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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`hContentsϐMetadataTerms and conditionsTable 1-#Table 2lRelated publications," Metadata;  ;   ;>  ;=  ContentsMetadataTable 1Children of divorced couplesTable 2England and Wales&Source: Office for National StatisticsYear of divorce Total number of couples divorced5Number of couples by number of children aged under 16-Number of children aged under 16 by age-groupTotal 5 or more0 45 1011 15Notes:Children are those treated as children of the family, and can include children born outside marriage, children of previous marriages, adopted and step children.&Ages are those at petition to divorce."One or more children aged under 16Number of couples 16 or overNumbersIn these tables, the analysis of children involved in divorce refers to children of the family, according to Section 52 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. As well as children born to the couple divorcing, this term includes those born outside marriage, children of previous marriages and adopted children  provided that they were treated by both partners as children of their family. Note:#No child stated - number of couplesAll children aged 16 or over All divorces"Number of children aged 16 or over%Average number of children per couple Number of children aged under 16Under 16..NFor a definition of children and recording of their ages see the metadata tab.In these tables:- denotes nil, andIn earlier years there was no upper age limit for children shown in the divorce tables, so some children were of mature years and some couples with children were couples all of whose children were adults. This practice changed in 1974 and in all tables children are now defined as being aged under 16. The distinction makes a sizeable difference to the numbers in some categories. Age 16 was chosen because it is the minimum school-leaving age and the minimum age at marriage.LThe tables provide summaries of recent time trends and show the effect of including and excluding children aged 16 or over. Thus a distinction is made between couples with children under age 16, couples all of whose children are 16 or over, and couples who are either childless or did not provide details of any children. The number of children and the number of couples are shown for each category. In Table 1 this information is supplemented by giving the number of couples by the number of children aged under 16, and age of child distributions for couples with children under age 16. Some of the information on the decree absolute form refers to the position at the time the petition was filed, and is not updated when the decree is made absolute. In particular, the ages of any children are those as at the date of filing the petition, and not at the date of decree absolute. Age at petition is used as a closer approximation to when the marriage broke down. Therefore this may give a better indication of the age of children affected by marital breakdown ending in divorce. However, for petitions filed since 1 January 1977, the actual dates of birth of children aged under 18 have been recorded on the decree absolute form. This means that the ages of children at decree absolute could be derived if needed for statistical purposes. Copyright and reproduction Sor write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU1. Data not collected separately prior to 1970 for 'Number of children under 16' and 'Number of children over 16' of couples divorced.M1. In 1978 there were 16 couples with 39 children whose ages were not stated.M2. In 1977 there were 14 couples with 23 children whose ages were not stated.{3. Between 1972 and 1976 the ages of some children were not stated and these have been distributed on a proportional basis.UWe welcome feedback from users on the content, format and relevance of this release. :Please send feedback to the postal or email address above.(For enquiries about these data, contact:Vital Statistics Output BranchOffice for National StatisticsSegensworth Road TitchfieldFarehamHampshire PO15 5RRTel: 01329 444110Symbols and conventions!A National Statistics publicationNational Statistics are produced to high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. They are produced free from any political interference.About usThe Director-General of ONS reports directly to the National Statistician who is the Authority's Chief Executive and the Head of the Government Statistical Service.!Information on divorce statisticsDivorces taking place in England and Wales are recorded by the courts and sent to ONS for processing and the production and analysis of statistics. The divorce statistics are compiled on the basis of decrees made absolute and decrees of nullity as derived from the D105 form.qA marriage may be either " dissolved, following a petition for divorce and the granting of a decree absolute, or " annulled, following a petition for nullity and the awarding of a decree of nullity The first group of decrees are known as dissolutions of marriage, and the second as annulments of marriage. The term divorce in the tables includes both types of decrees.c4. Between 1970 and 1973, figures are for numbers of couples with 4 or more children aged under 16.1978119772197631975319743197335,5324197235,5774197133,4184197033,023481,10611.58172,79011.59167,53911.57159,59111.53155,98211.48150,34211.44145,11511.41140,28111.39134,82011.37132,53411.36131,67711.30129,14811.29130,7651+Life Events and Population Sources DivisionRelated publications#Quality and Methodology InformationBA Quality and Methodology Information note for Divorce statistics.^Divorce, marriage and civil partnership statistics for the United Kingdom and its constituent countries are available in:8Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference TablesEProvides links to further divorce statistics and related publicationsTerms and conditionsThe United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. DDesignation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: " meet identified user needs; -" are well explained and readily accessible; /" are produced according to sound methods, and B" are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.To view this licence, go to:8www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ Introduction"These tables provide statistics on divorces which took place in England and Wales in calendar years. Table 2 provides data back to 1957, while table 1 provides data back to 1970. Late notifications of di<vorces are not included in published statistics, but are retained on the ONS database. Notes and Definitions!Further Information and Enquiries4Marriage statistics are available on the ONS website =Civil partnership statistics are available on the ONS website .. denotes not availableDivorces metadataJSupporting information for these tables can be found in divorces metadata.<Couples by number of children and children by age, 1970-2012'Children of divorced couples, 1957-2012E-mail: vsob@ons.gsi.gov.uk  'email: psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial department which reports directly to Parliament. ONS is the UK government s single largest statistical producer. It compiles information about the UK s society and economy, and provides the evidence-base for policy and decision-making, the allocation of resources, and public accountability. Crown copyright 2014Divorce statistics for the United Kingdom and its constituent countries are available in the Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference Tables. ] Special extracts and tabulations of divorce data for England and Wales are available to order (subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement of costs, where appropriate). Such enquiries should be made to the postal or email address above.You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. Users should include a source accreditation to ONS - Source: Office for National Statistics (www.ons.gov.uk)4The charging policy is available on the ONS website. > J? @d6D EgL$O6PDVV,WWXvX3[]G`JeKccvv@Metadatau o.,M&H:\My Documents\VSOB\COBM\Metadata.txtMetadata!MetadataB    dMbP?_*+%&i4F?'i4F?(\.?)\.?M\\FA1RVWPRXX005\Titchfield MonC 4dA4,DINU"9 SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" d&U} D} D}  m D} $ D  C     @ @ @ @  @            BBBBBBBBBB     EEEEEEEEEE F H<HHHHHHHH FHHHHHHHHH Ln nHHHHHHHH FGHHHHHHHH F A HHHHHHHH  IJJJJJJJJJ L A HHHHHHHH  IJJJJJJJJJ Tg Km JJJJJJJJ JKKKKKKKKK JKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKK (T666666>@<dKJ 7RyK  Metadata Metadata!A1R yK Table 1 'Table 1'!A1R yK Table 2 'Table 2'!A1 yK Related publications'Related publications'!A1yK Terms and conditions'Terms and conditions'!A1ggD  ?  dMbP?_*+%&~?'~?(~?)~?M\\FA1RVWPRXX005\Titchfield MonC 4dA4,DINU"9 SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" S `? `?&`U} lD} $ D?  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