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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`Contents+_Metadata=Terms and conditionsCountry Code ListingsTable 1kTable 2Table 3Table 4KTable 5׍Table 6.Table 7Q\Table 8Table 94Table 10ܞTable 11cOTable 12Table 13F"Table 14_tTable 15rTable 16:5Table 17+Related publications,J     ;   ;   ;  ;   ;   ;* );; * );;  ;  ;  ;  ; LTable 1 Year Births  total birthsEngland and WalesHLive births, stillbirths, infant deaths and childhood deaths under 15 1:FGDeaths under 1Childhood deathsV1 Including births and deaths to persons normally resident outside England and Wales.Rates 2 Live birthsEarly Neonatal Post-Infant 1 4 5 9  10 14  1 14neonatal years Numbers Per 1,000Per 1,000 live births&Per 100,000 population of the same age2 Stillbirths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Early neonatal, neonatal, post-neonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.E Childhood mortality rates per 100,000 population of the same age.&Source: Office for National Statistics4 Including deaths of non-residents of Northern Ireland but excluding births to non-resident mothers of Northern Ireland except in the(3 Including non-residents of Scotland.12 Excluding non-residents of England and Wales.T Early neonatal, neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.;1 Stillbirth rates per 1,000 live births and stillbirths.F MPScotland Wales England England and Wales United Kingdom RatesNumbersNeonatal Stillbirths occurrenceBirths Country ofconstituent countriesUnited Kingdom andPTable 2 Live births, stillbirths, infant deaths and childhood deaths under 15:{3 The former 22 Local Health Boards in Wales were merged to form 7 new Local Health Boards operative from 1 October 2009.:!England and Wales Usual residence outside -!Cardiff and Vale University !Aneurin Bevan !Cwm Taf !Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University!Hywel Dda !Powys Teaching !WALES !South West !SOUTH WEST !South Central !South East Coast !SOUTH EAST !London !LONDON !East of England !EAST !West Midlands !WEST MIDLANDS !East Midlands !EAST MIDLANDS ! THE HUMBER !YORKSHIRE AND !North West !NORTH WEST !North East !NORTH EAST !ENGLAND AND ELSEWHERE PerinatalDeathsArea of usual residence and Local Health Boards in Wales "England and Wales, England, Wales,V01-Y89U509,not elsewhere classified and abnormal clinical and XVIII Symptoms, signs R00-R99 chromosomaldeformations and Q00-Q99  - P00-P96 and the puerperium XV Pregnancy, childbirth O00-O99 N00-N99 musculoskeletal system XIII Diseases of the M00-M99 and subcutaneous tissueXII Diseases of the skin L00-L99 K00-K93 J00-J99 I00-I99 H60-H95 H00-H59 G00-G99 F00-F99 and metabolic diseases E00-E90 D50-D89 0II Neoplasms C00-D48 A00-B99 V01-Y89 0All causes A00-R99,GirlsBoys15 yearsYearsMonths 28 days togroupcode Age at deathUnderlying causeICD-10C Neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.J2 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths.LinkedAll Postneonatal Neonatal Infant Numbers Table 5 Not stated 4000 and over <1000 <1500 <2500 All All All All Immaturity related conditionsAll 3500-3999 3000-3499 2500-2999 2000-2499 1500-1999 1000-1499 Early neonatalBirthweight (grams) 40 and over <20 Other conditions Sudden infant deaths Remaining antepartum deaths (antepartum) Asphyxia, anoxia or trauma Other specific conditions Infections External conditions (intrapartum) Antepartum infections Congenital anomalies All causes Mother's age Cause group=Table 7 Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths:Sole registration All Outside marriage 3 and over All Inside marriage conditions All All deaths infant antepartum anoxia specific conditions related infections All of motherParity/type of registrationMarital statusTable 8(intrapartum) Not statedGestation (weeks)I2 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. - 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 <20 over 4000 and 3500-3999 3000-3499 2500-2999 2000-2499 1500-1999 1000-1499 <1000 <1500 <2500 age(grams)Mother's BirthweightJ3 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Sole registrationNot classifiedAll Joint registrationover 2500 and <2500 <1500 All Socio-economicType of registration3 and over All registrationParity/type ofTable 13B Neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births. Elsewhere At home In hospitaldeliveryPlace of a3 Registrations of stillbirths commenced on 1 July 1927. Annual figures for 1927 are estimated.y1 Births for successive calendar years are numbers registered up to 1938 inclusive and numbers of occurrences from 1939... 4 weeks 1 week under 1 day 1 week and1 day and Under Under 1 year 6 months 3 months 1 year and underand under and under 4 weeks6 monthsLate neonatal deaths underdeaths under plus infantplus infant marriage Postneonatal mortalityNeonatal mortality Under Stillbirths Outside Within Total Within Total Period Infant mortality at various agesLive births Table 164associated and preceding years to which they relate.3 Infant deaths are based on the live births occurring in the year, except in the years 1931-56 when they were based on related live births - that is, the combined live births of the `1 Registration of stillbirths commenced on 1 July 1927. Annual figures for 1927 are estimated.and 1 day Under3 months under natal under under neo- deaths Late plus plus births births Still- Still- per 1,000 total births Period Table 17ContentsNotes and definitionsRelated publicationsTable 2Table 3Table 4Table 6Table 7Table 9Table10Table 11Table 12Table 14Table15!A National Statistics publicationNational Statistics are produced to high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. They are produced free from any political interference.About usThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial de< partment which reports directly to Parliament. ONS is the UK government s single largest statistical producer. It compiles information about the UK s society and economy, and provides the evidence-base for policy and decision-making, the allocation of resources, and public accountability.The Director-General of ONS reports directly to the National Statistician who is the Authority's Chief Executive and the Head of the Government Statistical Service.Copyright and reproduction You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.Sor write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU'email: psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk.eIn Table 6, postneonatal and childhood deaths are analysed by broad underlying cause of death groups.  Symbols and conventionsIn this publication:R 0 denotes a number too small to be shown to the level of precision of the table - denotes nil .. denotes not available  : denotes not applicableDefinitions used in the tables<Infant deaths (under 1 year) at various ages are defined as:%Early neonatal  deaths under 7 days 2Perinatal  Stillbirths and early neonatal deaths,Late neonatal  deaths between 7 and 27 days Neonatal  deaths under 28 days 0Postneonatal  deaths between 28 days and 1 yearaParity  the number of total births a woman has had previously (only recorded for married women).\Plurality  the total number of live births and stillbirths at this maternity (confinement).RegionCountries included#UK, Isle of Man and Channel IslandsEUAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Cyprus (EU), Cyprus (not otherwise stated), Spain (except Canary Islands), Spain not otherwise stated, Aland Islands, Vatican City, Czechoslovakia not otherwise specified, Canary IslandsNew EUEstonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Malta, Bulgaria, Cyprus (EU), Cyprus (not otherwise stated), Slovenia, Czechoslovakia not otherwise statedRest of EuropeEurope not otherwise stated, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus (non EU), Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Serbia and Montenegro not otherwise specified, Andorra, Gibraltar, San Marino, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics not otherwise stated, Yugoslavia not otherwise stated, Commonwealth of (Russian) Independent StatesAfricajNorth Africa, Western Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, Africa not otherwise stated North Africa>Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western SaharaWestern AfricaBenin, Burkina, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, St Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, TogoCentral AfricaAngola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome and PrincipeEastern AfricaBurundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mozambique, Reunion, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, ZimbabweSouthern Africa3Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, SwazilandThe Americas and the Caribbean<North America, Central America, South America, The Caribbean North AmericasBermuda, Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, United States of America, North America not otherwise statedCentral AmericauBelize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Central America not otherwise stated South AmericaArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay, Venezuela, South America not otherwise stated The CaribbeanAntigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Aruba, The Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, St Barthelemy, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Martin (French Part), St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States Virgin Islands, Caribbean not otherwise statedMiddle East and AsiaeMiddle East, Central Asia, Eastern Asia, Southern Asia, South East Asia, Asia not otherwise specified Middle EastBahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Yemen, Middle East not otherwise specified Central Asia<Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Eastern AsiaJChina, Hong Kong, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Macao, Mongolia, Taiwan Southern AsiaLAfghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri LankaSouth East AsiaiBrunei, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, VietnamAntarctica and Oceania&Antarctica, Australasia, Other Oceania Antarctica6Antarctica, Bouvet Island, French Southern Territories AustralasiaQAustralia, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, New Zealand, Norfolk Island Other OceaniaCountry Code Listings20032004v1 Linked infant deaths are those that have been successfully linked to their corresponding birth registration record.v2 Linked infant deaths are those that have been successfully linked to their corresponding birth registration record.31 Higher managerial and professional occupations22 Lower managerial and professional occupations3 Intermediate occupations,4 Small employers and own-account workers05 Lower supervisory and technical occupations6 Semi-routine occupations7 Routine occupations*8 Never worked and long-term unemployedStudents, occupations not stated or inadequately described, and occupations not classifiable for other reasons are added as  Not classified .The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) has eight analytic classes, the first of which can be subdivided:8 1.1 Large employers and higher managerial occupations % 1.2 Higher professional occupationsBirth cohort tablesGestation specific mortality?Infant and perinatal mortality by social and biological factorsUnexplained deaths in infancyCause of deathFor deaths over 28 days, the Tenth Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) has been used to classify cause of death in the publication. _Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: ONS cause groups, marital status of mother, Rates in tables calculated from fewer than 20 deaths are distinguished by italic type as a warning to the user that their reliability as a measure may be affected by the small number of events. Rates were not calculated where there were fewer than 3 deaths in < a cell, denoted by (:). It is ONS practice not to calculate rates where there are fewer than 3 deaths in a cell, as rates based on such low numbers are susceptible to inaccurate interpretation.eProvide specific data for deaths of infants born in a given calendar year using additional data from /Total /United Kingdom Isle of Man and Channel Islands0 Scotland 0 Northern Ireland /Total outside the United Kingdom /North Africa /Western Africa /Central Africa /Eastern Africa /Southern Africa /The Americas and the Caribbean /South America /Caribbean /Other/Not stated 2500 and CNorth America and Central America BNorth America and Central America 4 Due to the small number of stillbirths in 'Elsewhere' in the UK, all figures for this group have been combined with England and Wales to protect confidentiality.England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and Wales, Guernsey, Jersey, Channel Islands not otherwise specified, Isle of Man, Great Britain not otherwise stated, United Kingdom not otherwise specifiedAmerican Samoa, British Indian Territory, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Heard Islands and McDonald Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, New HebridesMetadatathe birth registration record.BPresents data on live births and infant deaths by gestational age.dIncludes both sudden infant deaths and deaths for which the cause remained unknown or unascertained. ONS website:)Related publications for infant mortality8Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference Tables[Further annual infant mortality statistics based on death occurrences are available on the gFurther infant mortality statistics based on deaths registered in the reference period are available onthe ONS website:Other UK countries ConsultationsThe live birth and stillbirth numbers are based on all births that occurred in the reference year, plus any late birth registrations from the previous year.1Country Code Listings - Mother's country of birthhProvide quarterly and annual infant mortality data for the United Kingdom and its constituent countries."Death registrations summary tablesiProvides a geographical breakdown of infant death numbers and rates by local authority and county level. The denominators used to calculate rates for stillbirths and infant deaths are births that occurred in the same year. For childhood deaths, the denominators are the mid-year population estimates.cProvides provisional statistics on infant and perinatal mortality by father's occupation, mother's 0country of birth, birth weight and mother's age.?Provide summary data for infant mortality in England and Wales.}Mother's parity (previous children) is only included in the information given at the registration of a birth inside marriage.Occupation data is only available for births inside marriage/civil partnership and births outside marriage/civil partnership registered jointly by both parents.2 From 1927 to 30 September 1992 stillbirths relate to fetal deaths at or over 28 weeks gestation, and from 1 October 1992 at or over 24 weeks gestation. Child mortality statistics, 2011VLive births, stillbirths and infant deaths: area of residence, numbers and rates, 2011SPostneonatal and childhood deaths: broad underlying cause groups, age and sex, 2011HAll infant deaths and linked infant deaths: numbers and rates, 1980 2011XLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: ONS cause group and birthweight, 2011ZLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: ONS cause group and age of mother, 2011%parity and type of registration, 2011GStillbirths: ONS cause groups and birthweight by gestation period, 2011 rates, 2011:Stillbirth and infant death rates: age at death, 1921 2011`Table 3 Live births, stillbirths and infant deaths: area of residence, numbers and rates, 2011K All infant deaths and linked 1 infant deaths: numbers and rates2, 1980 2011?@ numbers and rates 2, 1980 20113 Stillbirths4 200520062007200820092010723,1653,7141,6572,1233,0771,00620034200443 The childhood death rates for 2002-2010 have been calculated using mid-year population estimates revised to take account of M the 2011 Census and therefore may differ from previously published rates.4 Up to 30 September 1992 these figures represent late fetal deaths at or over 28 weeks gestation, and from 1 October 1992 at or over 24 weeks gestation - H country of occurrence and sex, numbers and rates, 2011 1-45-910-141-14S Early neonatal, neonatal, postneonatal and infant deaths per 1,000 live births.< Childhood deaths per 100,000 population of the same age. calculation of the death rates when births to non-resident mothers are included in the denominator for comparability with the numerator.!ENGLAND AND WALES !Betsi Cadwaladr University K1 Stillbirths and perinatal deaths per 1,000 live births and stillbirths.^Table 4 Postneonatal and childhood deaths: broad underlying cause groups, age and sex, 201115611111145910141150 I Certain Infectious andparasitic diseases III Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the 0immune mechanism IV Endocrine, nutritional V Mental and behavioural disorders VI Diseases of the nervous system !VII Diseases of the eye and adnexa VIII Diseases of the ear and mastoid process IX Diseases of the circulatory system X Diseases of the respiratory system XI Diseases of the digestive system4and connective tissue XIV Diseases of the genitourinary system XVI Certain conditions originating in the perinatal&period XVII Congenital malformations, abnormalitieslaboratory findings, XX External causes of morbidity and mortality !All causes !Congenital anomalies )Antepartum infections #Immaturity related conditions )Asphyxia, anoxia or trauma (intrapartum) <2500 $ <1500 " 1000-1499  )External conditions )Infections )Other specific conditions "(antepartum) )Remaining antepartum deaths )Sudden infant deaths )Other conditions u1 Linked infant deaths are those that have been successfully linked to their corresponding birth registration record.: ONS cause groups and age of mother, 2011 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 6 < parity and type of registration, 2011Marital status 8All causes 5Congenital anomalies 4Antepartum All (Immaturity All *conditions All +Asphyxia, All .or trauma 1(intrapartum) .External /Infections 1Other /conditions 4Asphyxia, )or trauma 5(antepartum) All 5Remaining 7deaths 5Sudden inside marriage4deaths 7Other w1 Linked infant deaths are those that have been successfully linked to their corresponding birth registration record. Due to the small numbers, births registered to a same-sex couple in a civil partnership (420 in 2011) are included with marital births while births registered to aj same-sex couple outside a civil partnership (192 in 2011) are included with births outside marriage.24-2728-3132-3536-39 40 & over#All causes Congenital anomaliesAntepartum infectionsAsphyxia, anoxia or traumaExternal Other specific Asphyxia, anoxia or <2500 $(antepartum) Remaining antepartumOther tTable 10 Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: birthweight by age of mother, numbers and rates, 2011Rates/EU 0 New EU 1 Irish Republic /Rest of Europe (non EU) BNorth America and Central America @Middle East and Central Asia /Eastern Asia /Southern Asia 1 India 1 Pakistan 1 Bangladesh /South East Asia /Antartica and Oceania @North America and Central America ?Middle East and Central Asia 0 India 0 Pakistan 0 Bangladesh /Scotland /Northern Ireland /New EU 0 Irish Republic ?Middle East and Central Asia 5 Includes Africa not otherwise stated. This is not included in any subdivision of Africa hence the subdivisions will not sum exactly to the Africa total.6 Includes Asia (except Middle East) not otherwise stated. This is not included in any subdivision of Middle East and Asia hence the subdivisions will not sum exactly to # the Middle East and Asia total.Rates Live birthsNot stated Mother's age  BirthsAll  <20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40 and over Due to the small numbers, births registered to a same-sex couple in a civil partnership (420 in 2011) are included with marital births while births registered to ah same-sex couple outside a civil partnership (192 in 2011) are included with births outside marriage.Place of deliveryIn hospital At home Elsewhere Stillbirths2 #Stillbirths2 and infant deaths  2009420104 Due to the small numbers in 2009, 2010 and 2011, births registered to a same-sex couple in a civil partnership (22 in 2009, 335 in 2010, 420 in 2011) are included with marital births while births registered to a same-sex couple outside a civil partnership (2 in 2009, 140 in 2010, 192 in 2011) are included with births outside marriage.&Stillbirth1,2 and infant death3 rates:  age at death, 1921-20117Infant mortality per 1,000 live births3 at various ages&'Stillbirths2 and infant deaths  .. The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. DDesignation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: " meet identified user needs; -" are well explained and readily accessible; /" are produced according to sound methods, and B" are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest.  Crown copyright 2013The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 contained provisions enabling two females in a same-sex couple to register a birth from 1 September 2009 onwards. Due to the small numbers in 2009, 2010 and 2011, births registered to a same-sex couple in a civil partnership (417 in 2011, 335 in 2010 and 22 in 2009) are included with marital births while births registered to a same-sex couple outside a civil partnership (191 in 2011, 140 in 2010 and 2 in 2009) are included with births outside marriage.Terms and conditionsOnce statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.To view this licence, go to:8www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ Introduction Table 12 ALive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: birthweight,@type of registration and socio-economic classification of father2as defined by occupation, numbers and rates, 2011Classification47 and 854 In 2011, NS-SEC was rebased on the new Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010). Compared with the SOC2000 NS-SEC a number of changes have resulted (Rose and Pevalin, 2010), consequently figures for 2010 are not directly comparable to those for 2011. A report providing more detail on then impact of rebasing NS-SC to SOC2010 for infant mortality statistics is due for publication in Spring 2013.5 Due to the small number of stillbirths in socio-economic category 8, the totals for categories 7 and 8 have been combined to protect confidentiality. Rates 2  eTable 6 Live births, stillbirths and linked1 infant deaths: ONS cause groups2 and birthweight, 2011-.NOMortality metadata#Quality and Methodology Information[Supporting information for these tables can be found in child mortality statistics metadataIA Quality and Methodology Information note for child mortality statisticsTMore general information on the collection, production and quality of mortality dataAdditional information relating to information collected at birth registration and issues affecting the quality of birth registrations dataBirths metadata#Child Mortality Statistics metadataTables 5 8 < and 10 15 are based on numbers of infant deaths occurring in 2011 that have been successfully linked to their corresponding birth registration records, and comprise the 2011 infant death cohort. The linkage of infant death records to their corresponding birth registration record has been conducted since 1975 to obtain information on social and biological factors of the baby and parents collected at birth registration. These include the baby s birthweight; gestational age; mother's age; mother's country of birth; father's socio-economic status (based on his occupation); and for those born within marriage/civil partnership, the number of previous children born.The information used in the following tables is based on the details collected when deaths are registered. In 2011 deaths were recorded by registrars using the Registration Online (RON) system.{Still birth - born after 24 or more weeks completed gestation and which did not, at any time, breathe or show signs of life!Further information and enquiries)General enquiries should be addressed to:Vital Statistics Outputs BranchOffice for National StatisticsSegensworth Road TitchfieldFarehamHants PO15 5RRTelephone: 01329 444110email: vsob@ons.gsi.gov.uk7The ONS charging policy is available on the ONS websiteFeedback We welcome feedback from users. bThe Health and Life Events user engagement strategy is available to download from the ONS website.:Please send feedback to the postal or email address above.The ONS policy on protecting the confidentiality within birth and death statistics is available to download from the ONS website.R\5 There were 460 live births and 1 stillbirth to non-resident mothers of Northern Ireland..Yorkshire and The Humber 2 All Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) in England correspond with the relevant Region with the exception of the South East where two SHAs (South East Coast and South Central) cover the Region.Cause group1  Cause group2  0 England and Wales4 0Africa5 0Middle East and Asia6 0 England and Wales4 1 England and Wales4 0Africa5 0Middle East and Asia6 0England and Wales4 0Middle East and Asia6 /Africa5 Table 11 Rates3Northern Ireland4,5 *Strategic Health Authorities2,3 in EnglandjTable 8 Live births, stillbirths and linked1 infant deaths: ONS cause groups2, marital status of mother3,,-MNhiQTable 9 Stillbirths: ONS cause groups1 and birthweight by gestation period, 2011&(wLive births, stillbirths and linked1 infant deaths: birthweight and mother's country of birth, numbers and rates2, 2011#$pqCountry of birth3Rates2{Table 15 Live births, stillbirths and linked1 infant deaths: place of delivery and age of mother, numbers and rates2, 2011-.tu Table 13 Live births, stillbirths and linked1 infant deaths: mother's age, parity (inside marriage), marital status2 and type of registration, numbers and rates3, 2011#$jk2 The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 contained provisions enabling two females in a same-sex couple to register a birth from 1 September 2009 onwards.Live births1, stillbirths1,2,3 and infant deaths: within and outside marriage (for births)4, and age at death, numbers, 1921-2011  Z[Note: Rates calculated from fewer than 20 deaths are distinguished by italic type as a warning that their reliability as a measure may be affected by the small number of events."Note: Rates in tables calculated from fewer than 20 deaths are distinguished by italic type as a warning to the user that their reliability as a measure may be affected by the small number of events. Rates were not calculated where there were fewer than 3 deaths in a cell, denoted by (:).RLive births, stillbirths, infant deaths and childhood deaths under 15: country of Loccurrence and sex, numbers and rates, 2011 (UK and constituent countries) ZLive births, stillbirths, infant deaths and childhood deaths under 15: numbers and rates, 1980 2011]Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: birthweight by age of mother, numbers and ^Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: birthweight and mother s country of birth, numbers and rates, 2011YLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: birthweight, type of registration and Ysocio-economic classification of father as defined by occupation, numbers and rates, 2011[Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: mother s age, parity (inside marriage), @marital status and type of registration, numbers and rates, 2011_Live births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: place of delivery, birthweight, numbers and EF YLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: place of delivery, and age of mother, aLive births, stillbirths and infant deaths: within and outside marriage (for births), and age at death, numbers, 1921 2011Information on child mortality )Information on country of birth groupings5Provides links to further infant mortality statistics3Latest infant death statistics for Northern Ireland+Latest infant death statistics for ScotlandADeaths registered in England and Wales by area of usual residence/ONS review of infant mortality statistics, 20110Planned changes to child mortality outputs, 2013SProviding information on the outcome of 2011 review of infant mortality statistics.GProvides information on the planned changes to child mortality outputs.sThis release presents annual data on infant deaths and childhood deaths that occurred in 2011 in England and Wales.4Deaths are those that occurred in England and Wales.The main tables in this publication fall into two groups related to the mortality data used in each. Tables 1 4 and 16 17 are based on numbers of infant (and childhood) deaths occurring in the calendar year. Table 9 is based solely on stillbirths.Special extracts and tabulations of child mortality data for England and Wales are available to order (subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement of costs, where appropriate). Such enquiries should be made to the postal or email address above.$Joint registration/same address $Joint registration/different address3 The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 contained provisions enabling two females in a same-sex couple to register a birth from 1 September 2009 onwards.Joint registration/same addressTable 14 <2 FLive births, stillbirths and linked infant deaths: place of delivery,%birthweight, numbers and rates, 20114 The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 contained provisions enabling two females in a same-sex couple to register a birth from 1 September 2009 onwards.Some data items collected under the Population Statistics Acts (1938 and 1960) have been aggregated to protect confidentiality. Figures in some tables may not add precisely due to rounding or suppression.P denotes personsM denotes malesF denotes femalesThe registration of life events (births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships) is a service carried out by the Local Registration Service in partnership with the General Register Office (GRO) in Southport. Since 1 April 2008, GRO has been part of the Identity and Passport Service. Deaths should be registered within 5 days of the date of death, although there are some situations when the registration of a death will be delayed, such as those deaths reported to a coroner. The coroner sends information to the registrar, and this is used instead of any information on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) to register the death. see Section 2.11 of Child Mortality Statistics metadata. The figures for 1992 exclude the 216 stillbirths of 24-27 weeks gestation that occurred between 1 October and 31 December. = B1 See sections 2.8 and 2.9 in Child Mortality Statistics metadata. H2 See sections 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10 in Child Mortality Statistics metadata. $J2 See sections 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10 in Child Mortality Statistics metadata. &;1 See section 2.10 in Child Mortality Statistics metadata. g1 See section 2.12 of Child Mortality Statistics metadata for details of the linkage of infant deaths. : Y3 Details of the groupings for countries of birth can be found in Country Code listings. C1 The breakdowns of socio-economic classification do not add to the 'All' figures - see section 2.13 in Child Mortality Statistics metadata for an explanation. i 2 From 1927 to 30 September 1992 stillbirths relate to fetal deaths at or over 28 weeks gestation, and from 1 October 1992 at or over 24 weeks gestation - see Section 2.11 of Child Mortality Statistics metadata. 20114Rp pqtqstusvwxy z {w | | F}8 } d~V>0l^l^K=ʃE7yk+}s rdM?= Y(J o>ӦN,+z`v!  ` Z vH+ZyPw!iMni  ; ,sOt6C>,-  ;J % z0ccB  8G Q!V  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?' `?(~?)~?M \\FA1RVWPRINT01\T12005col`(C 4dXXA4DINU" T sMO SMTJ HP Color LaserJet 5550 PCL 6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPDocUISUITrueHPPngPassthroughTrueResolution600dpiOrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalseDuplexVERTICALPaperSizeA4HPPaperSizeDuplexConstraints8_5X13MediaTypeAutoCollateONColorMode24bppTextAsBlackFalseTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineJPEGEnableAutoAlternateLetterHeadFalsePrintQualityGroupPQGroup_1HPDigitalImagingHPBusinessPrintingHPSmartFocusOffHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessOnHPSmoothingOnHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPMaxResolutionPDM_600DPIHPDocPropResourceDatahpzhl5in.cabHPColorSmartAutomaticHPColorSmart_Text_NeutralGraysBlackOnlyHPColorSmart_Text_HalftoneDetailHPColorSmart_Text_RGBColorDefault(sRGB)HPColorSmart_Graphics_NeutralGraysBlackOnlyHPColorSmart_Graphics_HalftoneDetailHPColorSmart_Graphics_RGBColorDefault(sRGB)HPColorSmart_Photo_NeutralGrays4-ColorHPColorSmart_Photo_HalftoneDetailHPColorSmart_Photo_RGBColorDefault(sRGB)HPColorSmart_ColorOptions_EdgeControlNormalHPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_COLORAUTHHPBornOnDateHPBODHPXMLFileUsedhpc55506.xmlHPPCL6PassThroughTrueHPFontInstallerTRUEHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEDOWN-NOROTATEHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNHPManualDuplexDialogModelModelessHPManualDuplexPageOrderEvenPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1TrueHPPrintInGrayScaleFalseHPPaperSizeALMConstraintsENV_10HPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPZPE5inHPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionJRConstraintsJRCHDPartialJRCmdCallbackJRJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOffHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWHPEnableRAWSpoolingTruePSAlignmentFileHPZLS5inHPSmartHub_OnlinediagnostictoolsTRUEHPSmartHub_SupportandtroubleshootingTRUEHPSmartHub_ProductmanualsTRUEHPSmartHub_CheckfordriverupdatesTRUEHPSmartHub_ColorprintingaccessusageTRUEHPSmartHub_OrdersuppliesTRUEHPSmartHub_ShowmehowTRUEPSServices_DeviceandSuppliesStatusTRUEPSServices_PrintcolorusagejoblogTRUEHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_276_HID_265PSServicesOptionPrnStat_SID_242_BID_270_HID_15521HPConsumerCustomPaperTrueHPJobAccWoPinTrue IUPHxoAjl$j4=&zI *F] h11l-BRД[=S'Wxve[Kaf{3;kDId& .'i* H};-0bs&~_.?1pPS.-sƢ 2G!K9^N'쪻4[='& 8efg(3jalZOoGSQ7J8d>! {#\4};_;A9s=Ay25B&X768Mc47:&N.ο0a?U=y}i"R@.r6uj4oIL3ۤ'腋4)AO1 у<@O RA(A@B\ԲyX(+)CwGf!I"t+-8թb{Y2ԾZCt]&l\_~y@ z6.^bܴ(Ox!| A.[ѢƇG 㵎lB7l_HUP3m:HmV_)Bt&u!Xv,m9٫_vpھ g.cGՂ   ?< " ZXX BP(? 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Office for National Statistics " ContentsWhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g  Contents!A1n6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.htmln6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g  Contents!A1=g  Contents!A1),'Country Code Listings'!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.htmln6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.htmln6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.htmlo' hhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/quality/quality-information/population/index.htmln6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.htmlc1 http://ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/user-engagement/consultations-and-surveys/archived-consultations/2011/re՜.+,D՜.+,p PX  . Office for National Statistics " Contents MetadataTerms and conditionsCountry Code ListingsTable 1Table 2Table 3Table 4Table 5Table 6Table 7Table 8Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 Table 17Related publicationsContents!Print_AreaMetadata!Print_Area'Table 10'!Print_Titles'Table 11'!Print_Titles'Table 12'!Print_Titles'Table 13'!Print_Titles'Table 16'!Print_Titles'Table 17'!Print_Titles'Table 6'!Print_Titles'Table 7'!Print_Titles'Table 8'!Print_Titles'Table 9'!Print_Titles  Worksheets Named Ranges x- 8@ _PID_HLINKSA0-U'Terms and conditions'!A1),'Country Code Listings'!A1(e Metadata!A1LR 'Table 1'!A1'Table 17'!A1'Table 16'!A1'Table 15'!A1LV 'Table 5'!A1UU 'Related publications'!A1 'Table 14'!A1 'Table 13'!A1 'Table 12'!A1 'Table 11'!A1'Table 10'!A1LZ 'Table 9'!A1L[ 'Table 8'!A1LT 'Table 7'!A1LU 'Table 6'!A1LW 'Table 4'!A1LP 'Table 3'!A1LQ 'Table 2'!A1gx'Notes and definitions'!A1Lhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/user-engagement/consultations-and-surveys/surveys/user-engagement-in-the-health-and-life-events-division.pdfu9Shttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/about-ons/who-we-are/services/charging-policy/index.html Byhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/best-practice/disclosure-control-policy-for-birth-and-death-statistics/index.html=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1rd@http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1n6Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g Contents!A1n6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g  Contents!A1n6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.html=g  Contents!A1n6 Whttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/health-and-life-events/index.htmln6 view-of-infant-mortality-statistics/index.html}i `http://www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/statistics/theme/vital-events/deaths/bckgr-info/stillbirths.htmlc%4http://www.nisra.gov.uk/demography/default.asp9.htm\Vhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/vsob1/deaths-registered-area-usual-residence/index.html'$hhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/vsob1/vital-statistics--population-and-health-reference-tables/index.html{kDhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/vsob1/death-reg-sum-tables/index.html";ghttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/child-health/unexplained-deaths-in-infancy--england-and-wales/index.htmlm)http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/child-health/infant-and-perinatal-mortality-in-england-and-wales-by-social-and-biological-factors/index.html#3ohttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/child-health/gestation-specific-infant-mortality-in-england-and-wales/index.htmlIVhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/vsob1/birth-cohort-tables--england-and-wales/index.html=g Contents!A1CompObjr