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Comma 2 2 2/ Comma 2 2 30 Comma 2 31 Comma 2 4 2Comma 4 3Comma 54&Currency5. Currency [0]6Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text %7 K Followed Hyperlink  Or% 8Good;Good  a%9 Heading 1G Heading 1 DTj%Dr: Heading 2G Heading 2 DTj%?; Heading 3G Heading 3 DTj%23< Heading 49 Heading 4 DTj%=9 Hyperlink  c%> Hyperlink 28 Hyperlink 2  c? Hyperlink 38 Hyperlink 3  c@ Hyperlink 4A Hyperlink 4 2 BInputuInput ̙ ??v% C Linked CellK Linked Cell }% DNeutralANeutral  W%3Normal %E Normal 10F Normal 179 Normal 17 % GNormal 27Normal 2 %H Normal 2 2I Normal 2 2 2: Normal 2 2 2 JNormal 2 2 2 2KNormal 2 2 2 3L Normal 2 2 3M Normal 2 3; Normal 2 3 %N Normal 2 3 2? Normal 2 3 2 %O Normal 2 46 Normal 2 4 P Normal 2 5Q Normal 3 2 RNormal 6 SNormal 7 TNormal 83U.Normal_13 Worry about crime appendix tables 2PVKNormal_13 Worry about crime appendix tables_Appendix tables Chapter 5 v6.3WNormal_Book1 27X2Normal_CinEW 1011 Chapter 2 Appendix tables v5.1 25Y0Normal_CinEW 1011 Chapter 3 Appendix Tables v6.43Z.Normal_Experience of ASB 04-05 - sig testing 2[ Normal_Sheet2\ Normal_Sheet6] Normal_Sheet8^Normal_Table 5.07 _Noteb Note   `OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???a$Percentb Percent 2 cTitle1Title DTj% dTotalMTotal %DrDre Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16` mNotes`Table S1Table S2Table S3TTable S4RTable S5Table S6Table S7Table S8XTable S9 Table S10- Table S11J Table S12X] Table S13q Table S14x Table S15$ Table S168 Table S17ֵ Table S18 Table S19 Table S20  Table S216 Table S22, Table S23? Table S24J Table S25 Table S26 Table S27 Table S28$ Table S29N Table S300 Table S31R Table S32{ Table S33r Table S344 Table S35E Table S36,%$!!""##$$    ;   ;  ;9  ;<  ;   ;  ;0  ;;  ;)  ;?   ;>  ; 9  ;   ;   ;:  ;;  ;!  ;!.   ;   ;"=   ;;  ;  ; :  ;B   ;;  !;#D  ";<  #;4  $;7#  %;5  ;   ;   ;;  ;   ;;   ;; gTable S1: Trends in ratings of the local police, year ending March 2004 to year ending March 2018 CSEW1/fEngland and WalesAdults aged 16 and overApr '03 to Mar '04Apr '04 to Mar '05Apr '05 to Mar '06Apr '06 to Mar '07Apr '07 to Mar '08Apr '08 to Mar '09Apr '09 to Mar '10Apr '10 to Mar '11Apr '11 to Mar '121 Apr '12 to Mar '131 Apr '13 to Mar '141 Apr '14 to Mar '151 (April 2017 to March 2018 compared with:RatingApr '15 to Mar '161 Apr '16 to Mar '171 Apr '17 to Mar '181 Apr '11 to Mar '122 Apr '16 to Mar '17 Percentages$Statistically significant difference Excellent*GoodFairPoor Very poor"Unweighted base - number of adultsK Source: Crime Survey for England and Wales, Office for National Statistics1. Data from year ending March 2012 CSEW onwards are not directly comparable with those previous; the methodological note published alongside Focus On: Public Perceptions of Policing, 2011/12 provides more information.y2. This is the earliest period for which statistical significance testing can be performed upon directly comparable data.`Table S2: Ratings of the local police, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1B_ Local police4Percentage saying police doing a good/excellent job ALL ADULTSRespondent's employment status In employmentAge Unemployed16-24Economically inactive25-34Student35-44Looking after family/home45-54Long-term/temporarily sick/ill55-64Retired65-74Other inactive75+Highest qualificationSexDegree or diplomaMenApprenticeship or A/AS levelWomen O level/GCSEOther Ethnic groupNoneWhite 2English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish/ British $Long-standing illness or disability Irish $Gypsy, Traveller or Irish Traveller -Limits activitiesAny other White backgroundDoes not limit activitiesMixed/ Multiple ethnic groups'No long-standing illness or disability White and Black Caribbean White and Black African Internet usage2White and Asian Used in last 12 months+Any other Mixed/ Multiple ethnic backgroundNot used in last 12 monthsAsian/ Asian BritishIndian Overall level of perceived ASB2 Pakistani High Bangladeshi Not highChinese Any other Asian background Respondent's occupation (NS-SEC)(Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British'Managerial and professional occupationsAfrican Intermediate occupations Caribbean Routine and manual occupations/Any other Black/ African/ Caribbean background %Never worked and long-term unemployedOther ethnic groupFull-time studentsArab Not classifiedAny other ethnic group KExperience of crime in last 12 months (excluding fraud and computer misuse)Marital statusVictimMarried/civil partnered Not a victim CohabitingSingleLExperience of crime in last 12 months (including fraud and computer misuse)3K Separated&Divorced/legally dissolved partnershipWidowedJSource: Crime Survey for England and Wales, Office for National StatisticsM1. Section 7.3 of the User Guide has definitions of personal characteristics. 2. The relevant questions relating to internet usage, overall level of perceived anti-social behaviour, and awareness of neighbourhood policing, are only asked of one quarter of the CSEW sample.V"-" indicates that data are not reported because the unweighted base is fewer than 50.3. Combined bases for the 'Experience of crime in the last 12 months (including fraud and computer misuse)' are smaller as questions relating to Fraud victimisation were only been asked of the full sample from October 2017 onwards and were previously only asked of half the sample. jTable S3: Ratings of the local police, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1L i"Adults aged 16 and over/householdsStructure of householdSingle adult and child(ren)Adults and child(ren)Adult(s) and no child(ren)Total household incomeLess than 10,00010,000 to less than 20,00020,000 to less than 30,00030,000 to less than 40,00040,000 to less than 50,00050,000 or more3No income stated or not enough information providedTenureOwner occupiersSocial rentersPrivate rentersAccommodation type HousesDetached Semi-detachedTerracedFlats/maisonettesOther accomodation Output Area ClassificationRural residents Cosmopolitans Ethnicity central Multicultural metropolitans  Urbanities Suburbanities Constrained city dwellers Hard-pressed living  Area typeUrbanRuralLevel of physical disorder+English Indices of Deprivation (Employment)20% most deprived output areasOther output areas20% least deprived output areasa1. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide have definitions of area and household characteristics.)*vTable S4: Trends in ratings and perceptions of the local police, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2018 CSEWAdults aged 16 years and overApr '05 to Mar '061 Apr '12 to Mar '132 Apr '13 to Mar '142 Apr '14 to Mar '152 Apr '15 to Mar '162 Apr '16 to Mar '172 Apr '17 to Mar '182 Apr '11 to Mar '123 Percentage!Police doing a good/excellent job@Percentage saying they 'tend to agree' or 'strongly agree' that:%Police can be relied upon when needed#Police would treat you with respectPolice would treat you fairly4Police can be relied upon to deal with minor crimes43 : Police understand local concernsPolice deal with local concerns"Overall confidence in local police#Unweighted base - number of adults5" y1. While the questions were introduced in year ending March 2005, the first full year of data was year ending March 2006.2. Numbers from year ending March 2012 CSEW onwards are not directly comparable with those previous; the methodological note published alongside Focus On: Public Perceptions of Policing, 2011/12 provides more information.y3. This is the earliest period for which statistical significance testing can be performed upon directly comparable data.{4. The question on 'police can be relied upon to deal with minor crimes' was not asked from year ending March 2012 onwards.c5. Unweighted base refers to overall confidence in the local police. Other bases will be similar. dTable S5: Perceptions of the local police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1F c#Police can be relied on when needed"Police in this area can be trusted:Percentage saying they 'strongly agree' or 'tend to agree'-English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/BritishIrishGypsy/Irish TravellerMixed/MultipleWhite and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and Asian*Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic backgroundAsian/Asian BritishIndian Pakistani BangladeshiChineseAny other Asian background%Black/African/Caribbean/Black BritishAfrican CaribbeanAny other Black backgroundArabAny other ethnic groupQ1. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.$a2. Unweighted base refers to overall confidence in the local police. Other bases will be similar.oTable S5: Perceptions of the local police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1 (continued)E bc #Unweighted base - number of adults2" Internet usageOverall level of perceived ASB3LExperience of crime in last 12 months (including fraud and computer misuse)4K3. The relevant questions relating to overall level of perceived anti-social behaviour are only asked of one quarter of the CSEW sample.4. Combined bases for the 'Experience of crime in the last 12 months (including fraud and computer misuse)' are smaller as questions relating to Fraud victimisation were only been asked of the full sample from Octobe< r 2017 onwards and were previously only asked of half the sample. nTable S6: Perceptions of the local police by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1P mOther accomodationRural residents Cosmopolitans Ethnicity central Multicultural metropolitans Urbanities Suburbanities Constrained city dwellers Hard-pressed living d1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.#-}Table S7 : Trends in public confidence in the police and local council, year ending March 2008 to year ending March 2018 CSEWApr '12 to Mar '13Apr '13 to Mar '14Apr '14 to Mar '15Apr '15 to Mar '16Apr '17 to Mar '18Percentage saying police and local council are dealing with the anti-social behaviour and crime issues that matter in the local areaAgreeDisagree No opinion1. Numbers from year ending March 2012 CSEW onwards are not directly comparable with those previous. See the methodological note published alongside Focus On: Public Perceptions of Policing 2011/12 for more information.2. Significance tests are presented for comparisons with year ending March 2012 as this is the earliest year that is directly comparable with the latest figures.S3. Only half the overall sample were asked this question in year ending March 2008.uTable S8: Public confidence in the police and local council by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1t#Unweighted base - number of adultsQ1. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.$2. The relevant question relating to overall level of perceived anti-social behaviour is only asked of one quarter of the CSEW sample.Table S9: Public confidence in the police and local council by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1~Other accommodationRural residents CosmopolitansEthnicity centralMulticultural metropolitans Urbanites SuburbanitesConstrained city dwellersHard-pressed livingd1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.#-aTable S10: Trends in visiblity of police foot patrols, years ending March 2007 to March 2018 CSEW5Apr '11 to Mar '12"Apr '17 to Mar '18 compared with:Visibility of police1,2%Statistically significant difference3$High visibilityMore than once a day Once a dayAbout once a weekMedium visibilityAbout once a monthLess than once a monthLow visibility (Never)f1. The question on visibility of police on foot patrols is only asked of a quarter of the CSEW sample.H2. Those that responded 'Don't know' have been excluded from this table.P3. Statistically significant change at the 5% level is indicated by an asterisk.fTable S11: Visiblity of police foot patrols, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1eVisibility of police2.Percentage of adults reporting high visibility0 English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Irish Gypsy or Irish Traveller Any other white background White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian- Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Any other Asian backgroundOverall level of perceived ASB African Caribbean/ Any other Black/African/Caribbean background Arab Any other ethnic groupf2. The question on visibility of police on foot patrols is only asked of a quarter of the CSEW sample.pTable S12: Visiblity of police foot patrols, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1Ro#Unweighted base - number of adultse2. The question on visibility of police on foot patrols is only asked of a quarter of the CSEW sampleJan '92 to Dec '92Jan '94 to Dec '94Jan '96 to Dec '96Jan '98 to Dec '98Jan '00 to Dec '00Apr '02 to Mar '032 "Apr' 17 to Mar' 18 compared with:.Percentage of incidents in which victims were:Very satisfiedFairly satisfied Not satisfied1. This question is asked of all victims of crime (excluding fraud and computer misuse) who reported that they informed the police of the matter.02. Data not available for year ending March 2002~Table S14: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by crime type, year ending March 2018 CSEWSatisfaction with the police\Percentage of incidents in which the victim was 'very' or 'fairly' satisfied with the policeViolence With injuryWithout injury Theft offencesTheft from the person Other theft of personal propertyDomestic burglaryOther household theftVehicle-related theft Bicycle theftCriminal damageTable S15: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1,2 ALL INCIDENTS12. Excludes victims of fraud and computer misuse.Table S17: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by CJS factors, year ending March 2018 CSEW1~Treated fairly by the policeYesNo"Treated with respect by the policeIf police found out who did itNot yetAction taken against offenderCharged Given caution1Gave them a fine (or Penalty Notice for Disorder)4Made them do something to make amends for the matterSome other action*No action (yet) taken against the offenderDid offender go to court(How well police kept the victim informedWellNot well!Not necessary to keep me informedBPolice gave victim chance to talk to somone formally or informally11. Excludes victims of fraud and computer misuse.sTable S18: Attitudes to local police, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2018 CSEW1r Area Code Area NameRating of local police%% saying police do excellent/good job=Statistically significantly different from England and Wales2< BStatistically significantly different from Apr '16 to Mar '172A % agree#Unweighted base - number of adults3" K04000001ENGLAND AND WALES*! E92000001ENGLAND E12000001 North East E23000013 Cleveland E23000008Durham E23000007 Northumbria*! E12000002 North West E23000006Cheshire E23000002Cumbria E23000005Greater Manchester E23000003 Lancashire E23000004 Merseyside E12000003Yorkshire and the Humber E23000012 Humberside E23000009North Yorkshire E23000011South Yorkshire E23000010West Yorkshire E12000004 East Midlands E23000018 Derbyshire E23000021Leicestershire E23000020 Lincolnshire E23000022Northamptonshire E23000019Nottinghamshire E12000005 West Midlands E23000015 Staffordshire E23000017 Warwickshire E23000016 West Mercia E23000014 E12000006East E23000026 Bedfordshire E23000023Cambridgeshire E23000028Essex E23000027 Hertfordshire E23000024Norfolk E23000025Suffolk E12000007London$City of London / Metropolitan Police E12000008 South East E23000030 Hampshire E23000032Kent E23000031Surrey E23000033Sussex E23000029 Thames Valley E12000009 South West E23000036Avon and Somerset E23000035Devon and Cornwall E23000039Dorset E23000037Gloucestershire E23000038 Wiltshire W92000004WALES W15000004 Dyfed-Powys W15000002Gwent W15000001 North Wales W15000003 South Wales1. Being based on small sample sizes, police force area estimates from the CSEW are less robust than national level estimates and should be treated with extreme caution.2. '*' denotes statistically significantly different in comparison with England and Wales while '*!/!' denotes statistically significantly different in comparison with the year ending March 2017 es< timate.o3. Unweighted base refers to ratings of local police; base for police deal with local concerns will be similar.Table S19: Attitudes to local police working in partnership, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2018 CSEW10Police and local council are dealing with issues&% saying strongly agree/ tend to agreeDStatistically significantly different from Apr '16 to Mar '172C 2. '*' denotes statistically significantly different in comparison with England and Wales while '*!/!' denotes statistically significant different in comparison with the year ending March 2017 estimate.zTable S20: Awareness and use of the 101 non-emergency police number, year ending March 2012 to year ending March 2018 CSEW!Apr '17 to Mar '18 compared with:Percentage saying that they:1Were aware of the 101 non-emergency police number,Had used the 101 non-emergency police numberApr '14 to Mar '15Apr '15 to Mar '16Apr '16 to Mar '17Apr '17 to Mar '18,Were aware of Police and Crime Commissioners1. The wording of this question changed in April 2015 from 'Before this interview were you aware that the Government had introduced elected Police and Crime Commissioners to oversee police forces in this way?' to 'Before this interview were you aware of Police and Crime Commissioners?'.C2. This question includes responses from non-London residents only.+Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners#Unweighted base - number of adults2"16 2425 3435 4445 5455 6465 74#Gypsy, Traveller or Irish Traveller#Any other Mixed/Multiple background:Confidence in police and local council dealing with issues,Any other Black/African/Caribbean background62. Unweighted base refers to non-London residents only20% most deprived Output AreasOther Output Areas20% least deprived Output Areas3Had contacted their local PCC in the last 12 months#Unweighted base - number of adults1" How contact made2 By telephoneAt a local eventBy email"Had contact with them through workAt a surgery session By letterSome other wayNature of contact26Shared information on community activity / local crime+Shared views on policing / crime priorities"Spoke to them as a victim of crimeAsked for informationBShared views on police budget / council tax charged for the police'Made a complaint about the local police.Made a complaint about the PCC or their officeSomething else1. The unweighted base is adults resident outside of the London Area. Within the London area responsibility for holding police to account is the responsibility of the Mayor of London and not a Police and Crime Commissioner.F2. Figures add to more than 100 as more than one response is possible.3. Unweighted base refer to questions on how contact with PCC was made. Bases for the questions on nature of contact will be similar.8Respondent ever annoyed or dissatisfied with the police17FRespondent been annoyed or dissatisfied with police in last 5 years1,2CDRespondent made official complaint against police in last 5 years1,3ATried to but failed5Respondent satisfaction with handling of complaint1,42A bit dissatisifiedVery dissatisfied+Reason respondent did not make complaint1,5(HWas not the appropriate person to make the complaint/none of my business/Did not know who to complain to/how to complainJUnsure of consequences of making a complaint/worried about police response,Too long after the incident/left it too late3Could see no benefit to making a complaint/no pointIncident was too minorThe police wouldn't do anything9Matter was resolved so I did not need to make a complaint1. Data from the year ending March 2017 CSEW onwards are not directly comparable with those previous. From the year ending March 2011 to year ending March 2016, respondents were asked the question: 'Have you ever been really annoyed about the way a police officer behaved towards you or someone you know OR about the way the police handled a matter in which you were involved?' From the year ending March 2017 onwards, respondents were asked the question: 'Have you ever been dissatisfied with the service provided by the police? This might be because of the way the police handled a matter in which you or someone else was involved, OR because of the behaviour of a police officer or another member of police staff?'f2. Asked of respondents who replied 'yes' to having ever been annoyed or dissatisfied with the police.x3. Asked of respondents who replied 'yes' to having been annoyed or dissatisfied with the police in the last five years.4. Asked of respondents who said that they did, or tried but failed to, make an official complaint against the police in the last five years.5. Asked of respondents who said that they did not, or tried but failed to, make an official complaint against the police in the last five years.Apr '01 to Mar '02Apr '02 to Mar '03Apr '08 to Mar '093 Apr '12 to Mar '133 SPercentage saying there is 'a little more' or 'a lot more' crime than two years agoNationalLocal#Unweighted base - number of adults4" OPercentage saying crime has gone up 'a little' or 'a lot' in the past few years1. From the year ending December 1996 to the year ending December 2000, the questions on the perceptions of national and local crime rates were asked of half the sample. From the year ending March 2002 to the year ending March 2012, these questions were asked of a quarter of the sample.2. In the year ending March 2009, new questions on the perceptions of national and local crime were introduced into the CSEW. These questions have been been asked of three quarters of the sample since their introduction. 3. From year ending March 2009 to year ending March 2012, two questions on perceptions of changing crime levels were included in the CSEW. For year ending March 2013, the question 'How much would you say the crime rate here as changed since two years ago?' was dropped from the survey.4. Unweighted base refers to perceived change in national crime. Bases for local crime will be slightly smaller due to only including respondents that have lived in their area 3 years or more. : denotes not available/English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/ British .Any other Black/ African/ Caribbean backgroundReligion No religion ChristianBuddhistHinduMuslim 2. Unweighted base refers to perceived change in national crime. Bases for local crime will be slightly smaller due to only including respondents that have lived in their area 3 years or more.3. Combined bases for the 'Experience of crime in the last 12 months (including fraud and computer misuse)' are smaller as questions relating to Fraud victimisation were only been asked of the full sample from October 2017 onwards and were previously only asked of half the sample.V":" indicates that data are not reported because the unweighted base is fewer than 50.$Unweighted base - number of adults2# Other AccomodationApr '08 to Mar '092 #Percentage saying they worry about:Burglary Car crime Violent crimep2. Questions on worry about crime were only asked of one-quarter of the CSEW sample from year ending March 2009.4. Unweighted bases refer to high levels of worry about burglary. Bases for violent crime will be similar but for car crime will be slightly lower as this is based only on those residing in households owning, or with regular use of, a vehicle.Worry about burglaryWorry about car crimeWorry about violent crime$Percentage with high levels of worry,Any other Mixed/ Multiple ethnic background 2. Unweighted base refers to worry about burglary. Bases for violent crime will be similar but for car crime will be slightly lower as this is based only on those residing in households owning,< or with use of a vehicle.High level of perceived ASB2 Percentages:r3. Questions on perceptions of anti-social behaviour were only asked of one quarter of the CSEW sample in 2015/16.)Adults aged 16 to 59/Adults aged 16 to 74Since the age of 16In the last yearAdults aged 16 to 59Adults aged 16 to 74All(Percentage who were victims once or moreeAny domestic abuse (partner or family non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking)RAny partner abuse (non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking)QAny family abuse (non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking)Partner abuse - non-sexual)Non-physical abuse (emotional, financial)Threats or force ThreatsForceFamily abuse - non-sexual'Any sexual assault (including attempts)8Sexual assault by rape or penetration including attempts8Sexual assault by rape or penetration excluding attempts- Rape including attempts- Rape excluding attempts+- Assault by penetration including attempts+- Assault by penetration excluding attempts-Indecent exposure or unwanted sexual touching4Any sexual assault (including attempts) by a partnerGSexual assault by rape or penetration (including attempts) by a partner:Indecent exposure or unwanted sexual touching by a partner:Any sexual assault (including attempts) by a family memberMSexual assault by rape or penetration (including attempts) by a family member@Indecent exposure or unwanted sexual touching by a family memberStalkingStalking by a partnerStalking by a family member%Unweighted base - number of adults3,4" 2. From April 2017, the upper age limit for the self-completion module has been increased to ask all respondents aged 16 to 74. Figures for both 16 to 59 year olds and 16 to 74 year olds are presented.k3. The bases given are for any domestic abuse; the bases for the other measures presented will be similar.`4. The sample size is lower for year ending March 2018 due to use of a split-sample experiment. 7Apr '17 to Mar '18 (adults aged 16 to 59) compared withApr '04 to Mar '05Apr '05 to Mar '06Apr '06 to Mar '07Apr '07 to Mar '082 Apr '08 to Mar '09Apr '09 to Mar '10Apr '10 to Mar '113 Apr '11 to Mar '123 Apr '12 to Mar '133 Apr '13 to Mar '14,Apr '17 to Mar '18 (Adults aged 16 to 59)4,5) ,Apr '17 to Mar '18 (Adults aged 16 to 74)4,5)  Apr '04 to Mar '05 Apr '16 to Mar '17Percentage victims once or morefAny domestic abuse (partner or family non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking)6eSAny partner abuse (non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking)6RRAny family abuse (non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking)6QPartner abuse - non-sexual6*Non-physical abuse (emotional, financial)6) Threats or force6 Threats6 Force6 Family abuse - non-sexual6(Any sexual assault (including attempts)6' Stalking6c1.Chapter 5 provides the User Guide for definitions of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking.#2. The bases given are for any domestic abuse except for year ending March 2008 which is for partner abuse (non-sexual); the bases for the other measures presented will be similar.'5. From April 2017, the upper age limit for the self-completion module has been increased to ask all respondents aged 16 to 74. To make comparisons over time figures for both 16 to 59 year olds and 16 to 74 year olds are presented. Significance testing is calculated for 16 to 59 year olds only.p6. New questions were introduced into the survey from the year ending March 2011 and were further revised in year ending March 2013. Estimates from the year ending March 2013 onwards are calculated using these new questions. Estimates for earlier years are calculated from the original questions with an adjustment applied to make them comparable to the new questions.: Denotes 'not applicable'.c1. Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking._4. The sample size is lower for year ending March 2018 due to use of a split-sample experiment.Q1. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.$d1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.#-N1. Section 7.3 of User Guide provides definitions of personal characteristics.d1. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide provide definitions of area and household characteristics.)M1. See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics. q1. See Section 6.2 of the User Guide for more information on the definitions of the worry about crime indicators.$V1. Section 7.3 of the User Guide provides definitions of the personal characteristics. 2. This measure is derived from responses to the seven individual anti-social behaviour strands as described in Sections 5.7 and 6.3 of the User Guide.h1. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide provide definitions of the household and area characteristics.)gFor explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and Wales 3$= [Data tables shown in this workbook relate to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).)The data contained in this file comprise:5Perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour tablesIntimate Personal ViolenceFor further information about the Crime Survey for England and Wales and police recorded crime statistics, please email crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.uk q(r w$w or write to: Crime Statistics and Analysis, Office for National Statistics, Segensworth Road, Fareham, Hants, PO15 5RR%Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.uk $GCrime in England & Wales, year ending March 2018 - Supplementary tablesfTable S1: Trends in ratings of the local police, year ending March 2004 to year ending March 2018 CSEW_Table S2: Ratings of the local police, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWiTable S3: Ratings of the local police, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWtTable S8: Public confidence in the police and local council by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW~Table S9: Public confidence in the police and local council by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWaTable S10: Trends in visiblity of police foot patrols, years ending March 2007 to March 2018 CSEWeTable S11: Visiblity of police foot patrols, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWoTable S12: Visiblity of police foot patrols, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWtTable S13: Trends in victim satisfaction with the police, year ending December 1992 to year ending March 2018 CSEW1sTable S15: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW~Table S17: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by CJS factors, year ending March 2018 CSEWrTable S18: Attitudes to local police, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S19: Attitudes to local police working in partnership, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2018 CSEWlTable S26: Perceptions of changing crime levels, year ending December 1996 to year ending March 2018 CSEW1,2iiTable S26: Perceptions of changing crime levels, year ending December 1996 to year ending March 2018 CSEWiTable S27: Perceptions of changing crime levels by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1hhTable S27: Perceptions of changing crime levels by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWrTable S28: Perceptions of changing crime levels by household and area characteristics year ending March 2018 CSEW1q<qTable S28: Perceptions of changing crime levels by household and area characteristics year ending March 2018 CSEWaTable S29: Trends in worry about crime, year ending December 1992 to year ending March 2018 CSEW1``Table S29: Trends in worry about crime, year ending December 1992 to year ending March 2018 CSEWVTable S30: Worry about crime by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1UUTable S30: Worry about crime by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW`Table S31: Worry about crime by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1__Table S31: Worry about crime by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWPerception of the Police!Statistical contact: Meghan ElkinTel: 01329 444651bTable S5: Perceptions of the local police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWlTable S6: Perceptions of the local police by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW|Table S7: Trends in public confidence in the police and local council, year ending March 2008 to year ending March 2018 CSEWrTable S13: Trends in victim satisfaction with the police, year ending December 1992 to year ending March 2018 CSEW}Table S14: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by crime type, year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S16: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWmTable S21: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2018 CSEWpTable S22: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWzTable S23: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWpTable S24: Contact and details of contact with Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC), year ending March 2018 CSEWvTable S25: Perceptions of police contact and complaints process, year ending March 2011 to year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S32: High levels of perceived anti-social behaviour in local area by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S33: High levels of perceived anti-social behaviour in local area by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S34: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking among adults aged 16 to 59 and 16 to 74, by type, year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S35: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking in the last year, by type and sex, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S36: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking in the last year, by type, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2018 CSEWTable S16: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1,2nTable S21: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2018 CSEW1mqTable S22: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1p{Table S23: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1zTable S32: High levels of perceived anti-social behaviour in local area by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1Table S33: High levels of perceived anti-social behaviour in local area by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW1Table S36: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking1 in the last year, by type, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2018 CSEWDE Table S35: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking1 in the last year, by type and sex, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2018 CSEWDE Table S34: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking among adults aged 16 to 59 and 16 to 741,2, by type, year ending March 2018 CSEWlo pq c1. Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking.3. The sample size is lower for the years March 2011 to March 2013 than for other years due to use of a split-sample experiment in these years. The metholodological note titled "Split sample for intimate personal violence 2013-14" provides further information.)KExperience of crime in last 12 months (including fraud and computer misuse)%Unweighted base - number of incidents&Unweighted base - number of incidents%Unweighted base - number of incdients^ iC_ Rv>O c ;  T z(RKI]`/s 79 i  : XB92hiUuM2kb7 jh8 D t&-A  R g^Ed$%o'/) + J-?./;1~n3n4 A6 8K <@ COFM8Pb,TV X $]Ncc  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGR.e1a$n%N91G7Z(Lj$>{ҿQ>HjlIh촪b-{gv|g'=/:~E[7 r!7\&0;9$4 kas6r}SXi٬ kGAsPZxC}s7T A`?^R|{֯A)oViנt] f9dQ)/P yt),b-FO@)$zh QGpED 0\UF:W@?i i !SNy?yW޼W6Veda?~ǗH }˯S+.Lۯ_:w9:1c# $BĒ@v_#m' xg:J3F{; pOeXxJ=B5w%%WRُE!ED `)Ǝ}Nec2L>'^I& B ڲǨk|f#a[ ?2(v?B2r O/0epp<^ ø~Lױ䒜t!L䀝#/]1I"8EC&]cf~@^w?!rcH&"@7+̬aWʮ]N[->˜s4{A--FU+";V{IMGDX!; z+Q#O}i!T9g*}@&>itWYK w忋1ؗO-ؗ /-ݔym&Z3A`-X/DT]b+޴1$l~ڞ8vix܊uVg_J9jpۚZ%1Tݜu\w5}Wo/_2:^Ƈ㺗NV>N/S/٨ӎG{|ұ\S|$_4 *9}܉#en8#,Dz!%pbc6KO:UuVVd1^ q8),NrBn(ː0&I$Ae$} Fs+(,-~@- z!8|z]̏}ƴ"ZMn+{VM)u[}B^%UVLfQSwӰ٨];6  #76jt0xrQ CM_-[mvBv9h{4my&Oފv~-*pX A R7 aX zPXdW~Wt]xsKsc2eM\_Wk/=Iy6j۽F]J*^i7A?lG/|Ln4RFEoK͠Vnkt_dm ox   dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," dXX333333?333333?&<3U}  >\                4  4  4  4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Dl, ,   FFFFFFFFFFFFHFFFFFFF !"#$%,&,'()*+,-./0,1234567,8,9,:,;,<,= 4  !4! "4" #4#6$ %4%6&NNNNNNNNNNNNNN '4' (4( )4) *4* +4+ ,4, -4- .4."/ 0 0 "1 2 2 3@3 4$4&5"6 7 7 8 8 "9 : : ; ; < < @ DFFFF:F:FFFFFFFF&2&2R6*&22&222>@  0                    !! "" ## '' (( )) 55 -- .. // %% ** ++ ,, << 66 77 88 99 00 11 22 33 44 77yK &mailto:crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyK dmailto:crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyX;H,]ą'c<<yK &Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyK dmailto:crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyX;H,]ą'c yK hTable S1: Trends in ratings of the local police, year ending March 2004 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S1'!A1 yK aTable S2: Ratings of the local police, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S2'!A12 yK wTable S4: Trends in ratings and perceptions of the local police, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S4'!A1 yK eTable S5: Perceptions of the local police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S5'!A1" yK oTable S6: Perceptions of the local police by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S6'!A1B yK Table S7 : Trends in public confidence in the police and local council, year ending March 2008 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S7'!A1  yK bTable S10: Trends in visiblity of police foot patrols, years ending March 2007 to March 2017 CSEW'Table S10'!A1 yK jTable S11: Visiblity of police on foot patrols, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S11'!A12 yK vTable S13: Trends in victim satisfaction with the police, year ending December 1992 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1,'Table S13'!A1v yK Table S16: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S16'!A1, yK sTable S18: Attitudes to local police, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S18'!A1< yK {Table S20: Awareness and use of the 101 non-emergency police number, year ending March 2012 to year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S20'!A1, yK sTable S22: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S22'!A1 ## yK mTable S25: Confidence in the criminal justice system, year ending March 2008 to year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S25'!A1&'' yK pTable S26: Confidence in the criminal justice system by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S26'!A16)) yK xTable S28: Perceptions of police contact and complaints process, year ending March 2011 to year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S28'!A1** yK kTable S29: Perceptions of changing crime levels, year ending December 1996 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S29'!A1++ yK jTable S30: Perceptions of changing crime levels by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S30'!A1 -- yK bTable S32: Trends in worry about crime, year ending December 1992 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S32'!A1.. yK WTable S33: Worry about crime by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1'Table S33'!A1t22 yK Table S34: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking among adults aged 16 to 59 and 16 to 741,2, by type, year ending March 2018 CSEW'Table S34'!A133 yK Table S35: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking in the last year, by type and sex, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2018 CSEW'Table S35'!A1t44 yK Table S36: Prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking in the last year, by type, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2018 CSEW'Table S36'!A1 yK hFor explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and WalesyK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c8(( yK yTable S27: Confidence in the criminal justice system by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S27'!A10 yK vTable S8 : Public confidence in the police and local council by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S8'!A1F yK Table S9: Public confidence in the police and local council by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S9'!A1* yK rTable S12: Visiblity of police foot patrols, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S12'!A1F yK Table S17: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by CJS factors, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S17'!A1\ yK Table S19: Attitudes to local police working in partnership, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S19'!A1$ yK oTable S21: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S21'!A1>!! yK |Table S23: Awareness of Police and Crime Commissioners, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S23'!A1*"" yK rTable S24: Contact and details of contact with Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC), year ending March 2017 CSEW'Table S24'!A1^ yK Table S15: Percentage of incidents in which victims were satisfied with the police by personal characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW'Table S15'!A1 yK jTable S3: Ratings of the local police, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2018 CSEW'Table S3'!A1ggD G &\  dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," DXX333333?333333?&<3U} f} U f}  f}  f&,@@@ @@           ~ ~@@@@@@@@@@@@@8@@@@ ( g&gghiiiiiiijjjjjj kl                  mmm  n  o o o p pq "rrr  sst uv?c@v(A@w\p@wR@wRW_@wI[=@wpZ_ @x@kX\a!@ w^K$@ w:P-K#@ wN#@ wG$@ w_v%@wa_%@w@t>a&@ w y sst zv:VD@vSђ E@w$AE@w\:F@w!c?F@wp2ZF@w VS+ H@x D I@ w^I@ w+.I@ wCYJ@ w.I@ wk,I@wEI@wjX^RI@ w y sst zv;6A@v(A@wP&kA@wt[H A@w3. 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See the methodological note published alongside Focus On: Public Perceptions of Policing 2011/12 for more information.yK phttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/crime-stats/crime-statistics/focus-on-public-perceptions-of-policing--findings-from-the-2011-12-crime-survey-for-england-and-wales/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cggD G Jb  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," ?XX333333?333333?&<3U} (}  } } } U!}  } }  J,@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #   $   $  %  %  &{l2#N@~  @ '  (xxN@~ @ )  *yL@~ ȃ@ + WkUP@~ @  , 1LVN@~ @  - V.P@~ P@  . L6 Q@~ @  / ebO@~ ״@  0 %>෢uO@~ @  1 s?cL@~ ?@  2 UJ@~ @  3 C KL@~ +@  4 ))EN@~ $@  5di`M@~ @ 6bpK@~ u@ 7)۲kP@~ @ 8  9  :)o:O@~ @ ;xA^'M@~ 3@ < L\N@~ @ ==%O@~ @ >bzbˌM@~ @ ??%2O@~ ܕ@ @  AO@~ N@ O  PKdH@~ S@ QS/mN@~ j@ R!}O@~ Y@ S_N@~ -@D\ l&:ZDVJVppppppB0VppJVBVplppBVp @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-8@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9:;<=>? T @?P@~ ԝ@  !U!raP@~ !@! !V ! 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See the methodological note published alongside Focus On: Public Perceptions of Policing 2011/12 for more information.yK phttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/crime-stats/crime-statistics/focus-on-public-perceptions-of-policing--findings-from-the-2011-12-crime-survey-for-england-and-wales/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cggD G $TB  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," ?XX333333?333333?&<3U} $r}  r} r}  r} !r}  r} q r} r} }  r , , , +@ Y@ Y@ , , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ (((((((((((                )) + ++ ***,,, ***,,,  &>GPbM@ɹ8@R)0@~  5@ '   ( I)M@  :)8@ OTj/0@~ @@ )  * uvK@ yNے9@ z#3@~ @ + ?O@ Ӡ0/H7@ P N`h+@~ l@  ,  iM@ m|r8@ }.Km/@~  @ - /9TM@ Zi8@ E$#0@~ +@  . >6P@ (|?D9@  Nd#@~ 8@ / bL@ @8iz8@ ~Xk1@~ @  0 (1 M@ /.A6@ ͪn83@~ @ 1QK@ģ,8@/3@~ t@ 2m J@aHO7@ ⡠67@~  @ 3jkL@[I)78@~ 2@~ Q@ 4sMN@ v] 9@ V&t,@~  ]@ 5?nzSM@HR`9@!}p1/@~ ۴@ 6o6K@$-6@ 6@~  v@ 7oK/P@䝗28@t &@~ 2@  ] g9 __L@ !9@ W%`0@~  W@ ;w+L@@Y8@떑I1@~ X@ a.їEM@U`8@  1@~  @ =QoM@t^8@/@~ >@ cL5.fM@IӦ|7@ [&{1@~  @ e A9M@7ρ `8@ \a,1@~  $@ g@ g0EpdP@75wC8@ :hӋU%@~   @ B iٗ"cN@΃8@ !V:0,@~   p@ /iNL@ 8@WH1@~ @ >,pO@/dRQl4@K\T0@~ q@ a8  G G G~ ,@ :I>5qM@ 9@ ٠f0@~  1@ I;RP@M;mq7@u:Ҥ&@~ @ <@d M@cP:qs7@ Ƴ 2@~  @ J >:˕L@z9@ ۆY1@~  ,@ K#qK@H܎~=R8@}9l4@~ ]@ ?7-N@ŒIj5@ @10@~  @ K9wq`M@ _Bc?@{|#@~ N@ A݌f9N@7૶8@  .@~  @D\l,8J "|hth6thtth|t @! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. @/ @0@1@2@3@4@5@6}7}8@9@:;@<@=@>@?@ K YʃcI@ ;@ kLG*6@~ T@  !K!U-aG@! `…O?@!G!cS!5@~ !Y@! !aD! 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See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c88yK e1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c88 yK R1. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G <T   dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," OXX333333?333333?&<3U} -r} qr} r} r} r}  r<,,,,,,@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 55555        6 66777777 &>GPbM@ɹ8@R)0@~  5@a g}  ~ N!J@ o7@ )E6 7@~ T@  X )M@ !`ϭ8@ 0 E1@~ c@  _M@ t}v8@ iʿ0@~ @@ g g ==݌M@3qٯ{6@Q Cy3@~ r@ ;27g#M@ H9@DdžAp0@~ C@ ĥGM@u<2J8@s&1@~ @ veM@v!h7@ 1~I1@~ ȭ@ Y҄WM@uhLC9@[ 0@~ Ħ@ iM@D`8@#%f/@~ й@ k:L@&v*f9@ٽ$J0@~ @ g ^KM@G`8@o?}0@~ @ bK@ N{f7@4@~ .@ d(N@NM8@$:?,@~ @  bU6TM@88@zT{Zè0@~ @@ #>JN@u7:@ | +@~ "@ Cy7M@;*48@֖\1@~ @D l&,B(R RRR RRRRRRR RRR RR @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@  aM@!|,8@!~O0@~ ! @ "">BMiQ@"{&ƻ3@" ^%@~ "O@# $a$Z %%d;ICN@%"T%~~:@%{j")@~ %H@ &&EiJ4M@&x<@&)@~ &@ ''^UeGM@'dK8@'t %1@~ 'D@ ((NY?M@(e37@(d:R1@~ (@ ))R;M@),<8@)^e-K0@~ )@ **vyE3N@*`4 9@*k__+@~ *@ ++;F K@+I8@+u5@~ +@ ,,YTK@,$+Kc7@,_\5@~ ,@- .a. //1&#@M@/od]8@/I7!1@~ /J@ 00k,M@0&9@0a,@~ 0@1 22 3X3e@L@3{_6@3 /4@~ 3\@ 4Z4 txsM@4,8@4WO!]0@~ 4@5 66 77vJ%K@715@7w{WG7@~ 7@ 88}b*M@8VϾ+9@88{0@~ 8=@ 99&0+O@9!9@9q3J&@~ 9 @ :-v:---- ;8;8888< RRR RRRRRRRR RR RR RRR >@8: "::;;;;yK e1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G .D(,  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," LXX333333?333333?&<3U} r}  r}  r.,@8 @@:@,@,, , @ , , @,@,@@@@,,,88888  "$                  mm  ; ;    o  o    <<<<<<<<<<<<  = =  bv9@l^f>@ȫ]q@@%Z~C@ =5C@8-@/C@w-9@@F!(%@@ W=@ +:@ ?5@ MO4@    kz1?N ]gY@ͮ?^@q2\{ @kD@n @0E2t@OK`@ B5Kp@ iE>? 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See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G ]  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC odXXLetter," ZXX BP(? BP(?&\(U} / } "} 8"} } }  ],@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 89:::;8      <|= / 0 D> 2>???@> a& Q@H}E@~ AD@aB g}BC ~ 祧S@ #{lI@ ~ A@   ]0jvQ@ %.iG@ ~ A@   Q$+qQ@ Pj>D@ ~ A@ C gBC g BC ꖳGT@zJG@~ A8@ ձS@tX:E@~ A@ 9FݳR@  F@~ A@ OSQ@spE@~ A @ \;Q@g}NVE@~ A@  j0DO@+'eD@~ A@   %s5БR@1VrF@~ A@ B  gB  ySQ@'KE@~ A|@  zWT@[=,G@~ A2@  40s P@DNiwD@~ Ai@ B  B |g4R@q|kSE@~ A@s@   ԻEGQ@ܷ;-C@~ A@   |~R@,QF@~ A@  όI7R@ JɳF@~ A6@D l"6H*J"TTT"JJJJTTT"TTT TTJ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9 @: @;H<H=>?  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See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G   dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," ;XX333333?333333?&<3U} } U} q }  ,,,@@,,, , ,  , ,,,,, 66OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4 P v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 x* x+ x  x  x  x  x  zF z z z  z z z QQQ .wwwwwyyyyyyy{{{{{{{ R R R S, T ZG0ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 668UVW lHm3@m:@mبJ 6@0m(@m@m@m @m@m@mؓ@  ml޵jG)@ mP'@ X:3B&@"0PT$@8~G$@YmQ&@Y]'@Yfm$&@Yv>gi#@Y?i0U%@Y{yk$@YK*5$@ Z [ lI m m mml@m5@m@m0@mH@m@mh@  mlv*@ my$'@ XH_&@FQ$@X #@YIJeg#@Y3(@Y@P >@Y V~@Y7O+@Y좁n &@Yķ@ Z Z lJ m m m0 m8@m@m@m@@mx@mx@m@  m8M1@ m,O)~-@ XO |<+@ z[)@ eJ;Z*@ Yy+@ YZ]K(@ Yq/(@ Y΁+&@ YrȂ '@ YVd%@ YwW7('@ Z [8 \ 1 ]@]S@]%@]&@]@]@]`@]~@]@]T@^@@^@_{@^@o@^@^,@^@^@^ @^ @^@ `a v6  6  K6 b6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb L6 c76dddddddddddddddddddddddd(\ TH:T<xd<^v`<HHHHH>@db         yK r1. See Section 6.2 of the User Guide for more information on the definitions of the worry about crime indicators.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G  aRl%,x,  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC odXXLetter," ;XX BP(? 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See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c@@yK N1. See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G Z2>DI&N  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC odXXLetter," ZXX BP(? BP(?&\(U} *}  } } } q} } }  Z  ,  @    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ` ` j  WQX  <M <N <O =  P  a&oW7('@oķ@og*5$@~ p@abbbB g}bbbB ~ CjX2@ 4RpMx@ {0@~ q`y@    塏+@ %l< @ ?(@~ q@    7w%@ ʢ@ JYx!@~ q@    gbbbB  g bbbB  @3@<:,Q @ 0@~ q@ `=,@_zSK@C~ *@~ q@ &DȨ%@I$l@bEF։$@~ q$@ ߗ`l%@y%i!@ﳟv!@~ qЎ@ gş@%@@(̀ѵ@~ qȇ@ gc@n>@wOⅽ@~ q4@ m w-@>O?t@Il&@~ qܖ@bbbB gbbbB q$@#uz@r$"@~ q@ 0q1@%n @ 5Ln.@~ q@ rYZ(@UI}V-@_ u"@~ q@r jbbbB `&@+$vq@L!H$#@~ q=@ L8:at@6I@Zt@~ q@ L|M4a(@[Fx@AR{"@~ q@ L4ԛ*@s>o@jv&_'@~ qآ@Dj l."DZ6"\6ppp*6RRRR\\\"\f\ \\R @! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. @/ @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 @9 @: ; @< @= @> @? @   .@ h8;\"@  O**@~ q@ !? !G !G !G~ !q0@"kbbbB " #a#bbbB $$xoj4@$)@$w`@~ $q@ %%HXj-C*@%Qqh\%@%,A#@~ %qs@ &&*A1@&*+ )@&?5,ϙ*@~ &q0|@& & ''8J5@'UĞ;%@'~}1@~ 'q@ ((=$@(&I'%@(ur@~ (q@( ))+5^@)[@)]@GPzE@~ )q$@) **a'@*v~@*+i(@~ *qP@ ++8\*@+˼u@+7ɳ%@~ +q@,bbbB, -a-bbbB- ..;)@.O*g;@.Sk-S%@~ .q@. //y @/Ο0@/WpmG=@~ /q@//0bbbB00 1j1bbbB1 2X2Q-5O4@2(@2jO.@~ 2qz@2 3Z3~&@3H@34Slt#@~ 3q@34bbbB4 555 66^MY2@693RP?"@6N.@~ 6qؗ@6 77d%&@7)3@7yc#@~ 7q@7 8m8j!@8Nvm@8@~ 8q@8 9v99 :2:mmmmss ;R; ==>>?Dh lRF$ RRjR\\RR .\f&*\\,\\\*,0@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@@AABBCCDDEEFFGGH HIIJJK KLMMN NO OPPQQRSSTUVWY8    >@<d *99::;;::yK e2. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c::yK e1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G \Tams  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC odXXLetter," 8XX BP(? BP(?&\(U} (} } }  } !} } }  \@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ JJJJJJJjjjjjjj !"  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This measure is derived from responses to the seven individual anti-social behaviour strands as described in Sections 5.7 and 6.3 of the User Guide.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c@@yK W1. Section 7.3 of the User Guide provides definitions of the personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cZAAyK 2. This measure is derived from responses to the seven individual anti-social behaviour strands as described in Sections 5.7 and 6.3 of the User Guide.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G X}LRz  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," ]XX333333?333333?&<3U} ,} } } U} U} } }  X   @  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    |Q  S n  T  a&Y|3#@~ @ a g}  ~ ->0@~ x@    -('@~ @    5Si @~ E@    g  g    1,@~ @ ɀZf=,@~ X@ S"@~ H@ wd!@~ P@ >VE"@~ @ ڜ>@~ @ M'"@~ ؔ@ g  ꕶ@~ U@ :ht2@~ <@ 8=)T%@~ @   b!@~ 5@ Ԧ@~ @ xZW@~ ܣ@ 9\-@~ @Dl*>>2B2LLL&2....8888B888. @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@  /"6+@~ @ !? !G~ ! @ " " #a #Z $$Qn?~ $@ %%v %c$@~ %t@ &&80@~ &0{@& & ''fuu]1@~ '@ ((L @~ (@( ))M,M|@~ )@@) **s-`3@~ *@ ++"$$-@~ +@,, -a-- ..Kw&@~ .@. //k@~ /@// 000 1 11 2X2T";@~ 2z@2 3Z3ṗ"!@~ 3M@3 44 5 55 66BWn7@~ 6@6 772h@~ 7@7 88.O@~ 8@88 9 999 :2(:mmssss ;(; <U(<=&=>$>?$?Dl.* ..F.88..*8B"&88&88ZH:::42@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@QRSTUV@W @@ AA BB CC DD EE F F GG HH I IJ KK L L M M NN OO PQQRRSSTTU UUW WW46666<>@<d "::;;<<;;yK 1. This measure is derived from responses to the seven individual anti-social behaviour strands as described in Sections 5.7 and 6.3 of the User Guide.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/taxonomy/index.html?nscl=Crime+in+England+and+WalesyX;H,]ą'c::yK e1. See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of area and household characteristics.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/taxonomy/index.html?nscl=Crime+in+England+and+WalesyX;H,]ą'c::yK i1. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide provide definitions of the household and area characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cZ;;yK 2. This measure is derived from responses to the seven individual anti-social behaviour strands as described in Sections 5.7 and 6.3 of the User Guide.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G >nҺ  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," >XX333333?333333?&<3U} q7} }  }  } } U } U} U } U } U } U } U}  >!@@#@     @@@ ( $ V W  X  Y  Z   Y    Z  ; = [ ; = [  ;  =  [   ; = [ \"& ]^LZ*@ Ϙ<@[54@ J(@@ :@C̋3@ .C@ @ Y!v;@  HͲ @Eǀ @J J@ &   ^ cLn#@ i8@ rM6a1@  jЖ"@ ͸ 37@  }Z)0@  ˽bb@ ?g@ Se@  楑@ %$@ g u@ &   _ N@ ?K%@ N: @  /@ M"rL.$@ rDw@   d|? @ ՘"j@  qg? h@ 9Ie? &   `njw!@#k5@$yV.@<{ @Vre84@BEs,@ Ml@ v:f@ .̤@  wxN@Mk`@YW @  ad5ho@Ⱥ/@m($@1t@g|R-@0dK##@ ٚ6@? q@ oRF@  6$?]@d @  b-g@92@y(@@@%0@׎*-'@ ]? h& @ DPl@  O9?QA3@Xӳs?  c=A @-@A*|y"@_ r @d +@BoG !@ [.WqH? ;@ ??  + _? u@Tʌ?  dcHS=@%.@ zor%@ &R@‚-@)\ُa($@ *mR? ? )= ?  1n ?dW?Q[gi? &  e֥U=@S/4Ĵ @^R@_M@.є@X8a-2@ KE$&? =? %yu!?  ?! ?YD2N?  a;R @'>@TWӖ @+@ke%@'MM @ e F? ?˵4? =?  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The definition of stalking was incorrectly described in a previous publication; Chapter 5 of the User Guide for the correct definition.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c11yK _1. Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c11yK _1. Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c@33yK 2. The definition of stalking was incorrectly described in a previous publication; Chapter 5 of the User Guide for the correct definition.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c@33 yK 2. The definition of stalking was incorrectly described in a previous publication; Chapter 5 of the User Guide for the correct definition.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c11 yK _1. Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G ;Hn:  dMbP?_*+%8$7&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," "XX333333?333333?&<3U} :} U } }  } U} }  } !} "" } ##} $;5&&@&@&@&@&@&@&?@& &@ &@ &@ &@ &@&&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@ H!  "! 2 " #V ;* =$#& {(! "{# | } ~                    | } ~             ! " # "   "! 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'" '#'% (r(   ( IY|?( )R?~ ( ( ,:@+AQy6@+/ >@+蘎W@+?f@+"z@+ 8i*@+!D~j@ +" +#+% ,u,  c?, ?, 5}kA? , , AR՛?, ʩA?,  v"f?, {?,  9:r?, UT6;?, X[?, i?,  ?, KU'g?, =텸? , ,,,ϒ?, -ɋ,?, ;\? , , -)?, :4?, olN?, 3?, `N?, 6.g_?, ,?, "]?, [6.*?, ܏A;Z?,! >fj? ," ,#,% -v- phW ?- /Wӟ}?-  K? - - Z cf?- /?- M(n?- l*e?- ^v?- }!o?- ?- ^@<d2277001111223366#"#"#11yK ^1. See Section 5 of the User Guide for definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/taxonomy/index.html?nscl=Crime+in+England+and+WalesyX;H,]ą'c11yK ^2. See Chapter 5 of the User Guide for definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c11yK _1.Chapter 5 provides the User Guide for definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c33yK 3. The sample size is lower for the years March 2011 to March 2013 than for other years due to use of a split-sample experiment in these years. The metholodological note titled "Split sample for intimate personal violence 2013-14" provides further informayK http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20160106010543/http:/www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/methodological-notes/split-sample-for-intimate-personal-violence-2013-14.pdfyX;H,]ą'cggD G ;"Gew  dMbP?_*+%7&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," ;XX333333?333333?&<3U} 4}  } }  } ;#@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ( & V& { | } ~                    " *,, &I0!@g.M!@0!@ $1 @@ؾ@_Pi@  8PW@ ϟ @  zP@ a3@ @Y!v;@J J@  *  7 g@ *Q@ {崿@  Eu@ ʪ!@ ?/V@ ?A@ f $i@ [Et@ l߅@ YRKu@ s@ Se@ g u@  *   ʯ(v @   @ HA< @  Eƌ|@ ٯr@ I vLt@ d.QLu@ 2LDs@ 6Am@ K o@ ۼ@ ܐ? ՘"j@ 9Ie?  *   p(t@ x@ M@ b!@ bOG@ G@ NKYI#@ u~V}@ q@ Q"U@ /!`@ .̤@ YW @    ^.@ "C@ fG@ &!@ qrb @ > @dA @LQ4 @ >^.~ @ ig@ B1$@ Lr՝@ ;Sw @ oRF@ d @    9Ru]e@ ѽ~@ A@ K @ ;,N(@ S@;P@6k @ RI@ G#Ӊ@ cQEk@ ndۚ @ ݸAP(@ DPl@ Xӳs?    pBߊ@ -DG@ 1@ k@ FU@ -@O?MYP@ +Y@T?  n? H1S?  QC? ?? Tʌ?    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Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c00yK _1. Chapter 5 of the User Guide provides definitions of the various types of intimate violence.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c22yK 3. The sample size is lower for the years March 2011 to March 2013 than for other years due to use of a split-sample experiment in these years. The metholodological note titled "Split sample for intimate personal violence 2013-14" provides further informayK http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20160106010543/http:/www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/methodological-notes/split-sample-for-intimate-personal-violence-2013-14.pdfyX;H,]ą'cggD Oh+'0@HT` x Microsoft Excel@Љ5@ݑ՜.+,D՜.+, PXd lt| P INotes Table S1 Table S2 Table S3 Table S4 Table S5 Table S6 Table S7 Table S8 Table S9 Table S10 Table S11 Table S12 Table S13 Table S14 Table S15 Table S16 Table S17 Table S18 Table S19 Table S20 Table S21 Table S22 Table S23 Table S24 Table S25 Table S26 Table S27 Table S28 Table S29 Table S30 Table S31 Table S32 Table S33 Table S34 Table S35 Table S36'Table S1'!Print_Area'Table S10'!Print_Area'Table S11'!Print_Area'Table S12'!Print_Area'Table S13'!Print_Area'Table S14'!Print_Area'Table S15'!Print_Area'Table S16'!Print_Area'Table S17'!Print_Area'Table S18'!Print_Area'Table S19'!Print_Area'Table S2'!Print_Area'Table S20'!Print_Area'Table S21'!Print_Area'Table S22'!Print_Area'Table S23'!Print_Area'Table S24'!Print_Area'Table S25'!Print_Area'Table S26'!Print_Area'Table S27'!Print_Area'Table S28'!Print_Area'Table S29'!Print_Area'Table S3'!Print_Area'Table S30'!Print_Area'Table S31'!Print_Area'Table S32'!Print_Area'Table S33'!Print_Area'Table S34'!Print_Area'Table S35'!Print_Area'Table S36'!Print_Area'Table S4'!Print_Area'Table S5'!Print_Area'Table S6'!Print_Area'Table S7'!Print_Area'Table S8'!Print_Area'Table S9'!Print_Area  Worksheets% Named Ranges$8F 8@ _PID_HLINKSAEF$'Table S3'!A1}%#'Table S15'!A1~$"'Table S24'!A1~#!'Table S23'!A1~! 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user-guidesmhttps://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodology6=http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/crime-stats/crime-statistics/focus-on-public-perceptions-of-policing--findings-from-the-2011-12-crime-survey-for-england-and-wales/index.html}{lhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodology}{lhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodology}{lhttp://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodology6=http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/crime-stats/crime-statistics/focus-on-public-perceptions-of-policing--findings-from-the-2011-12-crime-survey-for-england-and-wales/index.htmlmhttps://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologymhttps://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodology`9ghttp://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.html 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