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Warning Text`,pContents@Metadata[Table 1dTable 2++Table 3d^Table 4eTable 5eTable 6Table 7o9Table 8, T ]Numbers StillbirthsEarlyInfantneonatalAll September England and Wales Live birthsMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustPlurality Neonatal Stillbirth All births SingletonsAll multiple births TwinsTriplets-Birthweight (grams) A <2500<1500<1000 4000 and over Not stated -plurality by age of mother, numbers and ratesMother sage <20 40 and over,mother's country of birth, numbers and ratesCountry of birth United KingdomOutside the United Kingdom Commonwealth PluralityMarital status Parity/typeof registration Inside marriage3 and over Outside marriageJoint regn/same addressJoint regn/different address*Sole registration Socio-economic classificationZ 8 & Not classified Cause groups  All causesCongenital anomaliesAntepartum infectionsImmaturity related conditionsExternal conditions Infections Other specific conditions Remaining antepartum deathsSudden infant deaths +Other conditions Table 1Table 2England and Wales ScotlandNorthern Ireland Elsewhere Irish Republic Other European Union Rest of Europe Australia, Canadaand New ZealandNew Commonwealth Asia Bangladesh India Pakistan East Africa Southern AfricaRest of Africa Far East Caribbean Rest of the New Commonwealth United States of America Rest of the World and not statedTable 5Table 3Table 4Table 6Table 7Table 8All joint registrations3#ONS cause groups, numbers and rates1 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.1 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.2 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.Metadata Year of birthMonth of birth Postneonatal Perinatal rateMortality rates1Number of deathsMortality rates231 Higher managerial and professional occupations22 Lower managerial and professional occupations3 Intermediate occupations,4 Small employers and own-account workers05 Lower supervisory and technical occupations6 Semi-routine occupations7 Routine occupations*8 Never worked and long-term unemployed8 1.1 Large employers and higher managerial occupations % 1.2 Higher professional occupations%the first of which can be subdivided:Multiple birthsSymbols and conventionsIn these tables: - denotes nil : denotes not applicable 4. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant mortality rates are calculated as the number of deaths per thousand live births. Stillbirth and perinatal mortality rates are calculated per thousand total births (live and stillbirths). aIt is ONS practice not to calculate rates where there are fewer than 3 deaths in a cell, as ratesHbased on such low numbers are susceptible to inaccurate interpretation. Rates in tables calculated from fewer than 20 deaths (also see note below) are distinguished by italic type as a warning to the user that their reliability as a measure may be affected by the small number of events. Contents8Birth cohort tables for infant deaths, England and Wales5www.statistics.gov.uk/StatBase/Product.asp?vlnk=15362HInformation on the birth cohort for infant deaths including definitions y3 All joint registrations comprise inside and outside marriage. Includes cases where father's occupation was not stated.aStudents, occupations not stated or inadequately described, and occupations not classifiable for ,other reasons are added as  Not classified .bParity  the number of total births a woman has had previously. (Only recorded for married women).\Plurality  the total number of live births and stillbirths at this maternity (confinement).All sole registrations&Source: Office for National Statistics%3. On 1 October 1992, the legal definition of a stillbirth was changed from a baby born dead after 28 or more weeks completed gestation to one born dead after 24 or more weeks completed gestation. This means that perinatal and stillbirth data can only be compared with data from 1993 onwards.YRates were not calculated where there were fewer than 3 deaths in a cell, denoted by (:).5. Since 1975, ONS (formerly OPCS) has obtained the birthweight of a baby from information provided to the Registrar of Births and Deaths by the local health services. Since 2007, with the introduction of the Registration Online system for registering births and deaths in some districts, ONS has obtained the birthweight for these babies from the corresponding NHS birth notification records. 6. Mother s country of birth: United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Elsewhere in United Kingdom: Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK (part not stated). Outside United Kingdom: Irish Republic: Irish Republic, Ireland (part not stated). Other European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. Rest of Europe: All other European countries including Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the former Soviet republics. Commonwealth: Australia, Canada and New Zealand. New Commonwealth: Asia: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan. East Africa: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia. Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland. Rest of Africa: Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Mauritius, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone. Far East: Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore. -Zv}%5kz_7. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) has eight analytic classes, numbers and ratesSsocio-economic classification of father as defined by occupation, numbers and ratesiplurality, parity (inside marriage), marital status of mother and type of registration, numbers and ratesDmarital status of mother and type of registration, numbers and rates\Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: month of birth in 2008, numbers and ratesdLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born< in 2008, plurality, numbers and ratestLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality and birthweight, numbers and ratesuLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality by age of mother, numbers and ratestLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, mother's country of birth, numbers and rateslLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality, parity (inside marriage),lLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality, type of registration and {Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, Office for National Statistics (ONS) cause groups, February JanuaryOctoberDecemberNovemberHigher multiple births 1000 1499 1500 1999 2000 2499 2500 2999 3000 3499 3500 3999 GLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008,20 2425 2930 3435 39lLive births1, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality, type of registration and Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands. Rest of the New Commonwealth: Cook Islands, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Gibraltar, Kiribati, Maldives, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, St Helena Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa, British Indian Ocean Territory. United States of America. Rest of the World and not stated. 58. In England and Wales, neonatal deaths are registered using a special perinatal death certificate which enables reporting of relevant diseases or conditions in both the infant and the mother. For postneonatal deaths, a single underlying cause of death can be reported as for adults. ONS has developed a hierarchical classification system producing broad cause groups to enable direct comparison of neonatal and postneonatal deaths. Further details of these groups can be found in section 2.12 in Child mortality statistics, 2009. Available on the ONS website at: ) :(Asphyxia, anoxia or trauma (intrapartum)'Asphyxia, anoxia or trauma (antepartum)GRates have not been calculated where the cause of death does not apply.Note: Rates calculated from fewer than 20 deaths are distinguished by italic type as a warning that their reliability as a measure may be affected by the small number of events.ZRates were not calculated where there were fewer than 3 deaths in a cell, denoted by (:). Note: Rates calculated from fewer than 20 deaths are distinguished by italic type as a warning that their reliability as a measure may be affected by the small number of events. RLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality,bLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: babies born in 2008, plurality and birthweight,1 Figures for live births in NS-SEC groups are based on a 10 per cent sample and numbers have been grossed by a multiple of 10.k1.Births comprise the annual extract of births that occurred in 2008. Infant deaths represent babies born in 2008 who died before their first birthday: the 2008 birth cohort for infant deaths. Linking the infant death to their corresponding birth record allows further information to be obtained about the baby and the parents as recorded at birth registration. 2. Definitions used in the tables. Infant deaths (under 1 year) at various ages are defined as: Early neonatal  deaths under 7 days Perinatal  stillbirths and early neonatal deaths.. Neonatal  deaths under 28 days Postneonatal  deaths between 28 days and 1 year. %# #j#J$1$_%F&& &'(Z)A)y*`*, - %/ *1 4ACJF F&JN cc|| n}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef \([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L \([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<}  00_)23\([$}<}! 00_)23 \([$}<}" 00_)\([$}<}# 00_)\([$}<}$ 00_)\([$}<}% 00_)\([$}<}& 00_)\([$}<}' 00_) \([$}<}( 00_)\([$}}) }00_)\([$#,##  }}* 00_)\([$???#,##??? ??? ???}(}/ 00_)}<}1 a00_)\([$}<}2 00_)\([$}<}3 00_)?\([$}<}4 00_)23\([$}(}5 00_)}}7 ??v00_)̙\([$#,##  }<}8 }00_)\([$}<}9 e00_)\([$}x}:00_)\([$#,##  }}; ???00_)\([$???#,##??? ??? ???}-}= 00_)}P}> 00_)\([$#,##}(}? 00_)  -  !%H 20% - Accent1 ef H" 20% - Accent2 ef H& 20% - Accent3 ef H* 20% - Accent4 ef H. 20% - Accent5 ef H2 20% - Accent6  ef H 40% - Accent1 L H# 40% - Accent2 L湸 H' 40% - Accent3 L H+ 40% - Accent4 L H/ 40% - Accent5 L H3 40% - Accent6  Lմ H 60% - Accent1 23 H$ 60% - Accent2 23ٗ H( 60% - Accent3 23֚ H, 60% - Accent4 23 H0 60% - Accent5 23 H4 60% - Accent6  23 <Accent1 O <!Accent2 PM <%Accent3 Y <)Accent4 d <-Accent5 K <1Accent6  F 4Bad  | Calculation  } z Check Cell  ????????? ??? 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