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The National Statistics status of the estimates was reconfirmed in 2017.DDesignation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: " meet identified user needs; -" are well explained and readily accessible; /" are produced according to sound methods, and B" are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.About usCopyright and reproduction You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. lUsers should include a source accreditation to ONS - Source: Office for National Statistics (www.ons.gov.uk) Crown copyright 2020Data supplier:Ageing Analysis Team Centre for Ageing and DemographyPopulation Statistics DivisionOffice for National StatisticsTo view this licence, go to: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DUContact Detailspop.info@ons.gov.uktelephone: +44 (0)1329 444661lWe are the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial department which reports directly to Parliament and the UK government s single largest statistical producer. We compile information about the UK s society and economy, and provides the evidence-base for policy and decision-making, the allocation of resources, and public accountability.-Notes related to the data in this spreadsheetData for Scotland has been provided by National Records Scotland and data for Northern Ireland has been provided by Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.The UK estimates of the very old (including centenarians) are produced by aggregating estimates of those aged 90 and over by single year of age and sex for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. "The component estimates for the UK constituent countries are produced using the Kannisto-Thatcher (KT) method and more specifically using a survivor ratio based approach which provides age-specific estimates of the population for those aged 90 and over, using data from death registrations.The population estimates of the very old by single year of age and sex are constrained to the ONS 90+ mid-year population estimates. Population estimates for those aged up to 89 are produced using the cohort component method.Quality and Methodology+" the strengths and limitations of the datab" the quality of the output: including the accuracy of the data, how it compares with related data" uses and users" how the output was createdLinks to methodology"This worksheet contains one table.Terms and Conditions7Notes for the data can be found in the notes worksheet.Quality and methodology information about the mid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), United Kingdom (provisional)Q & MT & C UK PersonsUK Males UK FemalesIssues for all tables#Date published: 23rd September 20214I need something slightly different (please specify).This isn't what I need at all (please specify)FeedbackyMid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), United Kingdom (provisional) [note 1]QPlease let us know if these data meet your needs by choosing from the links below.Yes, met my needs, please produce it next year Population Estimates MethodologyYThatcher R, et al, (2002) 'The survivor ratio method for estimating numbers at high ages' Note number Note text Related links The method used to produce the estimates updates the back years so figures for previous years are revised each time estimates are produced for the latest year. This is why the figures are labelled as provisional.No linksMid Year Estimates Please note these figures are estimates. Although they are rounded to the nearest ten people, they cannot be guaranteed to be precise even to that level of detail. $Figures may not add due to rounding.The 90 & over totals are also rounded to the nearest 10 in the table for consistency. However, please note that unrounded 90 & over totals are published in the Mid Year Estimates 6This worksheet contains one table [note 2] [note 3]. Mid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), persons, United Kingdom (provisional) [note 1]Mid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), females, United Kingdom (provisional) [note 1]Mid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), males, United Kingdom (provisional) [note 1]90 & over [note 4]yMid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), persons, United Kingdom (provisional)wMid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), males, United Kingdom (provisional)yMid-2002 to mid-2020 population estimates of the very old (including centenarians), females, United Kingdom (provisional)Terms and conditionsWorksheet namevFor more details of the methodology used to create the estimates see: Calculating population estimates of the very old EF The Estimates of the very old, including centenarians Quality and Methodology Information document contains important information on: ) bc bp> >^>@gTCDnJ &NeOPRNVccW  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V~&}"!ᇺ_Ν =r!sh ۴T**~ r׮+JOp'M:kүݭjkh [+wc5(_Zw:Mנ_^F֯A)v[_BJ Pl5 cFZԩnΕ(,cuc;P@$=9K !'> BLra)l)oڣh#CZ&beIĐD7 o߼9{og/^=eVe80_~n&_xw_?zоIwOG,:D?DĒ@!vnu6Y7=B>ı0]hq qޜOM#N\{7Ql9=M f-G8S Ǝ=%IJk 9l,k 4I @ʅH~-tx F]n }L-3CS">i}$CތM\[Ht)#,Ky ? v{"%t#LdM!GQ1w}k׺ O!QL×07c]YfGVvi`> X6I?!aW`=@v hT_"BOwxf(_nڼ UΙJpb/N aZG!jxqÕnAr.:M#߉H|nq7\OVlK:RRlkZha$9릫j}W^eu7=M/3\O//٨iG:3hgL(BO}<ь:g#$.Hxω {!J`4T@UK^vVx:lN:E5L+@2_/uR]ӻLf)낀 c3ĖDug`4 }kaQs/\e^Gn~" 8hGOμNO3b/" tMq]{ qY h? qZ h@ q[ kE vG iH iC jD_$,>@^ZJyK Q & M 'Q & M'!A1JyK T & C 'T & C'!A1^yK  UK Persons'UK Persons'!A1VyK  UK Males'UK Males'!A1^ yK  UK Females'UK Females'!A1FyK Notes Notes!A1h yK /Yes, met my needs, please produce it next yearyK mailto:ageing@ons.gov.uk?subject=Estimates-very-old%202020%20UK%20Data%20-meets%20my%20needsyX;H,]ą'cyK /This isn't what I need at all (please specify)yK mailto:ageing@ons.gov.uk?subject=Estimates-very-old%202020%20UK%20Data%20-this%20isn't%20what%20I%20needyX;H,]ą'c yK 5I need something slightly different (please specify)yK mailto:ageing@ons.gov.uk?subject=Estimates-very-old%202020%20UK%20Data%20-I%20need%20something%20slightly%20differentyX;H,]ą'cggDqqr r  @\Table65|(0Worksheet name?ArialN1;h*2X 2P1 0Worksheet title? 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