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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`V'Content oIndex A1 AGGREGATES A2 AGGREGATES}0 B1 CVM OUTPUT| B2 CVM OUTPUTBXC1 EXPENDITUREyJC2 EXPENDITURE|`D INCOME?E1 EXPENDITURE !&E2 EXPENDITURE+E3 EXPENDITURE(2E4 EXPENDITURE7F1 GFCF[M>F2 GFCFD G INVENTORIESO}GH1 TRADEUKH2 TRADE$OL GVAbpQM Alignment adjustments"/SN Financial Year Variables*UO Selected imp defXP GDP per head[R Annual Revisions \R Quarterly Revisionsd\ AA Annex A] AB Annex B&^ AC Annex Cg_ AD Annex DR` AE Annex E3b AF Annex Fc AG Annex G, !  ;ffh[Z               @!^                       db\zC4#G7cU8n0zC4#G7cUPNG  IHDR#sRGB pHYs\!IDATXGX;r0 ,RLNNvJi"ܬ}AYgG*<|ά,= cKdCSb8~i?h02[-j\}B9m΋8G*@ )3mʡچI]UU=A7wKz%0.Vy;ُ ݂uR0 cƑL nC2#|WK%;fUO舌*~1_{6類DxvEv:+)ZYCڞ3 aaBKZi tX;B!bK8ז_$EXaG=I~_疲S]hf︝._gcPԞMd֮v;{-#B3K~0QUjJnH~6})j#>|C{@:! R ɡ"=ߛrj^'JT]ŽFo,Z۽ [|}SQ:SpW9Л4OLQC⹩C6Q;X?6sN~UZ.-Se !rJrI05۴#:{ܟ1_gUfOA33 09 Zbh ;ͥIENDB`3 A@@   hCQuarterly National Accounts, Q4 (Oct to Dec) 2018 : 29th March 2019Date of next GDP publicationgdp@ons.gov.uk 01633 455284Charlotte RichardsGDPContact7. Q4 is Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec)!6. Q3 is Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 5. Q2 is Quarter 2 (Apr to June)4. Q1 is Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar)3 - nil or less than half the final digit shown .. not available3. Symbols usedj2. Rounding may lead to inconsistencies between the sum of constituent parts and the total in some tables.C1. All annual and quarterly data are available seasonally adjusted.Notes on the tablesIIncome components of GDP- growths and revisions from previous estimate CPAG7Expenditure growth revisions from previous estimate CVMAF3Output growth revisions from previous estimates CVMAE3Implied GDP deflator growths expenditure componentsAD9Growth and contributions to growth - income components CPAC?Growth and contributions to growth - expenditure components CVMAB:Growth and contributions to growth - output components CVMAAAnnexesMRevisions Analysis : Quarterly revisions since previously published estimatesRJRevisions Analysis : Annual revisions since previously published estimates Revisions GDP per headPSelected implied deflatorsO!Selected financial year variablesNAlignment adjustments CP & CVMM6Gross value added at basic prices: individual measuresLOther analysisDExports and imports of goods and services at chained volume measuresH2BExports and imports of goods and services at current market pricesH1 Trade0Change in inventories at chained volume measuresG InventoriesTGross fixed capital formation by sector and type of asset at chained volume measuresF2KGross fixed capital formation by sector and type of asset at current pricesF1Gross fixed capital formationWHousehold final consumption expenditure (goods and services) at chained volume measuresE4MHousehold final consumption expenditure by purpose at chained volume measuresE3NHousehold final consumption expenditure (goods and services) at current pricesE2DHousehold final consumption expenditure by purpose at current pricesE1 Household expenditure indicators?Gross domestic product: by category of income at current pricesDIncome indicatorsJGross domestic product by category of expenditure: chained volume measuresC25Gross domestic product: expenditure at current pricesC1Expenditure indicatorsdGross value added chained volume measures at basic prices, by category of output: Service industriesB2PGross value added chained volume measures at basic prices, by category of outputB1Output indicatorsGDP and GVA in millionA2"GDP, GVA and GDP deflator indicesA1National Accounts aggregates33) The index may be sorted and/or filtered at will.g2) Left-clicking on the relevant series in Column A will highlight the series in the appropriate table.L1) An index to all the series featured in the following tables is available.IndexTime series dataset?Contents: First Quarterly Estimate of GDP, Q4 (Oct to Dec) 20184Q GR REVISIONAnnex HCReal households disposable income at chained volume measures CVM SAN46J1Q GR REVISIONN46H % REVISION)Households' saving ratio (per cent) CP SAN46D million#Rest of the world net lending CP SAN46X#Household & NPISH net lending CP SAN46V4Private non-financial corporations net lending CP SAN46T(Financial corporations net lending CP SAN46R%Public corporations net lending CP SAN46P"Local government net lending CP SAN46N$Central government net lending CP SAN46L4Q GR PREVIOUSN46I1Q GR PREVIOUSN46G % PREVIOUSN46CN46WN46UN46SN46QN46ON46MN46K4Q GRKHJ31Q GRKHJ2%NRJSRQCHRPZTRQBVRPYNRQBNRQAJRPYH1Y GR REVISIONN46F million REVISION1Y GR PREVIOUSN46E million PREVIOUS1Y GRKHI9Annex G3Taxes on products & production less subsidies CP SAZZ8IOther income CP SAZZ8H-Gross operating surplus of corporations CP SAZZ8GCompensation of employees CP SAZZ8FA2CSA2CRA2CQA2CPKH67KH6VKH4XKGI5ZZ8EZZ8DZZ8CZZ8BA2COA2CNA2CMA2CLKH66KH6UKH4WKGI4ZZ8MZZ8LZZ8KZZ8JA2CWA2CVA2CUA2CTKH65KH6TKH4VKGI3Annex FTotal imports CVM SAZZ82Total exports CVM SAZZ7ZBusiness investment CVM SAZZ7Y$Gross fixed capital formation CVM SAZZ7XGross capital formation CVM SAZZ7W7General government final consumption expenditure CVM SAZZ7V<Non-profit institutions final consumption expenditure CVM SAZZ7U/Households final consumption expenditure CVM SAZZ7TA26NA26MA26LA26KA26JA26IA26HA26CKH3PKH2WKG7SKG7TZZ5YKH2KKH28KGZ7ZZ7SZZ7RZZ7QZZ7PZZ7OZZ7NZZ7MZZ7LA268A264A25MA25JA25IA24YA24XA24MKH3OKH2VKG7PKG7QZZ5HKH2JKH27KGZ6ZZ8AZZ89ZZ88ZZ87ZZ86ZZ85ZZ84ZZ83A2CKA29FA29DA28LA28JA289A276A275KH3NKH2UKG7MKG7NZZ6HKH2IKH26KGZ5Annex E"Government & other services CVM SAZZ4Y$Business services and finance CVM SAZZ4X,Transport, storage and communications CVM SAZZ4W1Distribution, hotels and catering; repairs CVM SAZZ4VTotal services CVM SAZZ4UConstruction CVM SAZZ4T#Water supply, sewerage, etc. CVM SAZZ4S&Electricity, gas, steam and air CVM SAZZ4RManufacturing CVM SAZZ4P:Mining & quarrying including oil and gas extraction CVM SAZZ4QTotal production CVM SAZZ4O&Agriculture, forestry & fishing CVM SAZZ4NA2EPA2EOA2ENA2EMA2ELA2EKA2EEA2E5A2E3A2E4A2E2A2DZKIH8KIH9KII2L47FL44QL44ML44GL44CL42DL427L426L3ZZZZ4LZZ4KZZ4JZZ4IZZ4HZZ4GZZ4FZZ4EZZ4CZZ4DZZ4BZZ4AA2DYA2DXA2DWA2DVA2DUA2DTA2DSA2DRA2DLA2DOA2CYA2CXKI8PKI8NKI8LL3GPL3E2L3DWL3DQL3DML3BNL3BHL3BGL3BBZZ5DZZ5CZZ5BZZ5AZZ59ZZ58ZZ57ZZ56ZZ54ZZ55ZZ53ZZ52A2F5A2F4A2F3A2F2A2EYA2EWA2EVA2EUA2ESA2ETA2ERA2EQAnnex DTotal imports deflator SAZZ92Total exports deflator SAZZ8Z)Gross fixed capital formation deflator SAZZ8Y%Gross capital expenditure deflator SAZZ8X<General government final consumption expenditure deflator SAZZ8WANon-profit institutions final consumption expenditure deflator SAZZ8V4Households final consumption expenditure deflator SAZZ8UZZ8TZZ8SZZ8RZZ8QZZ8PZZ8OZZ8NZZ99ZZ98ZZ97ZZ96ZZ95ZZ94ZZ93 4Q CONT GRAnnex CZZ7CZZ7BZZ7AZZ79 1Q CONT GRZZ74ZZ73ZZ72ZZ6Z 1Y CONT GRZZ7KZZ7JZZ7IZZ7HAnnex BNet trade CVM SAZZ6DZZ6CZZ6BZZ6AZZ69ZZ68ZZ67ZZ66ZZ65ZZ5UZZ5TZZ5SZZ5RZZ5QZZ5PZZ5OZZ5NZZ5MZZ6UZZ6TZZ6SZZ6RZZ6QZZ6PZZ6OZZ6NZZ6MAnnex AZZ3HZZ3GZZ3FZZ3EZZ3DZZ3CZZ3BZZ3AZZ38ZZ39ZZ37ZZ36ZZ2QZZ2PZZ2OZZ2NZZ2MZZ2LZZ2KZZ2JZZ2HZZ2IZZ2GZZ2FZZ48ZZ47ZZ46ZZ45ZZ44ZZ43ZZ42ZZ3ZZZ3XZZ3YZZ3WZZ3VRatio revisionR Quarterly Revisions Saving ratio (per cent) revisionKB8NRevisionTotal imports revision CVM SAKB8MTotal exports revision CVM SAKB8LTTotal revision to national expenditure on goods and services at market prices CVM SAKB8K-Gross fixed capital formation revision CVM SAKB8J"General government revision CVM SAKB8I:Non-profit institutions serving households revision CVM SAKB8HHouseholds revision CVM SAKB8G'Total GVA excluding Oil revision CVM SAKB8FTotal GVA revision CVM SAKB8ETotal Services revision CVM SAKB8D-Government and other services revision CVM SAKB8C-Business services and finance revision CVM S< AKB8B4Transport, storage and communication revision CVM SAKB8A:Distribution, hotels and catering; repairs revision CVM SAKB89Construction revision CVM SAKB88 Total Production revision CVM SAKB87&Water supply, sewerage revision CVM SAKNT7/Electricity, gas, steam and air revision CVM SAKB86Manufacturing revision CVM SAKB85:Mining, quarrying inc oil & gas extraction revision CVM SAKB841Agriculture, forestry and fishing revision CVM SAKB83UGross domestic product quarter on quarter of the previous year growth revision CVM SAKB94@Gross domestic product quarter on quarter growth revision CVM SAKB82/Statistical discrepancy (income) revision CP SAKB7Z<Taxes on products & production less subsidies revision CP SAKB7Y/Gross value added at factor cost revision CP SAKB7XOther income revision CP SAKB7W6Gross operating surplus of corporations revision CP SAKB7V(Compensation of employees revision CP SAKB7U4Statistical discrepancy (expenditure) revision CP SAKB7TTotal imports revision CP SAKB7STotal exports revision CP SAKB7RSTotal revision to national expenditure on goods and services at market prices CP SAKB7Q7Acquisitions less disposals of valuables revision CP SAKB7P%Changes in inventories revision CP SAKB7O,Gross fixed capital formation revision CP SAKB7N!General government revision CP SAKB7M9Non-profit institutions serving households revision CP SAKB7LHouseholds revision CP SAKB7K0Gross value added at basic prices revision CP SAKB7F%Basic price adjustment revision CP SAKB7E6Gross domestic product at market prices revision CP SAKB7DR Annual Revisions:Gross domestic product year on year growth revision CVM SATable P&Gross domestic product per head CVM SAN3Y8.Gross domestic product at market prices CVM SAIHYR%Gross domestic product per head CP SAN3Y5-Gross domestic product at market prices CP SAIHYON3Y7IHYQN3Y4IHYNN3Y6IHYPN3Y3IHYMIHXWABMIIHXTYBHA,UK resident population mid-year estimates SAEBAQ4Q deflator GRTable O5Gross value added at basic prices implied deflator SAMNX8;Gross domestic product at market prices implied deflator SAMNF5.Gross national expenditure implied deflator SAMNE51Q deflator GRMNX7MNF4MNE41Y deflator GRMNX6MNF3MNE3Index deflator seriesMNX5MNF2MNE2N Financial Year Variables(Implied GDP deflator at market prices SAL8GI7General government gross fixed capital formation CVM SAKH9M(Gross value added at basic prices CVM SAKGN36General government gross fixed capital formation CP SAKH7R6General government final consumption expenditure CP SAKH2E'Gross value added at basic prices CP SAKGM2L8GHKH9CKGM9KH7PKH2DKGL8L8GGDLWFNMRYABMMRPZGNMRPABMLM Alignment adjustmentsPGross operating surplus of non-financial corporations alignment adjustment CP SADMUQ2Changes in inventories alignment adjustment CVM SADMUM1Changes in inventories alignment adjustment CP SADMUNL GVAbp"Output based estimate index CVM SAGDPR"Income-based estimate index CVM SAKH6I'Expenditure-based estimate index CVM SAKH4H!Income-based estimate index CP SAKH6C&Expenditure-based estimate index CP SAKH4BIncome-based estimate CP SA Expenditure-based estimate CP SA!Expenditure-based estimate CVM SAGDPQKH6GKH4FKH6AKH49KH6EKH4DKH68KH47 Index seriesYBFRIHYDIHYCIHYBIHYAResidual error CP SADJDSCAGSCAGQCAGRH2 TRADEImports of services CVM SAKH46Imports of goods CVM SAKGA4Export of services CVM SAKH3DExport of goods CVM SAKGA5KH45KG9ZKH3CKGA2KH44KG9WKH3BKG9XTotal balance CVM SAIKBMIKBLIKBFBQKOIKBKIKBEBQKQH1 TRADETotal imports CP SAKH3JImports of services CP SAKH3YImports of goods CP SAKG9TTotal exports CP SAKH2QExports of services CP SAKH37Exports of goods CP SAKG9SKH3IKH3XKG9PKH2PKH36KG9OKH3HKH3WKG9LKH2OKH35KG9KTotal balance CP SAIKBJServices balance CP SAIKBDGoods balance CP SABOKIIKBIIKBCBOKHIKBHExport of services CP SAIKBBExport of goods CP SABOKG G INVENTORIESChanges in inventories CVM SACAFUOther industries CVM SADLWX Retail CVM SAFBYNWholesale CVM SAFAJX(Electricity, gas and water supply CVM SAFAEB%Total manufacturing industries CVM SADHBMFinished goods CVM SAFBNHWork in progress CVM SAFBNGMaterials and fuel CVM SAFBNFMining and quarrying CVM SAFAEAF GFCF*Total gross fixed capital formation CVM SA%Intellectual property products CVM SAKH9S%Other buildings and structures CVM SAKH9RDwellings CVM SAKH9K$Other machinery and equipment CVM SAKH9QTransport equipment CVM SAKH9PKPrivate sector costs of transfer of ownership of non-produced assets CVM SAL653Private sector dwellings CVM SAL656PPublic corporations costs of transfer of ownership of non-produced assets CVM SAL64Y$Public corporations dwellings CVM SAL64VGeneral government CVM SAKH9IKH9HKH9AKH9GKH9FL652L655L64XL64UKH98KH97KH8YKH96KH95L64ZL654L64WL64TKH92NPQTEQDODLWTDFEGDLWODLWLL637L636L635L634NPELE4 EXPENDITUREServices CVM SAKHG9Non-durable goods CVM SAKHF5Semi-durable goods CVM SAKHI5Durable goods CVM SAKHC5Total goods CVM SAKHD91Total domestic household final consumption CVM SAKG7U1Total national household final consumption CVM SAKHG8KHF4KHI4KHC4KHD8KG7RKHG7KHF3KHI3KHC3KHD7KG7OUTIPUTILUTITUTIDUTIHZAKWNet tourism CVM SAABTHABJRE3 EXPENDITUREMiscellaneous CVM SAKGF2Restaurants & hotels CVM SAKGD6Education CVM SAKGC2Recreation & culture CVM SAKGL5Communication CVM SAKGK7Transport CVM SAKGJ9 Health CVM SAKGJ3!Household goods & services CVM SAKGI2Housing CVM SAKGH4Clothing & footwear CVM SAKGG6Alcohol & tobacco CVM SAKGF8Food & drink CVM SAKGA6KGE9KGD5KGB9KGL4KGK6KGJ8KGJ2KGH9KGH3KGG5KGF7KGA3KGE8KGD4KGB8KGL3KGK5KGJ7KGI9KGH8KGH2KGG4KGF6KG9YZAYGZAXSZWUTZAXAZAWWZAWMZAWCZAVWZAVOZALAZAKYZWUNE2 EXPENDITUREServices CP SAKHG3Non-durable goods CP SAKHE7Semi-durable goods CP SAKHH7Durable goods CP SAKHB7Total goods CP SAKHD30Total domestic household final consumption CP SAKG7C0Total national household final consumption CP SAKGY9KHG2KHE6KHH6KHB6KHD2KG74KGY8KHF9KHE5KHH5KHB5KHC9KG6UKGY7UTINUTIJUTIRUTIBUTIFZAKVNet tourism CP SAABTFABJQE1 EXPENDITUREMiscellaneous CP SAKGE4Restaurants & hotels CP SAKGC8Education CP SAKGB4Recreation & culture CP SAKGL2Communication CP SAKGK4Transport CP SAKGJ6 Health CP SAKGI8 Household goods & services CP SAKGH7 Housing CP SAKGG9Clothing & footwear CP SAKGG3Alcohol & tobacco CP SAKGF5Food & drink CP SAKG9VKGE3KGC7KGB3KGK9KGK3KGJ5KGI7KGH6KGG8KGG2KGF4KG9RKGE2KGC6KGB2KGK8KGK2KGJ4KGI6KGH5KGG7KGF9KGF3KG9NZAYFZAXRZWUSZAWZZAWVZAWLZAWBZAVVZAVNZAKZZAKXZWUMD INCOME&Gross value added at factor cost CP SAKH6P1Total corporations gross operating surplus, CP SA1Public corporations gross operating surplus CP SAKH554Financial corporations gross operating surplus CP SAKH5N@Private non-financial corporations gross operating surplus CP SAKH5BKH6OKH54KH5MKH5AKH6N0Total corporations gross operating surplus CP SAKH53KH5LKH59&Statistical discrepancy (income) CP SAGIXQCMVLCGCBCGBXCGBZCAEQ< NHCZ#Of which alignment adjustment CP SACAERDTWMC2 EXPENDITURE.Total gross final expenditure (aligned) CVM SAKGW7.Trade in goods & services total exports CVM SA+Total national expenditure (aligned) CVM SAKGY3#Of which business investment CVM SA.Household final consumption expenditure CVM SAKGW6KGY2KGW5KGX9,Statistical discrepancy (expenditure) CVM SAGIXSTrade balance CVM SAABMGYBIM/Acquisitions less disposals of valuables CVM SANPJR$Of which alignment adjustment CVM SAHAYOC1 EXPENDITURE#Total gross final expenditure CP SAKGV9-Trade in goods & services total exports CP SA Total national expenditure CP SAKGX5"Of which business investment CP SAKG75#Gross fixed capital formation CP SAKG76;Non-profit institutions final consumption expenditure CP SAKH226National household final consumption expenditure CP SAKGV8KGX4KG6VKG6WKGZ9KGV7KGX3KG6NKG6OKH2CKGZ8+Statistical discrepancy (expenditure) CP SAGIXMTrade balance CP SAABMFYBIL.Acquisitions less disposals of valuables CP SANPJQChanges in inventories CP SACAEXNPEKNPQSHAYE B2 CVM OUTPUTOther services CVM SAL47JHealth & social work CVM SAL46QL46O?Public administration, national defence, social security CVM SAL46M:Professional, scientific administration and support CVM SAL45VReal estate CVM SAL45Q)Financial and insurance activities CVM SAL45K&Accommodation and food services CVM SAL456!Wholesale and retail trade CVM SAL44SL3GTL3G2L3FYL3FWL3F7L3F2L3EUL3EGL3E4L2NCL2Q5L2PCL2PAL2P8L2OHL2OCL2O6L2NQKI8ML2NE B1 CVM OUTPUT,Gross value added excluding oil & gas CVM SAKLH9KLH8KGM7KLH7CGCEKI8QKI8OL2PZL2N8L2KQL2N2L2MWL2KXL2KRL2KL A2 AGGREGATES,Gross national income at market prices CP SAKH76KH75KGL6KH74KLS2Basic price adjustment CVM SANTAOBasic price adjustment CP SANTAPNet income from abroad CP SACAESABMZ A1 AGGREGATES-Gross value added at basic prices deflator SAKGM63Gross domestic product at market prices deflator SAIHYU&Gross national expenditure deflator SAKH7F&Market sector gross value added CVM SAL48D8Gross national disposable income at market prices CVM SAKH73KGM5IHYTKH7EL489KH6ZKGM4IHYSKH7DKH6XCGBVYBGBYBFVL48HYBFPYBEZYBEXYBEU SERIES TYPETABLESERIES DESCRIPTIONCDID`Based on the sum of expenditure components of GDP at current prices and in chained volume terms.The growth rates are calculated from the m series and due to the rounded nature of the index series the growth rates cannot be replicatedAEstimates cannot be regarded as accurate to the last digit shown.2018 Q42018 Q32018 Q22018 Q12017 Q42017 Q32017 Q22017 Q12016 Q42016 Q32016 Q22016 Q12015 Q42015 Q32015 Q22015 Q12014 Q42014 Q32014 Q22014 Q12013 Q42013 Q32013 Q22013 Q12012 Q42012 Q32012 Q22012 Q12011 Q42011 Q32011 Q22011 Q12010 Q42010 Q32010 Q22010 Q12009 Q42009 Q32009 Q22009 Q12008 Q42008 Q32008 Q22008 Q12007 Q42007 Q32007 Q22007 Q12006 Q42006 Q32006 Q22006 Q12005 Q42005 Q32005 Q22005 Q12004 Q42004 Q32004 Q22004 Q12003 Q42003 Q32003 Q22003 Q12002 Q42002 Q32002 Q22002 Q12001 Q42001 Q32001 Q22001 Q12000 Q42000 Q32000 Q22000 Q11999 Q41999 Q31999 Q21999 Q11998 Q41998 Q31998 Q21998 Q11997 Q41997 Q31997 Q21997 Q11996 Q41996 Q31996 Q21996 Q11995 Q41995 Q31995 Q21995 Q11994 Q41994 Q31994 Q21994 Q11993 Q41993 Q31993 Q21993 Q11992 Q41992 Q31992 Q21992 Q11991 Q41991 Q31991 Q21991 Q11990 Q41990 Q31990 Q21990 Q11989 Q41989 Q31989 Q21989 Q11988 Q41988 Q31988 Q21988 Q11987 Q41987 Q31987 Q21987 Q11986 Q41986 Q31986 Q21986 Q11985 Q41985 Q31985 Q21985 Q11984 Q41984 Q31984 Q21984 Q11983 Q41983 Q31983 Q21983 Q11982 Q41982 Q31982 Q21982 Q11981 Q41981 Q31981 Q21981 Q11980 Q41980 Q31980 Q21980 Q11979 Q41979 Q31979 Q21979 Q11978 Q41978 Q31978 Q21978 Q11977 Q41977 Q31977 Q21977 Q11976 Q41976 Q31976 Q21976 Q11975 Q41975 Q31975 Q21975 Q11974 Q41974 Q31974 Q21974 Q11973 Q41973 Q31973 Q21973 Q11972 Q41972 Q31972 Q21972 Q11971 Q41971 Q31971 Q21971 Q11970 Q41970 Q31970 Q21970 Q11969 Q41969 Q31969 Q21969 Q11968 Q41968 Q31968 Q21968 Q11967 Q41967 Q31967 Q21967 Q11966 Q41966 Q31966 Q21966 Q11965 Q41965 Q31965 Q21965 Q11964 Q41964 Q31964 Q21964 Q11963 Q41963 Q31963 Q21963 Q11962 Q41962 Q31962 Q21962 Q11961 Q41961 Q31961 Q21961 Q11960 Q41960 Q31960 Q21960 Q11959 Q41959 Q31959 Q21959 Q11958 Q41958 Q31958 Q21958 Q11957 Q41957 Q31957 Q21957 Q11956 Q41956 Q31956 Q21956 Q1KPercentage change, latest quarter on corresponding quarter of previous year1955 Q41955 Q31955 Q25Percentage change, latest quarter on previous quarter/Percentage change, latest year on previous year1955 Q1Seasonally adjusted!Gross value added at basic prices'Gross domestic product at market pricesGross national expenditureMarket sector gross value addedImplied deflators 3Chained volume indicesValue indices at current prices 2016 = 100National accounts aggregates1,2jCalculated by using gross value added at basic prices minus extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas.!Taxes on products less subsidies._Estimates are given to the nearest million but cannot be regarded as accurate to this degree.&Gross value added excluding oil & gas3%less Basic price adjustment2,Chained Volume Measure (Reference year 2016)Current pricesNational accounts aggregates1This is a balanced index of UK GVA, taking into account data from the income and expenditure approaches. Thus it will not necessarily be the weighted sum of the industrial indices..Weights may not sum to totals due to rounding.jComponents of outputs are valued at basic prices, which excludes taxes and includes subsidies on products.2016 Weights %Gross value added excluding oil & gas#Gross value added at basic prices 4!Total servicesGovernment & other servicesBusiness services and finance%Transport, storage and communications$Distribution, hotels and restaurants ConstructionTotal productionWater supply, sewerage, etc.Electricity, gas, steam and air Manufacturing3Mining & quarrying including oil and gas extractionAgriculture, forestry & fishingService industries Production 2016 = 100UGross value added chained volume measures at basic prices, by category of output 1, 2Q,Comprising sections R, S and T of SIC(2007).Other services 4Health & social work Education8Public administration, national defence, social security3Professional, scientific administration and support Real estate"Financial and insurance activitiesAccommodation and food servicesWholesale and retail tradeiGross value added chained volume measures at basic prices, by category of output: Service industries 1, 2efTrade balance is calculated by using exports of goods and services minus imports of goods and servicesAcquisitions less disposals of valuables can be a volatile series, due to the inclusion of non-monetary gold, but any volatility is likely to be GDP neutral as this is offset in UK trade figures7Quarterly alignment adjustment included in this series.eFurther breakdown of business investment can be found in the 'Business investment in t< he UK' bulletin+Non-profit institutions serving households.%Statistical discrepancy (expenditure)Trade balance 6less Total importsGross final expenditure Total exportsTotal*Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 5)Of which alignment adjustmentChanges in inventories 4Of which business investment 3General GovernmentNon-profit institutions 2 HouseholdsGross capital formationFinal consumption expenditure;National expenditure on goods and services at market prices7Gross domestic product: expenditure at current prices 16Themost significant quarterly growth error is in 2005Q2 increasing growth by 2.3%.Figures in current prices are unaffected and the CVM data will be corrected in Blue Book 2019, the next time 2005 data are open to revision. vAn error was discovered in the General Government Final Consumption Expenditure CVM figures during quality assurance.  General Government7Reference year 2016, millionLGross domestic product by category of expenditure: chained volume measures 1KM Includes mixed income and the operating surplus of the non-corporate sector.v Includes the operating surplus of financial corporations, private non-financial corporations and public corporations.8 Quarterly alignment adjustment included in this series.` Estimates are given to the nearest million but cannot be regarded as accurate to this degree. Statistical discrepancy (income)-Taxes on products & production less subsidies Gross value added at factor cost Other income4 Total3Public corporationsFinancial corporationsOf which alignment adjustment #Private non-financial corporations2"Compensation of employees'Gross operating surplus of corporationsAGross domestic product: by category of income at current prices 1@CFinal consumption expenditure in the UK by UK & foreign households.6Final consumption by UK Households in the UK & abroad.;ESA 10 Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose.121110090807060504030201-COICOP 1 MiscellaneousRestaurants & hotelsRecreation & culture Communication TransportHealthHousehold goods & servicesHousingClothing & footwearAlcohol & tobacco Food & drink Net tourism UK DOMESTIC 3  UK NATIONAL 2 SNDSDServicesNon-durable goodsSemi-durable goods Durable goodsGoodsBFinal consumption expenditure by UK Households in the UK & abroad.jIncluding costs associated with the transfer of ownership of buildings, dwellings and non-produced assets.5Includes new dwellings and improvements to dwellings.FIncludes cultivated biological resources (AN.115) and weapons (AN.114)^Remaining investment by public non-financial corporations included within business investment.Not including expenditure on dwellings, land and existing buildings and costs associated with the transfer of ownership of non-produced assets.KG79KH86KH87KG7AKG7BL64PL64ML64JL64GKG6ZKH82KH83KG72KG73L64OL64LL64IL64FKG6RKH7WKH7XKG6SKG6TL64NL64KL64HL64EKH7NTLPKEQEDGGAETLPWTLPXL62UL62TL62SL62RIntellectual Property ProductsOther buildings and structures5 Dwellings4 0ICT equipment and other machinery and equipment3/Transport equipment5Costs of transfer of ownership of non-produced assetsGeneral governmentBusiness investment 1Private sectorPublic corporations 2Analysis by assetAnalysis by sectorSGross fixed capital formation by sector and type of asset at chained volume measureIThese are values of physical stock levels in reference year (2016) prices=Wholesaling and retailing estimates exclude the motor trades.0Level of inventories held at end-December 2016 4/Changes in inventories 3Other industries 3Retail 2 Wholesale 2 !Electricity, gas and water supplyFinished goodsWork in progressMaterials and fuelMining and quarryingDistributive tradesManufacturing industries2Change in inventories at chained volume measures 11BalanceImportsExportsH1Total 1FThe growth rates of index numbers are calculated using unrounded data.LIncome data deflated by the implied GDP deflator, based on expenditure data.It is also the sum of two components: the statistical discrepancy (expenditure) with sign reversed, and the statistical discrepancy (income) with natural sign.The residual error is, by convention, the amount by which the expenditure -based approach to measuring GDP exceeds the income-based estimate. Output based estimateIncome- based estimate2Expenditure- based estimateIncome- based estimateResidual error15Expenditure-based estimate at chained volume measuresChained volume indicesAt current pricesIndex numbers (2016 = 100)GGross operating surplus of non-financial corporations at current prices-Chained volume measures (Reference year 2016)Changes in inventoriesAlignment adjustmentsImplied deflator is displayed with 4 decimal places to replace a GDP deflator in index form series previously calculated by HM Treasury. Data are only considered accurate to 1 decimal place.Implied deflator is expressed in terms of 2017/18 = 100 for presentational purposes, whereas in table A1 it is expressed as 2016 = 100.<All data are seasonally adjusted unless otherwise specified.dFinancial year millions estimates are the sum of the 4 quarters which make up that financial year.A8LAA8L92017/182016/172015/162014/152013/142012/132011/122010/112009/102008/092007/082006/072005/062004/052003/042002/032001/022000/011999/001998/991997/981996/971995/961994/951993/941992/931991/921990/911989/901988/891987/881986/871985/861984/851983/841982/831981/821980/811979/801978/791977/781976/771975/761974/751973/741972/731971/721970/711969/701968/691967/681966/671965/661964/651963/641962/631961/621960/611959/601958/591957/581956/57CPercentage change, latest financial year on previous financial year1955/56BKTL prices 3 4 formation expenditureprices at market fixed capital consumptionbasic deflatorgrossfinaladded atproduct governmentvaluedomesticImpliedGeneralGross@Gross domestic product at market prices, non seasonally adjusted+Chain Volume Measures (reference year 2016)Current Prices7 millions except deflator index which is 2017/18 = 100%Selected financial year variables1, 2!Implied deflator is displayed with 4 decimal places to replace a GDP deflator in index form series previously calculated by HM Treasury. 5Data are only considered accurate to 1 decimal place.hImplied deflator is expressed in terms of 2018 = 100, whereas in table A1 it is expressed as 2016 = 100.`"Gross value added at basic prices (Gross domestic product at market prices3'Gross national expenditure Implied deflators2 2018 = 100Selected implied deflators 19GDP is presented in million; also published in table A2SThis data uses the UK resident population mid-year estimates published 28 June 2018This data uses the latest population estimates with the exception of the latest year where population projections are used. The quarterly data in this table does not sum to annuals (excluding GDP at market prices)Gross domestic product per head?UK resident population mid-year estimates (persons, thousands)2>DChained volume measures (Reference year 2016)GDP Per Head 1  Total imports*Non-profit institutions serving householdsat market prices*National expenditure on goods and services(of GDP expenditure components (Table C2)Percentage changes in volumeTotal GVA excluding Oil Total GVA<<Total ServicesGovernment and other services$Transport, storage and communication*Distribution, hotels and catering; repairsTotal ProductionWater supply, sewerage*Mining, quarrying inc oil & gas extraction!Agriculture, forestry and fishingGVA at basic prices#of GVA output components (Table B1)Year on year growth.Gross domestic product chained volume measures.Percentage changes in volume of GDP (Table A2)in chained volume terms5Latest less previously published growth rates for GDP-Taxes on products & production less Subsidies Other income"income at current prices (Table D)Gross domestic product:(Acquisitions less disposals of valuables(expenditure at current prices (Table C1)less Basic price adjustmentat current prices (Table A2)National accounts aggregatesat current market prices.Latest less previously published levels of GDPERevisions Analysis 1 : Revisions since previously published estimates/Growth, quarter on quarter of the previous yearQuarter on quarter growthContributions are to output gross value added and therefore may not sum to the percentage change in average GDP. More information on the difference between the 3 measures can be found in the Short Guide to National Accounts.Estimates are accurate to 1 decimal place and contributions are available from 1997. Output data are available from 1990 in table B1.Contribution to growthGrowthGrowth #Distribution, hotels and retaurantsReference year 2016Seasonally adjusted dataAnnex A - Growth and contributions to growth - output components of GDP1,2 Chained Volume MeasuresG&Please refer to footnote 7 in table C2This table does not include the contribution from the statistical discrepancy and components may not sum to the percentage change in average GDP. Chained volume measure data for this component are available in table C2.Estimates are accurate to 1 decimal place and contributions are available from 1997. Expenditure data are available from 1948 annually and 1955 quarterly in table C2. Net tradeless Total importsBusiness investmentGeneral government4Non-profit institutions3Annex B - Growth and contributions to growth - expenditure components of GDP1,2 Chained Volume MeasuresLLIncludes mixed income and the operating surplus of the non-corporate sector.uIncludes the operating surplus of financial corporations, private non-financial corporations and public corporations.This table does not include the contribution from the statistical discrepancy and components may not sum to the percentage change in average GDP. Current price data for this component are available in table D.Estimates are accurate to 1 decimal place and contributions are available from 1997. Income data are available from 1948 annually and 1955 quarterly in table D.(Gross operating surplus of corporations3'Annex C - Growth and contributions to growth - income components of GDP1,2 Current PricesGEstimates are accurate to 1 decimal place and are available from 1997. Current price and chained volume measure data are available from 1948 annually and 1955 quarterly in tables C1 and C2 respectively.Non-profit institutions2GAnnex D - Implied GDP deflator growths - Expenditure components of GDP1()FEstimates are accurate to 1 decimal place, previous estimates and revisions are available from 1997. Output data are available from 1990 in table B1.Previous estimates2Current estimates3Annex E - Output components of GDP - growths and revisions from previous estimates1,2 Chained Volume MeasuresRThemost significant quarterly growth error is in 2005Q2 increasing growth by 2.3%.Figures in current prices in unaffected and the CVM data will be corrected in Blue Book 2019, the next time 2005 data are open to revision. +Non-profit institutions serving households Estimates are accurate to 1 decimal place, previous estimates and revisions are available from 1997. Expenditure data are available from 1948 annually and 1955 quarterly in table C2.General government5 Annex F - Expenditure components of GDP - growths and revisions from previous estimate1,2 Chained Volume MeasuresV Estimates are accurate to 1 decimal place, previous estimates and revisions are available from 1997. Income data are available from 1948 annually and 1955 quarterly in table D.cAnnex G - Income components of GDP - growths and revisions from previous estimate1,2 Current pricesQT..JPrevious estimate refers to estimates from the Quarterly National AccountsgCurrent estimate refers to the estimate released within this publication (GDP first quarterly estimate)TotalT V}5s f w |4l$Gh: /Pj"ӗ<&V=ZޜfZKߤsu t8 l G ֫j 0 EnTY%1:$R)7 0!˻_6 tɾ] SC$b >Q2 c r  % 4JYv 8Gds &y4ERS(F* !v b.C%zQ<}d4az  Qcc  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGR.e1a$n%N91G7Z(Lj$>{ҿQ>HjlIh촪b-{gv|g'=/:~E[7 r!7\&0;9$4 kas6r}SXi٬ kGAsPZxC}s7T A`?^R|{֯A)oViנt] f9dQ)/P yt),b-FO@)$zh QGpED 0\UF:W@?i i !SNy?yW޼W6Veda?~ǗH }˯S+.Lۯ_:w9:1c# $BĒ@v_#m' xg:J3F{; pOeXxJ=B5w%%WRُE!ED `)Ǝ}Nec2L>'^I& B ڲǨk|f#a[ ?2(v?B2r O/0epp<^ ø~Lױ䒜t!L䀝#/]1I"8EC&]cf~@^w?!rcH&"@7+̬aWʮ]N[->˜s4{A--FU+";V{IMGDX!; z+Q#O}i!T9g*}@&>itWYK w忋1ؗO-ؗ /-ݔym&Z3A`-X/DT]b+޴1$l~ڞ8vix܊uVg_J9jpۚZ%1Tݜu\w5}Wo/_2:^Ƈ㺗NV>N/S/٨ӎG{|ұ\S|$_4 *9}܉#en8#,Dz!%pbc6KO:UuVVd1^ q8),NrBn(ː0&I$Ae$} Fs+(,-~@- z!8|z]̏}ƴ"ZMn+{VM)u[}B^%UVLfQSwӰ٨];6  #76jt0xrQ CM_-[mvBv9h{4my&Oފv~-*pX A R7 aX zPXdW~Wt]xsKsc2eM\_Wk/=Iy6j۽F]J*^i7A?lG/|Ln4RFEoK͠Vnkt_dm <y+ 7n\_"6ֻ;^g7.A xH&6Pрu.(GidR"џ\BjtXG.cp:?XԡI7D>i# ~_qln;ӓp-EctVH51FMzT/ɤ%g/׉'MGG{_s!Wy-A8ӌrI _1kn07țTqO_A#En|ڳ1Eңe)թIs54ljwӥ<TiG =H[z!,6XNEˈJr kc#ei )+؜ 45(l3P_ ojܮM\ԂrO[~Mt=m܏AkʋB{8C|h~QCmxC ?4R|H}H3[iEtݎ0 '&;SBɵl{To[nFs}z³ڱ nVnZ4uWV-T"  p <" dXX??&U} q M} M} M} M} $M} MM@f@@@@f@@@@ f@ @ @ @ f@@@@f@@@f@@@@@@f@@@@f@@ V\ TVV U[ OZ MY MX MW OV TU MT TS MR T OQ TP MO TN MM OL TK MJ TI MH OG TF ME OD TC MB TA M@ T? 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