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Claimants of Income Support or Pension Credit not included in the incapacity benefits or lone parent categories. 2013-Feb Proportion7 2013-May2013-Aug2013-Nov2014-Feb2014-May2014-Aug2014-Nov"BEN01 Main out of work benefits1 2GB Claimant Count32015-Feb2015-May2015-Aug1. This table includes all claimants of out of work benefits excluding carers (as carers are not generally subject to labour marketactivation policies). While most people claiming these benefits will be out of work a small number will be in employment. This table showsthe most up to date National Statistics currently available for claimants of incapacity benefits, lone parent and "other income related" benefits.More up to date early estimates of incapacity and lone parent benefits, which are not currently designated as National Statistics, have been5published by the Department for Work and Pensions at:2. Each claimant is assigned to a statistical group to avoid double counting. There is a hierarchy as shown in the table (ie, Claimant Count followed by incapacity benefits, etc.). For example, a person claiming incapacity benefit and lone parent benefit is recorded in the former. 4. This series includes claimants of Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance but does ?NOT include claimants of Personal Independence Payments (PIPs). 7. Proportions of population receiving state benefits have been calculated using residence based populations for those aged from 16 to 64. The Claimant Count proportions differ from the Claimant Count rates shown at data table CLA01 as the denominator for the latter is workforce jobsplus Claimant Count. 2015-NovUniversal Credit (UC) claimants. More up to date Claimant Count estimates for the United Kingdom are available at dataset CLA01.2016-Feb3. Claimant Count for Great Britain. This experimental Claimant Count series includes all Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) and some 2016-May2016-AugGhttps://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/dwp-statistical-summaries-2017=Employment & Support Allowance and other incapacity benefits4<6Great Britain and abroad (%), not seasonally adjusted2016-NovB8 g99A:;<@B@ ccB  |WerNʈ҈ڈĊ2T\dlt|$Ԓ  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M\\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono PC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,Baynhsj admind" PXX??&U} } } } } U } U }  }  }  OW  $@  @   <_             v"vvvvv  DEE { {# : { { FGG H H H H HDIIIIIII kJJB^BBBq~ `@E^fffff@^fffff@^5A^@^@q~ ` @E~ ^A^=@^9SA^@^T@q~ `@E$^1A^|@^UA^܌@^ k@q~ `@E$^A^@^YeA^Ar@^@ q~ ``@ E~ ^A ^S@ ^ A^v@^h@ q~ `@ E ^@ ^s@^A^A@^5@ q~ ``@ E ^ffff @ ^!@ ^}@^A,@^@ q~ `@ E$ ^&A^!@^A^@^@ q~ `@ E$ ^qA^!@^!A^A@^!@q~ `)@E$^U@^!@^t@^As@^}@q~ `5@E^@^A@^A^i@^?@k~ ` @@E$^q@^m@^iA^8@^,@q~ `K@E$^@^@^1A^X@^T@q~ ` W@E$^{A^J@^qA^A@^@q~ `b@E^fffff@^@^@^@^c@q~ `m@E^fffffe@^@^A^@^c@q~ `@y@E^fffffW@^?@^9A^!@^ic@q~ `@E^/A^@^@^N@^fffffFc@q~ `@@E^A^!@^@^aE@^ffffffc@q~ `@E$^A^}@^A^@^Z@q~ `@E^yA^|@^A^!@^fffffc@q~ `@E^fffff@^@^A^@^@q~ `@E^б@^A@^A^\@^@k~ ` @E$^@^<@^A^!E@^@q~ `@E^@^@^K@^E@^fffff6c@q~ ` @E^@^@^-@^A@^fffffvc@q~ `@E$^A^!U@^#@^@^@D l:VV&&b^JJ^VbJJJVJJJbVbVVJVVVJVb !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?U q~ `@ E ^)A^!@^@^!@ ^fffffc@!q~ !`@@!E$!^A^ @^@^@^@"q~ "` @"E$"^@^@^@^@^w@#q~ #`@@#E#^fffff@#^(@^?A^A@#^id@$q~ $``$@$E$^X@$^a@^"A^@^Q@%q~ %`/@%E$%^A^Q@^A^@^c@&q~ &``;@&E$&^TA^@^A^A@^V@'q~ '`F@'E$'^ђA^@^A^@^@e@(k~ (` R@(E(^۰@^@(^G@(^A@^@)k~ )h]@)i$)^A^@^A^a.@^5@*k~ *` i@*j$*^1A^@^[@^Ȇ@^v@+k~ +`t@+j$+^)#A^IA^W@^@^@,k ,h,O,^@,^QA^A^@^@-k~ -h@@-h-fٳ@-fAfAf!y@fg@.k~ .h@.h$.fAfQAfAf!@fa@/k~ /h`@/fAfA/fm@/f@f@0k 0h0mfffffC@0m@mAm@m@1k 1h$1m)Amԕ@mAmj@m@2k 2h2f1AfAfA2ffffffB@~ 2fh@3k 3h3mffff@~ 3m A3mfffff%@3mfffff.@~ 3m@4k 4h 4f@~ 4fA4ffffff@4f@fH@5k 5h 5f@~ 5f@5ffffff,@5ffffff@~ 5f@6k 6h$6m߲@mMAmpAmf@m@7k 7h7y7mAmA7mfffff@7mA@~ 7m@8k 8h8y$8mJAm@mQAm-@md@9k 9h9y9miAm_Am@9m @~ 9m;@:k :h:y$:miNAmAm@mA@mc@;k ;h;y;mfffffG@~ ;mAA;mfffffW@~ ;mA@;mb@<k <h<y<m@<m|Am1@mAf@<myb@=k =h=y=mffff9@~ =m3A=m@=m@m4@>k >h>y>mffff晰@>may@mA AmP~@>mfffffa@?y ?h?y?ffff橰@~ ?@?6@~ ?Aq@?mfffffVa@DP lVJJbVJJJ`JJJVVJVL@Tj`j@jJ^Jtbjb@ UA UB C D E F G H I J @K L N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z @y @h@y@fffff@@=@@fffffL@@-@m`@Ay Ah Ay$A1AX@ѝA@m@B Bh!BBA@B@Bx|@m^@C Ch$CCm AmAj@Cmfffffʣ@CmA@m@D Dh%D_D)kA@Dfffff@D@@E Eh&E_$Ey%A(@QA[@@F Fh3F_FA@F@F@`X@G Gh5G_GA!@Gj@G@@H Hh7H_HѴAX@HN@Hz@@I Ih8I_$I@@E@?@S@Jx J<JJ9MA@Jfffff)@JA@>@JJ KSSbbbcc KdLSSbbbLN Ld N|' N}} O|( O}} P|) P}} Q|* Q}} R|+ R}} R9 S|, S}} T|- T}} U|6U}}}}}}}}}} V|4V}}}}}}}}}} W|. 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