital consumption+II.1 Primary distribution of income account*II Distribution and use of income accountsHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 Sectors S.14 and S.15: Distribution and use of income accounts (million)XFinancial intermediation services indirectly measured, see notes section for explanationRVGGQWMKQWMFQWMJQWMIQWMHQWMGIV8XJ4WZQWMEQWMDQWMCL8GZL8HFL8H8L8GSL8GLQWMACRWICRWGCRWEQWLZIV8WJ4WYQWLYQWLXQWLWRVGJB.5nB.5gD.4D.45D.41P.119D.41gD.44D.443D.4432D.4431D.442D.441D.42D.423D.422D.421 B.2g+B.3gRetained earnings Dividends,less consumption of fixed capital P.51cInterest (Less) FISIM#Interest before FISIM(1) allocationOD.443 Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholdersPayable on pension entitlements(Attributable to insurance policy holdersEarnings on property investment1Withdrawals from the income of quasi-corpora< tions (Plus) FISIM!Interest before FISIM allocation1 RentD.41 Interest paidD.44 Other investment income'D.42 Distributed income of corporationsD.41 Interest receivedGross mixed incomeGross operating surplusBalance of net primary incomeBalance of gross primary incomeD.4 Property income8B.2g+B.3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income%Sector share of gross national income+ll.1.2 Allocation of primary income accountIncome and Capital Accounts: Households and non-profit institutions serving households. ESA 2010 Sector S.14 + S.15 ( million)bGross household disposable income deflated by the households and NPISHs final consumption deflatorOSXRRVGKCRXBQWMPQWNDQWNCQWNBQWNAQWMZL8S5QWMYL8LTL8Q7L8PRM9X2L8NJQWMSNVCOZAFGDBBOQWMQQWMOQWMNQWMMQWMLMT3BL8QTL8QFL8TRL8RFB.6gD.7D.75D.71D.62D.622D.61D.61SCD.614D.613D.612D.611D.5D.59D.511ptD.51D.72D.623D.621"Taxes on self-employment and otherTaxes on employment"Social assistance benefits in cashOther social insurance benefits Social security benefits in cash'Employers' imputed social contributionsMiscellaneous current transfersNet non-life insurance premiums&Social insurance scheme service charge+Households' social contribution supplements'Households' actual social contributions&Employers' actual social contributionsOther current taxes Of which:Taxes on incomeNon-life insurance claims1D.62 Social benefits other than transfers in kindD.61 Net Social contributionsDisposable income, grossD.7 Other current transfers8D.62 social benefits other than social transfers in kind(D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth etc.%D.6 Social contributions and benefitscReal households' & NPISH disposable income at chained volume measures Indices (reference year 2015)\Real households' & NPISH disposable income at chained volume measures (reference year 2015)1[ KReal households' & NPISH Expenditure implied deflator (reference year 2015).ll.2 Secondary distribution of income accountNSSCNSSDHAEKDPSDNSSBNSSAQWNHB.7gD.63D.631D.6320Social transfers in kind - non market production6Social transfers in kind - purchased market production!Adjusted Disposable income, grossD.63 Social transfers in kind%ll.3 Redistribution of income in kindRVGLNSSJNSSHABRENSSENSSINSSFNSSGB.8gP.41D.8B.8nP.31 Gross savingActual individual consumptionTotal available resources1Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements Adjusted gross disposable income Savings, net.+less consumption of fixed capital P.51c"Individual consumption expenditure+Households' & NPISH saving ratio (per cent)0ll.4.2 Use of adjusted disposable income account'll.4.1 Use of disposable income accountIncome and Capital Accounts: Households and non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 Sector S.14 + S.15 ( million)Acquisitions less disposals of valuables can be a volatile series but any volatility is likely to be GDP neutral as it is offset in UK trade figuresNSSSNSSZNSSYNSSXNSSWNSSVNSSUNSSRNSSQNSSONSSNNSSMNSSLB.101gB.9nNPP.5P.53P.52P.51gD.9pD.99pD.91pD.9rD.99rD.92r)Acquisitions less disposals of valuables1( Changes in inventoriesGross fixed capital formationOther capital transfers Capital taxesInvestment grantsTotal change in assetsNet lending (+) / borrowing (-)@Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non-financial assetsP.5 Gross capital formation)Total change in liabilities and net worthD.9p Capital transfers, payable"D.9r Capital transfers, receivableChanges in assets$Changes in liabilities and net worth7Change in net worth due to saving and capital transferslll.1 Capital accountlll Accumulation accountsUAll loans secured on dwellings and all finance leasing are treated as long-term loansvF.63 Pension entitlements, F.64 Claims of pension funds on pension managers, F.65 Entitlements to non-pension benefits\Other than direct investment loans, loans secured on dwellings and loans for finance leasingPrior to 1990, it is not possible to distinguish some elements of F.32N5-6, F.511N1 and F.512N1. These elements are shown combined as F.519N7NZDVNZDYNFVONFYSNGBTMA2YNGAHNGAXNGASNGANNGALNGAJNFZFKV2INFZRNFYPNFWZMN5VNPWXMA2HM9WFNFYONFXVNFYKNFYJNFYFNSPYNFYCNFYBNFYANFXDNFXTNFWBNFWYKV2ONFWTNFWQNFWONFWNNFWINFWHNFWDNFVSNFWANFVZNFVXNFVVNFVTdB.9B.9fF.AF.LF.8F.6MF.4F.424N1F.422F.41N9F.41N12F.41N1F.3F.32N5-6F.31N6F.71F.7F.6F.62F.61F.5F.52N9F.52N1F.519N9F.519N7F.519N6F.512N1F.511N1F.32N9F.32N2F.32N1F.31N9F.31N5F.31N2F.31N1F.2F.29F.22N9F.22N12F.22N1F.21Other, issued by UK residentsSecured on dwellingsIssued by the rest of the world Of which: Foreign currency loans,issued by UK monetary financial institutions1UK shares and bonds issued by other UK residents10 Other UK equityUnlisted UK shares1 Listed UK shares1 DIssued by UK monetary financial institutions and other UK residents1C Issued by UK local governmentIssued by UK central government8Money market instruments issued by the rest of the world5Money market instruments issued by other UK residents,Issued by UK monetary financial institutionsF.42 Long-term loans (5)F.41 Short-term loansJBonds issued by UK monetary financial institutions and other UK residents1I Pension schemes3 'Life insurance and annuity entitlements%Non-life insurance technical reserves$rest of the world mutual fund sharesUK mutual fund shares F.51 Equity/Long-term loans, Other, issued by UK residents2. F.32 Long-termF.31 Short-termOther deposits Deposits with rest of the world KOf which: Foreign currency deposits with UK monetary financial institutions0Deposits with UK monetary financial institutionsCurrency1Net lending/ borrowing from the capital accountBStatistical discrepancy between the financial and capital accounts3Net lending/ borrowing from the financial account)Total net acquisition of financial assets.Total net acquisition of financial liabilitiesOther accounts payable F.4 LoansF.3 Debt securitiesOther accounts receivableOf which: Financial derivatives0Financial derivatives and employee stock options:F.6 Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantee schemes,F.5 Equity and investment fund shares. UnitsF.2 Currency and deposits(Net acquisition of financial liabilities#Net acquisition of financial assetsIII.2 Financial account: Households and non-profit institutions serving households ESA Sector S.14 + S.15 ( million, not seasonally adjusted)CWU2N4HUN4FUN4DWN4BWN49UN47SM9QSB.102AF.8AF.7AF.6AF.5AF.4AF.3AF.2"Other accounts receivable/ payable6Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantee schemes'Equity and investment fund shares/unitsLoansDebt securitiesCurrency and depositsCB.102 Changes in net worth due to other changes in volume of assets1III.3.1 Other changes in volume of assets account%III.3 Other changes in assets accountOther changes in volume of assets account: Households and non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 sector S.14 + S.15: ( million, not seasonally adjusted)CWURN4IVN4GTN4EVN4CXN4AVN48TM9XLB.103BB.103 Changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains and lossesIII.3.2 Revaluation accountHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 sector S.14 + S.15: Revaluations account ( million, not seasonally adjusted)ZReflects Housing Association reclassification in line with revisions policy back to 2005q1< yAF.63 Pension entitlements, AF.64 Claims of pension funds on pension managers, AF.65 Entitlements to non-pension benefitsPrior to 1990, it is not possible to distinguish some elements of AF.32N5-6, AF.511N1 and AF.512N1. These elements are shown combined as AF.519N7CGRCNZEANG4ANNPPNNMLNNSQNNRAMMY9M9VUNNRENNRUNNRPNNRKNNRINNRGNNQCKV2ENNQONNPMNNNWMMW5NPYLM9VDM9RWNNPLNNOSNNPHNNPGNNPCNSQRNNOZNNOYNNOXNNOANNOQNNMYNNNVKV2LNNNQNNNNNNNLNNNKNNNFNNNENNNANNMPNNMXNNMWNNMUNNMSNNMQB.90BF.90ANAF.LAF.AAF.71AF.6MAF.424N1AF.422AF.41N9AF.41N12AF.41N1 AF.32N5-6AF.31N6AF.62AF.61AF.52N9AF.52N1AF.519N9AF.519N7AF.519N6AF.512N1AF.511N1AF.32N9AF.32N2AF.32N1AF.31N9AF.31N5AF.31N2AF.31N1AF.29AF.22N9AF.22N12AF.22N1AF.21Pension schemes4 ?Issued by the rest of the world monetary financial institutionsby the rest of the world Net worthFinancial net worthNon-financial assetsTotal financial liabilitiesTotal financial assetsAF.42 Long-term5 AF.41 Short-term TLong-term bonds issued by UK monetary financial institutions and other UK residents1S 9Short-term Money market instruments by other UK residents&Rest of the world mutual funds' sharesUK Mutual funds' shares0Long-term loans - Other, issued by UK residents2/ AF.32 Long-termAF.31 Short-term?Deposits with rest of the world monetary financial institutions AF.4 LoansAF.3 Debt securities4AF.6 Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantees,AF.5 Equity and investment fund shares/unitsAF.2 Currency and depositsB.90 Net worthBF.90 Financial net worthFinancial liabilitiesFinancial assetsIV.3 Financial balance sheet: Households and non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 sector S.14 + S.15 ( million)HAXFHAZHHAXECRRTCRSBCRRZCRRXCRRV?Households, ESA 2010 Sector S.14: Production account (million)EAWXHAXGHAXHHABMEO9SLITXHAXMHAXOHAXNTHouseholds, ESA 2010 Sector S.14: Distribution and use of income accounts (million)ADIVHAXIHABQHABLHACXHACZHACYCRNBAE7PHAXUM8MDNRVNL5V2MN7EMN7AKZK9KZK8HAXWHHLIHAXYC3ZTHAXVCRNCI69PHAEBHAEDHAECCRTY(%) Interest before FISIM allocation+ll.1.1 Allocation of primary income accountJIncome and Capital Accounts: Households. ESA 2010 Sector S.14 ( million)DG2ZDG2VCRXAHAXDHABNHADOHADPHAYXL8TNL8SFHADIM92IL8Q9L8PTMA4AL8NLHAYCNMZKHAYDHAYVHAYZHAYYHAYPHAYUL8QVL8QHL8U4L8RP[Real households' disposable income at chained volume measures Indices (reference year 2015)TReal households' disposable income at chained volume measures (reference year 2015)1S CReal households' Expenditure implied deflator (reference year 2015)IIncome and Capital Accounts: Households. ESA 2010 Sector S.14 ( million)-For a more detailed analysis see table 5.2.4SL8J6L8KXM8XDL8KJL8JVL8JRM8WPCRXLADALLNJTL8MZL8DHL8DKD.6132D.6131D.6122D.6121D.6112D.6111D.612 D.6222D.6221D.6212D.6211Total social contributions-Total households' actual social contributions,Households' actual non-pension contributions(Households' actual pension contributions-Total employers' imputed social contributions,Employers' imputed non-pension contributions(Employers' imputed pension contributions%Total employers' actual contributions+Employers' actual non-pension contributions'Employers' actual pension contributions(Total social assistance benefits in cashASocial assistance benefits in cash received from local governmentCSocial assistance benefits in cash received from central governmentTotal other social benefits+Other social insurance non-pension benefits'Other social insurance pension benefits&Total social security benefits in cash,Social security non-pension benefits in cash(Social security pension benefits in cash-D.613 Households' actual social contributions-D.612 Employers' imputed social contributions,D.611 Employers' actual social contributionsBTotal social security benefits other than social transfers in kind(D.623 Social assistance benefits in cash%D.622 Other social insurance benefits'D.621 Social security benefits in cash1& D.61 Net social contributions8D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind ContributionsBenefitsBSecondary distribution of income (further detail of certain items)qHouseholds, ESA 2010 Sector S.14: Secondary distribution of income, Social benefits and contributions ( million)HAYTHACLDPRODPRN9Total uses, Households' adjusted gross disposable incomeSocial transfers in kindPIncome and Capital Accounts: Households. ESA 2010 Sector S.14 + S.15 ( million)DG5HHACRHADAHAZAHAXKHAYWABPB%Total available households' resources Net saving#Households' saving ratio (per cent)HABDA99RHAZJNRLKNPPHHAZUAAA4HADRHADSQYKCHAZCHAZGHAZFNYPANYNPNBLUNBOYNBRZNBQNNBRDNBQYZMFQNBQRNBQPNBOVJ8XXMN5WNPVZMA2IM9WGNBOUNBOBNBOQNBOPNBOLNSPANBOINBOHNBOGNBNJNBNZNBMHNBNEKVG6NBMZNBMWC46XNBMTNBMOC46UNBMJNBLYNBMGNBMFNBMDNBMBNBLZF.42 Long-term loans5 $Rest of the world mutual fund sharesYIII.2 Financial account: Households. ESA Sector S.14 ( million, not seasonally adjusted)E45VNYOHE45YNIWJNITFNIXWJS3KMMZ2NIWKNIXANIWVZMFDNIWONIWMNIUSJS3JMMW6NPXPM9VEM9RXNIURNITYNIUNNIUMNIUINSOANIUFDHWTNIUDNITGNITWNISENITBKVF7NISWNISTDPHVNISQNISLDNCTNISGNIRVNISDNISCNISANIRYNIRWcIV.3 Financial balance sheet: Households. ESA 2010 sector S.14 ( million, not seasonally adjusted)FESA 2010 Classification of Individual consumption by Purpose (COICOP).CDFDABTAABQIUTIMLLJKADIFADIELLJJLLJILLJHLLJGLLJFLLJELLJDUTIEUTIILLJCLLJBLLJALLIZLLIYLLIXADFLABZVUTIQLLJPLLJOLLJNLLJMLLJLUTIALLIOLLINLLIMLLILLLIKLLIJOS12111009080706050403ND0201SDDCOICOP1P.34P.33_Final consumption expenditure by UK resident households in the UK and abroad (national concept)SFinal consumption expenditure in the UK by households resident in rest of the worldFFinal consumption expenditure outside the UK by UK resident householdsbFinal consumption expenditure in the UK by resident and non-resident households (domestic concept)Total services Miscellaneous goods and servicesRestaurants and hotels EducationRecreation and culture Communication TransportHealthEFurnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house0Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuelsClothing and footwear Total goodsTotal non-durable goodsFood and DrinkTotal semi-durable goods Transport Total durable goodsServicesNon-durable goodsSemi-durable goods Durable goods0P.31 Final consumption expenditure of householdsbHousehold final consumption expenditure: classified by purpose at current market prices (million)ABPFCCHXABTCABQJUTIOLLNFADMKADMJLLNELLNDLLNCLLNBLLNALLMZLLMYUTIGUTIKLLMXLLMWLLMVLLMULLMTLLMSADISADIPUTISLLNKLLNJLLNILLNHLLNGUTICLLMJLLMILLMHLLMGLLMFLLMEP.3yHousehold final consumption expenditure: classified by purpose at chained volume measures (million, reference year 2016)Not elsewhere classifiedBPackage holidays are dispersed between components (transport etc.);COFOG is the Classification of the Functions of Gove<rnment.ZCOPNI is the Classification of the Purposes of Non-profit Institutions Serving Households.\COICOP is the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose and applies to households."Purpose" or "function" classifications are designed to indicate the "socio-economic objectives" that institutional units aim to achieve through various kinds of outlays.NNAQIWX8IWX7IWX6IWX5ABNVADIIADIOADINADIMADILADIKMNC8ADIJADIHADIGADGYADIDADICADIAADHZADHLADGZADGXADWPADWOCDEFADGTADGWADGVADGUADGPADGSADGRADGQADFYADGOADGNADGMADGLADGGADFZADFSADFXADFWADFVADFUADFTADFPADFRADFQMNC2ADFNADFMADFKABZW1414.414.314.214.11312.712.612.512.412.312. individual consumption expenditure/actual individual consumptionDTotal final individual consumption expenditure of general governmentSocial protection1Final individual consumption expenditure of NPISH_Final consumption expenditure of UK resident households in the UK and abroad (national concept)&Total miscellaneous goods and services Insurance Prostitution Personal careTotal restaurants and hotelsAccommodation servicesCatering servicesEducation servicesTotal recreation and culture Newspapers, books and stationery"Recreational and cultural services@Other recreational items and equipment; flowers, garden and pets/Other major durables for recreation and culture?Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipmentTotal communicationTelephone and telefax servicesTelephone and telefax equipmentPostal servicesTotal transportTransport services)Operation of personal transport equipmentPurchase of vehicles Total healthHospital servicesOut-patient services*Medical products, appliances and equipmentKTotal furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house4Goods and services for routine household maintenance(Tools and equipment for house and garden+Glassware, tableware and household utensilsHousehold appliancesHousehold textiles9Furniture, furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings6Total housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Electricity, gas and other fuels0Water supply and miscellaneous dwelling services&Maintenance and repair of the dwellingImputed rentals for housingActual rentals for housingTotal clothing and footwearFootwearClothingTobaccoAlcoholic beverages&Total food and non-alcoholic beveragesNon-alcoholic beveragesFood>Final individual consumption expenditure of general government+Final consumption expenditure of householdsIndividual consumption expenditure at current market prices by households, non-profit institutions serving households and general government: classified by function (COICOP/COPNI/COFOG)1 (million) YBIONSZKK4CSK4CRK4CQK4CPABNUADMNADMTADMSADMRADMQADMPMND2ADMOADMMADMLADJVADMIADKMADJZADJYADJXADJWADJUADQGADQFCCGZADJQADJTADJSADJRADJMADJPADJOADJNADJFADJLADJKADJJADJIADJHADJGADIZADJEADJDADJCADJBADJAADIWADIYADIXMNC4ADIUADITADIRADIQLFinal consumption expenditure of UK resident households in the UK and abroad9classified by functional (COICOP/COPNI/COFOG)1 (million)-. HAZYHACBHAZXCRRUCRSCCRSACRRYCRRW_Non-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 Sector S.15: Production account (million)An anomaly has been identified affecting other taxes on production (D29) paid by the NPISH sector in the years before 1997. As a result aggregates are not equal to the sum of their components.HAZZHABVHAANQYQMHAAGHAAIHAAH"Less consumption of fixed capital2! (Production taxes other than on products1' tNon-profit institutions serving households, ESA 2010 Sector S.15: Distribution and use of income accounts (million)ADSYHAACHACQHACCHADBM8QZHADCTGPQI69ZHAAOM8OQHAAUL5V4M8LBM8K9KZL8CPMAC3ZUHAAPTGQBI69Q,ll.1.2 Allocation of primary income accountqIncome and Capital Accounts: Non-profit making institutions serving households. ESA 2010 Sector S.15 ( million)HAXLHAAJHADTEAXOHABRRVFIL8SHHAAWUFIHM8YSHABPHABTHABSL8U6L8RRpIncome and Capital Accounts: Non-profit making institutions serving households. ESA 2010 Sector S.15 ( million)HABXM8YYRVFLHAZIHAAEnIncome and Capital Account: Non-profit making institutions serving households, ESA 2010 Sector S.15 (million)HABUAA7WHACDEP8CNPPXHACOABV8CRXDACBEACBBHABWIZXYHABZNYPHNYNWNCESNCHWNCKXMA2ZNCJLNCKBNCJWZMFMNCJPNCJNNCIJKV2SNCIVNCHTNCGDMN5XNPWFMA2JM9WHNCHSNCGZNCHONCHNNCHJNSPFNCHGNCHFNCHENCGHNCGXNCFFNCGCKV2XNCFXNCFUNCIWNCFRNCFMNCFLNCFHNCEWNCFENCFDNCFBNCEZNCEXF.42 Long-term loans (4)WLong-term bonds issued by UK monetary financial institutions and other UK residents (1)-Other long-term loans issued by UK residents1, III.2 Financial account: Non-profit making institutions serving households. ESA 2010 sector S.15 ( million, not seasonally adjusted)E45WNYOOE45ZNJNTNJKPNJQUNJPEMMZ3M9VVNJPINJPYNJPTZMFANJPMNJPKNJOGKV2VNJOSNJNQNJMAMMW7NPXVM9VFM9RYNJNPNJMWNJNLNJNKNJNGNSOFNJNDNJNCNJNBNJMENJMUNJLCNJLZKV2WNJLUNJLRNJLPNJLONJLJNIMCNJLENJKTNJLBNJLANJKYNJKWNJKU,Of which: Foreign currency loans by UK banks AF.42 Long-term2 -Other long-term loans issued by UK residents2, IV.3 Financial balance sheet: Non-profit making institutions serving households. ESA 2010 sector S.15 ( million, not seasonally adjusted)31 October 2019 October 20204United Kingdom National Accounts: The Blue Book 2019xTiming of the take on of new data for narcotics has caused a discontinuity at 2017 Q1. The discontinuity is currently being absorbed in the remainder of household final consumption expenditure so there is no impact on GDP. The discontinuity in the narcotics series will be removed at the next available opportunity (currently expected to be the next Annual Blue Book -2020Q2).+Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics2* Narcotics2 1Total alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics20 Package holidays3 Personal effects n.e.c.4 Financial services n.e.c.4 Other services n.e.c.4 "Purpose" or "function" classifications are designed to indicate the "socio-economic objectives" that institutional units aim to achieve through various kinds of outlays. COICOP is the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose and applies to households.COPNI is the Classification of the Purposes of Non-profit Institutions Serving Households. COFOG is the Classification of the Functions of Government. 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