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@@;@մ@B@ @@`@մ@@Zn  RenfrewshireA@@o@@c@@ @_@@@f@Zs Scottish Borders @'@@@ @@@`{@@ @@Zr Shetland Islands@@v@@o@@@v@@o@6@Zp South Ayrshire`@`:@d@@`@@@ @@@Zs South LanarkshireA A0A`5Ah@!@AAAh@ @Zj Stirling@@d@`@@@ ]@@w@R@@Zu West Dunbartonshire@@@Ĩ@@P@`@ @Ĩ@@Zn  West Lothian @PR@@m@@G@@@0)@m@.@female: male: people< Table; 5_ NORTH EASTLevelsQuarterly ChangesAnnual Changes Lower Limit LFS estimate Upper LimitEmployment (000s)Employment RateUnemployment (000s)Unemployment rateEconomically Active (000s)Economic Activity rateEconomically Inactive (000s) NORTH WESTYORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER EAST MIDLANDS WEST MIDLANDSEastLONDON SOUTH EAST SOUTH WESTWALESSCOTLAND Key IndicatorRegionValue in latest period#Number of observations (maximum 60)@Revisions between first publication and estimates one year later Significant0Average over the last five years (mean revision)SAverage over the last five years without regard to sign (average absolute revision)Employment rate (%) North EastNo North WestYorkshire and The HumberYes East Midlands West MidlandsEast of EnglandLondon South East South WestWalesScotlandUnemployment rate (%)<Sampling variability of regional Labour Force Survey figures Aug-Oct 22Employment LevelUnemployment LevelEconomically Active LevelEconomically Inactive LevelUnemployment Rate(000s)(%)411739502.61.48032781001.80.9592656724846650.827632357691.50.792887975931.70.61647612.51.160225874QRegional labour market statistics: S02 Sampling variability and revisions summary}This set of tables contains infromation of the quality and level of revisions for the main regional labour market statistics.The Northern Ireland sampling variability table is currently being developed and will be included in a future release, to be announced. NISRA can be contacted for further information.MFor more information and contact details please see the statistical bulletin.8aFurther regional labour market spreadsheets can be found on our website or by clicking this link.WTable description6Sampling variability of Labour Force Survey estimates:Revisions analysisSummary of sampling variabilityAWorkforce jobs confidence intervals - region by industry section FWorkforce jobs coefficients of variation - region by industry section Estimates of unemployment rateshelp in monitoring progress towards global indicator 8.5.2 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goalsa ;This spreadsheet was published at 07:00 on 13 December 2022>Next publication will be published at 07:00 on 17 January 2023MSampling variability of Labour Force Survey estimates: August to October 2022TJOBS07 Sampling variability (95% confidence intervals) - region by industry section Workforce Jobs, thousandsReference period: June 2022SIC 2007 SectionNorthern IrelandUnited KingdomEstimate95% C.I.AAgriculture, forestry & fishing97121911514-42BMining & quarrying034C Manufacturing61015836D2Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply 21E6Water supply, sewerage, waste & remediation activitiesF Construction1820372413GBWholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles54HTransport & storageI'Accommodation & food service activities3464JInformation & communication30K Financial & insurance activities3125LReal estate activities21M.Professional scientific & technical activitiesN+Administrative & support service activities2962O2Public admin & defence; compulsory social securityP Education49Q%Human health & social work activities28R Arts, entertainment & recreationS/T+Other service activities/Private Households All jobs 4510744204&Source: Office for National StatisticsNotes;1. It is expected that in 95% of samples, the given range would contain the true value. For example, the Workforce Jobs estimate for manufacturing in the North East is 113,000, with sampling variability of 6,000, therefore it is expected that in 95% of samples, the true value would lie between 107,000 and 119,000.2. Workforce Jobs sampling variability is approximated by combining variances for private sector employee jobs from the Short term Employer Surveys (STES) and self employed jobs from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). n3. Approximate sampling errors for Northern Ireland employee jobs are only available at a whole economy level.4. The outlier treatment used in the production of quarterly Employee Jobs estimates is removed prior to the generation of variances so as to avoid providing a misleading level of precision. In some cases this may lead to extreme values.7Coefficients of variation - region by industry section Coefficients of variation (%)<Workforce Jobs KeyCV < CV => 5% and < 10%CV => 10% and < 20%CV=> 1. The colour coding within the tables indicates the quality of each estimate based on the coefficient of variation (CV) of that estimate.I2. The CV is the ratio of the standard error of an estimate to the estimate itself; the smaller the coefficient of variation the greater the accuracy of the estimate. For example, an estimate with a CV of 5% will have a standard error that is 5% of the estimate. CVs that are greater or equal to 20% should be used with caution.3. Workforce Jobs sampling variability is approximated by combining variances for private sector employee jobs from the Short term Employer Surveys (STES) and self employed jobs from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). n4. Approximate sampling errors for Northern Ireland employee jobs are only available at a whole economy level.5. The outlier treatment used in the production of quarterly Employee Jobs estimates is removed prior to the generation of variances so as to avoid providing a misleading level of precision. In some cases this may lead to extreme values.Claimant count rate (%)IMPORTANT NOTE:The population totals used for the latest LFS estimates use projected growth rates from Real-Time Information (RTI) data for UK, EU and non-EU populations based on 2021 patterns. The total population used for the LFS therefore does not take into account any changes in migration, birth rates, death rates, and so on, since June 2021, so levels estimates may be under- or over-estimating the true values and should be used with caution. Estimates of rates will, however, be robust.q% %&?'3((DH))u *?*p* *=*q>-/ r0 0_ 0 11 1V 12 2* 3 34~489ccW  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V~&}"!ᇺ_Ν =r!sh ۴T**~ r׮+JOp'M:kүݭjkh [+wc5(_Zw:Mנ_^F֯A)v[_BJ Pl5 cFZԩnΕ(,cuc;P@$=9K !'> BLra)l)oڣh#CZ&beIĐD7 o߼9{og/^=eVe80_~n&_xw_?zоIwOG,:D?DĒ@!vnu6Y7=B>ı0]hq qޜOM#N\{7Ql9=M f-G8S Ǝ=%IJk 9l,k 4I @ʅH~-tx F]n }L-3CS">i}$CތM\[Ht)#,Ky ? v{"%t#LdM!GQ1w}k׺ O!QL×07c]YfGVvi`> X6I?!aW`=@v hT_"BOwxf(_nڼ UΙJpb/N aZG!jxqÕnAr.:M#߉H|nq7\OVlK:RRlkZha$9릫j}W^eu7=M/3\O//٨iG:3hgL(BO}<ь:g#$.Hxω {!J`4T@UK^vVx:lN:E5L+@2_/uR]ӻLf)낀 c3ĖDug`4 }kaQs/\e^Gn~" 8hGOμNO3b/" tMq]{@  ggD ZO os  dMbP?_*+%&Q?'?(~?)~?M\\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono PC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,Baynhsj admind" XXX BP(? BP(?&\(U} } $} @h@  @ t@ @@@@@ c d e  f g o p h i j  k  l  m $ n*"r(2$$<<<<(>@*  yK 7Sampling variability of Labour Force Survey estimates: Sheet1!A14 Sampling variabilityb yK Revisions analysis Sheet2!A1 Revisions| yK  Summary of sampling variability Sheet3!A1, Sampling summaryyK BWorkforce jobs confidence intervals - region by industry section Sheet4!A1<WFJ confidence intervalsyK GWorkforce jobs coefficients of variation - region by industry section Sheet5!A1FWFJ coefficients of variationFyK yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-labour/regional-labour-market-statistics/December-2022/stb-rlms-December-2022.htmlyX;H,]ą'cyK RFor more information and contact information please see the statistical bulletin.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-labour/regional-labour-market-statistics/january-2016/stb-rlms-january-2016.htmlyX;H,]ą'cyK hThe statistical bulletin and further spreadsheets can be found on our website or by clicking this link.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-labour/regional-labour-market-statistics/january-2016/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'clyK yK 8http://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/regionallabourmarket/October2016/relateddata/yX;H,]ą'cFyK yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-labour/regional-labour-market-statistics/December-2022/stb-rlms-December-2022.htmlyX;H,]ą'cyK NFor more information and contact details please see the statistical bulletin.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/regionallabourmarket/december2022yX;H,]ą'c6yK bFurther regional labour market spreadsheets can be found on our website or by clicking this link.yK :http://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/regionallabourmarket/december2022/relateddata/yX;H,]ą'cyK yK https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/indicators-list/yX;H,]ą'cggD ZO  yM]  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M.Microsoft Print to PDFP/ 4dXXA4GIS4DINU"$,?]{~SMTJ{084F01FA-E634-4D77-83EE-074817C03581}RESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeA4OrientationPORTRAITResolutionResOption1ColorModeColor,V4DM p"O4wMH5L*@VDocumentUserPasswordDocumentOwnerPasswordDocumentCryptSecurity" dXX333333?333333?&<3U} } U} U }  Uy   , , X v ; v ; v ; v , , , X v ; v ; v ; v , , , X v ; v ; v ; q HHHHHHHHHH         I J K L M N M M  N O<P1AQG2AR2APSRd@QQ@RF@ OTʡE?UbX9?VV-?T rhUMbPVMb?U~jtU;On? 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