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They offer a wide range of affordable savings, investments, insurance, pensions and specialist annuities, and they provide other help when needed. Friendly Societies have not previously been classified, therefore the purpose of this review is to determine their sector classification. yThe Municipal Bonds Agency (MBA) works with local councils to fund capital expenditure and finance projects. In doing so, the MBA issues bonds in capital markets, secures finance from other sources and facilitates councils lending from each other. This body has not previously been classified, therefore the purpose of this review is to determine its sector classification. The Press Recognition Panel (PRP) is the body tasked with ensuring that regulators of the UK press are independent, properly funded and able to protect the public. The PRP has not previously been classified, therefore the purpose of the review is to determine its sector classification. The UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) is a partnership between the Medical Research Council, Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer's Research UK. The UK DRI aims to accelerate new ways to diagnose and treat dementia effectively, and to improve the quality of life for everyone affected by dementia. The UK DRI has not previously been classified, therefore the purpose of this review is to determine its sector classification.(If you have any queries, please contact:5HM Government created two shared service centres that provide outsourced services to government departments. Contracts have been signed with Sopra Steria and Arvato UK to operate the centres. The Shared Services Centres have not yet been classified, therefore the purpose of this review is to determine the sector classification of the independent Shared Service Centres. The classification of the Sopra Steria Shared Service Centre (Shared Services Connected Limited) was completed and published in the Public Sector Classifications Guide on 28 September 2018. Consumer ScotlandConsumer Scotland (CS) is the body that was established by the Consumer Scotland Act 2020 to provide advice to and represent the views of consumers in Scotland. CS has not yet been classified, therefore the purpose of this assessment is to determine its subsector classification. Single Use Carrier Bag charges&A Single Use Carrier Bag charge has been introduced through separate legislation in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and is used in each country to reduce the number of purchases of such bags in order to reduce litter. Although the Single Use Carrier Bag charge in Northern Ireland has previously been reviewed, the charges in the other countries have not, therefore the purpose of this assessment is to determine how to classify the transactions associated with the scheme and to ensure that treatment is consistent across countries. "Pool Reinsurance (Nuclear) LimitedPool Reinsurance (Nuclear) Limited is a reinsurance company established in July 1995 by the insurance industry with funding from HM Treasury. It covers companies against losses relating to acts of terrorism on nuclear installations in the United Kingdom. Pool Reinsurance (Nuclear) Limited has not yet been classified, therefore the purpose of this review is to determine the sector classification of the body.Please note that classification priorities can change quickly, and the expected date of completion in the Forward Work Plan is for guidance purposes only.Please note that classification priorities can change quickly, and the expected dates of completion are at this time, only indicative (Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd\Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd is a producer of specialist steel components used in many industries including defence. It was acquired by the Ministry of Defence on 19 August 2021, following a government announcement on 28 July 2021. The purpose of this review is to determine its sector classification following this change of ownership. Crown copyright 2022 Northern Ireland Water CompaniesNorthern Ireland Water is an organisation which provides water and sewerage services in Northern Ireland. ONS will undertake a classification review of the following companies, Dalriada Water Limited, Dalriada Water Holdings Limited, Northern Ireland Water Alpha Limited and NI Water Clear Limited. These bodies have not yet been classified, therefore the purpose of this review is to determine their sector classification.ScotRailQuarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2022Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 2023Quarter 2 (Apr to Jun) 2023Since the early 2000s, universities have been classified together within the non-profit institutions serving households (S.15) sector in the UK National Accounts. As there have been many changes in the higher education sector since then, including The Post-18 Education and Funding Review in England, the Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 and the Higher Education (Wales) Act 2015, ONS will undertake a classification review of the sector in accordance with the latest international statistical guidancedFurther Education Colleges, Sixth Form College Corporations, and Designated Institutions, in England Transport Scotland announced that ScotRail services moved into Scottish Government ownership when the contract with Abellio ScotRail ended on 1 April 2022. ONS will therefore carry out a classification review of the new arrangements following the change of ownership.From 1 April 2012, Further Education Colleges (FECs), Sixth Form College Corporations (SFCCs), and institutions designated as being in the FE sector (Designated Institutions), in England, have been classified to the non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) sector (S.15) in the UK National Accounts. This followed the introduction of the Education Act 2011, which resulted in these colleges being reclassified from the central government subsector (S.1311). Following the Skills for Jobs White Paper published in January 2021, and subsequent legislative changes with the aim of improving the skills and post-16 education sector in England, ONS will carry out a review of the sector classification of FECs, SFCCs, and Designated Institutions, in England in the context of the latest international guidance. As part of this process, ONS will consider the content of the Post-16 Education Act 2022 alongside other relevant Acts, such as the Education Act 2011 and the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.Approximate potential impacts on fiscal aggregates are given. The fiscal aggregates include: " public sector net borrowing (PSNB) " public sector current budget deficit " public sector net cash requirement (PSNCR) " public sector net debt (PSND) The impacts described would occur only if an organisation s classification status changes from public to private sector (or the other way around) or if a new organisation is classified to the public sector. Transactional classifications can also impact th<te fiscal aggregates. For indicative effects on fiscal aggregates the following definitions are used: " small  less than 100 million change " medium  between 100 million and 1 billion change " large  more than 1 billion changeWarm Home Discount Scheme{The Warm Home Discount (WHD) Scheme was established in 2011 to help households affected by fuel poverty with the cost of heating their homes. Through the scheme, energy suppliers provide a discount on the energy bills of low-income and vulnerable households. In the Energy White Paper in December 2020, the Government committed to extend, expand and consult on reforming the scheme from 2022 onwards. The scheme will be extended to 2025/26 under The Warm Home Discount (England and Wales) Regulations 2022, which came into force on 7 July 2022. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to determine the classification of this scheme. LargeEnergy Markets Financing SchemeHM Treasury and the Bank of England jointly announced on 8 September 2022, the Energy Markets Financing Scheme (EMFS). This has been established to address liquidity requirements faced by UK energy companies operating in the UK wholesale gas and/or electricity markets. The EMFS will enable short term financial support, and we will carry out an assessment of this scheme when more information becomes available.Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2023Quarter 3 (Jul to Sep) 2023:gS TdxU] >dgwsccW  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V~&}"!ᇺ_Ν =r!sh ۴T**~ r׮+JOp'M:kүݭjkh [+wc5(_Zw:Mנ_^F֯A)v[_BJ Pl5 cFZԩnΕ(,cuc;P@$=9K !'> BLra)l)oڣh#CZ&beIĐD7 o߼9{og/^=eVe80_~n&_xw_?zоIwOG,:D?DĒ@!vnu6Y7=B>ı0]hq qޜOM#N\{7Ql9=M f-G8S Ǝ=%IJk 9l,k 4I @ʅH~-tx F]n }L-3CS">i}$CތM\[Ht)#,Ky ? v{"%t#LdM!GQ1w}k׺ O!QL×07c]YfGVvi`> X6I?!aW`=@v hT_"BOwxf(_nڼ UΙJpb/N aZG!jxqÕnAr.:M#߉H|nq7\OVlK:RRlkZha$9릫j}W^eu7=M/3\O//٨iG:3hgL(BO}<ь:g#$.Hxω {!J`4T@UK^vVx:lN:E5L+@2_/uR]ӻLf)낀 c3ĖDug`4 }kaQs/\e^Gn~" 8hGOμNO3b/" tMq]{^&~Ff.N  n6V"%'*v->0358^;&>@C~FFILNQfT.WY\_Nbegjnm6pruxV{~v>Ύ  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?M \\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono P@*C 4dXXA4,DINU" 4%b SMTJLexmark Universal v2 XLInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeA4OrientationPORTRAITMediaTypeAUTOResolutionLxk600dpiColorModeMonoPrintInBWONJobColorSaverAUTOJobEnhanceFineLinesAUTOJobPixelBoostUSEPRINTERPageRotate180OFFCollateONMirrorOFFReverseOrderPrintingStandardPageScalingFITTOPAPERPagePosterEnabledOFFPagePoster1PagePosterCropMarksOFFJobNUpPresentationDirectionRightBottomJobDuplexSupportAUTODuplexVERTICALOutputBinUSEPRINTERJobStapleAllDocumentsNONEJobJobOffsetUSEPRINTERTrueTypeFormatOUTLINE4%KMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,,,,,,Baynhsj admindd< " .XX BP(? 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