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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16` _NotesYDTable 19qTable 2Table 3ITable 4Table 5Table 6<Table 7STable 8}Table 9{Table 10mTable 11Table 12Table 13Table 14%Table 15Table 16ITable 17Table 18Table 19KTable 20,\    ;&  ;:   ;;  ;8  ; #   ; $   ;   ;8   ;8   ;9  ;9   ;;  ; 8  ;;  ; 8  PercentagesALL HOUSEHOLDSAccommodation type Houses!Sex of household reference personDetachedMale Semi-detachedFemaleTerracedFlats/maisonettes!Age of household reference personOther accommodation16-2425-34Output area classification35-4445-5455-6465-7475+Structure of household Area typeUrbanRural.Household reference person's employment status In employmentLevel of physical disorder UnemployedHighEconomically inactiveNot highStudentLooking after family/home+English Indices of Deprivation (Employment)Long-term/temporarily sick/ill20% most deprived output areasRetiredOther output areasOther inactive20% least deprived output areas'Household reference person's occupation'Managerial and professional occupationsIntermediate occupationsAt least basic securityRoutine and manual occupationsEnhanced security%Never worked and long-term unemployedFull-time students,Hours home left unoccupied on an average dayNot classifiedNeverLess than 3 hoursTotal household incomeLess than 10,0005 hours or longer10,000 to less than 20,00020,000 to less than 30,000Number of years at address30,000 to less than 40,000Less than 1 year40,000 to less than 50,00050,000 or more10 years or longerTenureOwner occupiersSocial rentersPrivate rentersVehicle-related theft!Number of cars owned by householdNoneOneTwo Three or more ALL ADULTSRespondent's employment statusAge Respondent's occupationMenHighest qualificationDegree or diplomaWomenApprenticeship or A/AS level O level/GCSEOther$Long-standing illness or disability Limits activitiesDoes not limit activities Ethnic group'No long-standing illness or disability White 'Hours out of home on an average weekday7 hours or longerOther ethnic group8Number of visits to bar in the evening in the last monthMarital statusLess than once a week CohabitingOnce a week or more oftenSingle SeparatedWidowed Mixed/MultipleAsian/Asian British%Black/African/Caribbean/Black BritishMarried/civil partnered&Divorced/legally dissolved partnershipEngland and WalesHousehold characteristic2 Domestic burglary Theft of vehiclesTheft from vehicles#Attempts of and from vehicles theft:Theft from the person Criminal damage to a vehicleArson and other criminal damage Other theft of personal property Bicycle theft%Number of bicycles owned by householdOther household theftTheft from a dwellingTheft from outside a dwellingRobbery3 hours to less than 7 hoursPlastic card fraud3 hours to less than 5 hours1 year to less than 2 years2 years to less than 5 years5 years to less than 10 years-English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/BritishIrishAny other White backgroundWhite and Black CaribbeanWhite and Black AfricanWhite and Asian*Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic backgroundIndian Pakistani BangladeshiChineseAny other Asian backgroundAfrican CaribbeanArabAny other ethnic group..Rural residents CosmopolitansEthnicity centralMulticultural metropolitans Urbanites SuburbanitesConstrained city dwellersHard-pressed living'Unweighted base - number of households$Unweighted base - number of adults #Unweighted base - number of adultsHousehold characteristic1 Level of home security2,3 JSource: Crime Survey for England and Wales, Office for National Statistics2. Bases given are for all households; bases for criminal damage to a vehicle will be slightly lower as these are only based on vehicle-owning households. KSource: Crime Survey for England and Wales, Office for National Statistics. In a dwelling)In a non-connected building to a dwellingNo or less than basic security All personsApr '06 to Mar '07Apr '07 to Mar '08Apr '08 to Mar '09Apr '09 to Mar '10Apr '10 to Mar '11Apr '11 to Mar '12Apr '12 to Mar '13Apr '13 to Mar '14Apr '14 to Mar '15SexAgeUnder 1010-1314-1718-2122-24 ALL PERSONSApr' 15 to Mar '161. Bases given refer to number of people for whom information was collected; this includes both the respondent and all other members of the household.H2. Based on adults aged 16 and over, who are asked for this information.Marital status2 All persons, numbers (000s)tSources: Crime Survey for England and Wales / England and Wales population estimates, Office for National Statistics41. Data may not sum to totals shown due to rounding.Apr '15 to Mar '16Single adult and child(ren)Adults and child(ren)Adult(s) and no children3No income stated or not enough information provided^3. The unweighted base (number of households) relates only to domestic burglary in a dwelling.'Unweighted base - number of households2& Gypsy or Irish Traveller,Any other Black/African/Caribbean backgroundPersonal characteristic2 Z1. '..' indicates that data are not reported because the unweighted base is fewer than 50.Criminal damage and arsonADULTS (16 and over)c2. Home security questions are only applicable to domestic burglary in a dwelling. Enhanced home security includes households with both window locks and double/deadlocks on doors as well as at least one of the following; outdoor sensor/timer lights, security chains on door, burglar alarm, indoor sensor/timer lights, window bar/grilles or double glazing.6Unweighted base - number of vehicle owning households6Unweighted base - number of bicycle owning householdssData shown in this workbook relate to both police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).+The tables contained in this file comprise:For further information about the Crime Survey for England and Wales and police recorded crime statistics, please email crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.uk x!Statistical contact: John FlatleyTel: (+44) (0)20 7592 8695%Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukApr' 16 to Mar '17,Unweighted base: Apr '16 to Mar '171+ Apr '16 to Mar '17Property Crime Tables(April 2016 to March 2017 compared with:Apr '15 to Mar '16 Apr '06 to Mar '07 #Statistical significance of change3"3. Statistically significant change at the 5% level is indicated by an asterisk. For more information on statistical significance, see Chapter 8 of the User Guide. #Statistical significance of change2"Z2. '..' indicates that data are not reported because the unweighted base is fewer than 50.Other accommodation2 *Year ending March 2013Year ending March 2014Year ending March 2015Year ending March 2016Year ending March 2017 Area Code Area NameInfrastructure relatedNon-infrastructure relatedAll metal theftRates per 10,000 population K04000001ENGLAND AND WALES2 E92000001ENGLAND E12000001 North East3  E23000013 Cleveland4  E23000008Durham E23000007 Northumbria E12000002 North West E23000006Cheshire E23000002Cumbria E23000005Greater Manchester E23000003 Lancashire E23000004 Merseyside E12000003Yorkshire and the Humber E23000012 Humberside E23000009North Yorkshire E23000011South Yorkshire E23000010West Yorkshire E12000004East Midlands3  E23000018 Derbyshire E23000021Leicestershire5 E23000020 Lincolnshire E23000022Northamptonshire E23000019Nottinghamshire E12000005West Midlands3  E23000015 Staffordshire E23000017 Warwickshire E23000016 West Mercia E23000014West Midlands6  E12000006East3 E23000026 Bedfordshire E23000023Cambridgeshire E23000028Essex E23000027 Hertfordshire E23000024Norfolk7 E23000025Suffolk E12000007London8 E23000034City of London9+ E23000001Metropolitan Police E12000008 South East E23000030 Hampshire E23000032Kent E23000031Surrey< E23000033Sussex E23000029 Thames Valley E12000009 South West3  E23000036Avon and Somerset E23000035Devon and Cornwall10 E23000039Dorset E23000037Gloucestershire E23000038 Wiltshire W92000004WALES2 W15000004 Dyfed-Powys W15000002Gwent W15000001 North Wales11  W15000003 South Wales*Source: Police recorded crime, Home OfficeH1. Police recorded crime data are not designated as National Statistics.2. Total rate for England and Wales includes offences recorded by British Transport Police. However, no rates are given for British Transport Police as their data are not provided for specified geographical areas. ^3. Where police forces have provided only partial data, regional figures will also be partial.4. Force did not record infrastructure related offences and non-infrastructure related offences separately in the year ending March 2013.5. Force did not record infrastructure related offences and non-infrastructure related offences separately prior to January 2013; therefore figures are only partial.{6. Force recorded all offences as infrastructure related offences prior to August 2012; therefore figures are only partial.\7. Force did not provide any data prior to October 2012; therefore figures are only partial.-8. Rates for London include 'City of London'.9. '+' Rates for 'City of London' are not shown separately due to the small resident population of the area relative to the transient or visiting population.e10. Force did not provide a breakdown between infrastructure and non-infrastructure related offences.11. Force did not record infrastructure related offences and non-infrastructure related offences separately in the year ending March 2013.Number of offencesLondonCity of LondonDevon and Cornwall8 North Wales9 British Transport Police%2. Includes British Transport Police.d8. Force did not provide a breakdown between infrastructure and non-infrastructure related offences.9. Force did not record infrastructure related offences and non-infrastructure related offences separately in the year ending March 2013.Year ending March 20132Quarter 1 (April to June 2012)"Quarter 2 (July to September 2012)$Quarter 3 (October to December 2012)!Quarter 4 (January to March 2013)Quarter 1 (April to June 2013)"Quarter 2 (July to September 2013)$Quarter 3 (October to December 2013)!Quarter 4 (January to March 2014)Quarter 1 (April to June 2014)"Quarter 2 (July to September 2014)$Quarter 3 (October to December 2014)!Quarter 4 (January to March 2015)Quarter 1 (April to June 2015)"Quarter 2 (July to September 2015)$Quarter 3 (October to December 2015)!Quarter 4 (January to March 2016)Quarter 1 (April to June 2016)"Quarter 2 (July to September 2016)$Quarter 3 (October to December 2016)!Quarter 4 (January to March 2017)+Source: Police recorded crime, Home Office.T2. Excludes Norfolk for the year ending March 2013 as they provided incomplete data.Percentage changeENGLAND AND WALES2,3 North East Cleveland East MidlandsLeicestershire West MidlandsEastNorfolkLondon4City of London5 South WestDevon and Cornwall6Wales North Wales2. Percentage changes for England and Wales include offences recorded by British Transport Police. However, no percentage changes are given for British Transport Police as their data are not provided for specified geographical areas. 3. Infrastructure and non-infrastructure breakdowns exclude data from Devon and Cornwall who were unable to provide a breakdown.;4. Percentage changes for London includes 'City of London'.5. '+' Percentage changes for 'City of London' are not shown separately due to the small resident population of the area relative to the transient or visiting population.d6. Force did not provide a breakdown between infrastructure and non-infrastructure related offences.Infrastructure related offences#Non-infrastructure related offencesTotalOther theft offencesBurglaryVehicle offences Bicycle theftCriminal damage)Source: Home Office Data Hub, Home OfficeT2. Data based on 30 forces that provided accurate data via the Home Office Data Hub.3. Percentages do not add up to 100 as a small proportion of metal theft offences (less than 1%) fall into categories which are not property crime related and are therefore not included in these data. 2. Statistically significant change at the 5% level is indicated by an asterisk. For the purposes of this table statistical significance has been assumed from the proportions estimated in Table 12.2. Statistically significant change at the 5% level is indicated by an asterisk. For the purposes of this table statistical significance has been assumed from the proportions estimated in Table 14.3. Statistically significant change at the 5% level is indicated by an asterisk. For more information on statistical significance, see Chapter 8 of the User Guide. }or write to: Crime Statistics and Analysis, Office for National Statistics, Room 1400, Segensworth Road, Titchfield, PO15 5RRS1. See Section 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household characteristics.&R1. See Section 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household characteristics.%R2. See Section 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household characteristics.$Q2. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.%R2. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.&S1. See Section 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household characteristics.%[1. ' ..' indicates that data are not reported because the unweighted base is fewer than 50."Number of cars owned by household3! 3. '.. Data not applicable.Property crime table 2: Proportion of households that were victims of other household theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 1: Proportion of households that were victims of domestic burglary, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 3: Proportion of vehicle-owning households that were victims of vehicle-related theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 4: Proportion of bicycle-owning households that were victims of bicycle theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 5: Proportion of households that were victims of criminal damage, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 6: Proportion of adults who were victims of robbery, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 7: Proportion of adults who were victims of robbery, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 8: Proportion of adults who were victims of personal theft, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 9: Proportion of adults who were victims of personal theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 10: Proportion of adults who were victims of plastic card fraud, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 11: Proportion of adults who were victims of plastic card fraud, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 12: Proportion of individuals owning mobile phones by personal characteristics, year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 13: Estimated number of individuals owning mobile phones, year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 14: Proportion of individual mobile phone owners experiencing theft in the last year by personal characteristics, year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 15: Estimated number of m<) obile phone owners experiencing theft, year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 CSEWProperty crime table 16: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, rates per 10,000 population, by police force area, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 2017Property crime table 17: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by police force area, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 2017Property crime table 18: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by financial year quarter, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 2017Property crime table 19: Percentage change in rates per 10,000 population of metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, year ending March 2017 compared with year ending March 2016Property crime table 20: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by offence type, Home Office Data Hub, year ending March 2017Property crime table 4: Proportion of bicycle-owning households that were victims of bicycle theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1 Property crime table 5: Proportion of households that were victims of criminal damage, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW Property crime table 6: Proportion of adults who were victims of robbery, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1 Property crime table 8: Proportion of adults who were victims of personal theft, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1 Property crime table 10: Proportion of adults who were victims of plastic card fraud, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW1 Property crime table 13: Estimated number of individuals owning mobile phones, year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1 Property crime table 15: Estimated number of mobile phone owners experiencing theft, year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1 Property crime table 16: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, rates per 10,000 population, by police force area, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 20171EProperty crime table 17: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by police force area, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 20171EProperty crime table 18: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by financial year quarter, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 20171EProperty crime table 19: Percentage change in rates per 10,000 population of metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, year ending March 2017 compared with year ending March 20161Property crime table 20: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by offence type, Home Office Data Hub, year ending March 20171,2,3 hFor explanatory notes on these statistics see the 'User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and Wales'3' M/rLb+n*m N  )l ZEN9|9|:}] 'jV M|'WA*?io4^ V W 2\ :@ ccB G 'g-!9"  dMbP?_*+% %&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter," @XX333333?333333?&<3U} p} qp}  p'\ ,q,q,u,u,q,q,q ,q ,q ,q ,q ,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q,q oq =>s t tttttttttttttt ttttttttttttt v wxw r w r w r w r w r w rw w rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw  ,                   w  ,                   w  2                      w  w  <~  2.HHN*! " # $ % &  !s "  #zy ${ %| &qd>@<dyz 2yK hFor explanatory notes on these statistics see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and Wales.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/user-guides/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cvyK Appendix table 1.01: Proportion of households that were victims of domestic burglary, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 1'!A1x yK Appendix table 2: Proportion of households that were victims of other household theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 2'!A1 yK Appendix table 3: Proportion of vehicle-owning households that were victims of vehicle-related theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 3'!A1 yK Appendix table 4: Proportion of bicycle-owning households that were victims of bicycle theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 4'!A1n yK Appendix table 5: Proportion of households that were victims of criminal damage, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 5'!A1> yK ~Appendix table 6: Proportion of adults who were victims of robbery, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 6'!A1TyK Appendix table 7: Proportion of adults that were victims of robbery, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 7'!A1LyK Appendix table 8: Proportion of adults who were victims of personal theft, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 8'!A1`yK Appendix table 9: Proportion of adults who were victims of personal theft, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW 'Table 9'!A1XyK Appendix table 10: Proportion of adults who were victims of plastic card fraud, by personal characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW'Table 10'!A1lyK Appendix table 11: Proportion of adults who were victims of plastic card fraud, by household and area characteristics, year ending March 2016 CSEW'Table 11'!A1pyK Appendix table 12: Proportion of individuals owning mobile phones by personal characteristics, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2016 CSEW'Table 12'!A1DyK Appendix table 13: Estimated number of individuals owning mobile phones, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2016 CSEW'Table 13'!A1yK Appendix table 14: Proportion of individual mobile phone owners experiencing theft in the last year by personal characteristics, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2016 CSEW'Table 14'!A1PyK Appendix table 15: Estimated number of mobile phone owners experiencing theft, year ending March 2006 to year ending March 2016 CSEW'Table 15'!A1yK Appendix table 16: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, rates per 10,000 population, by police force area, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 2017'Table 16'!A1~yK Appendix table 17: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by police force area, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 2017'Table 17'!A1yK Appendix table 18: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by financial year quarter, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 20171'Table 18'!A1yK Appendix table 19: Percentage change in rates per 10,000 population of metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, year ending March 2017 compared with year ending March 2016'Table 19'!A1ZyK Figure 8: Metal theft offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, by offence type, Home Office Data Hub, year ending March 2017'Figure 8'!A1yK hFor explanatory notes on these statistics see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and Wales.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G WYF Y{hl  dMbP?_*+%&~?'~?(M&d2?)M&d2?MC 4dXXA4," DXX `? `?&`U} *r}  }  } m}  x}  x}  } } }  rW  , @  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  lfffeeef  g  hn i i   hn i  i  jkkkjjjk l?%%@b'?Hq?~ @@ %n looo p;"T@s6ę{? sgk?~  -@ qooor -6vyF?s>Q? sB?~  8@ r9W%'?ś H?䀘-?~ @@r OFܱ?s v? sqDO+?~  >@ r1 1@meL^;?:=kz?~ @  P@s8{? s8 ֑)R?~  @ stt p  uI@ sHq? ssX?~ @ u  vtt p  sss@T@ w  ҩ@ ^>Pi@ WaZ?~  @ ss w XFI@ thAbo? v?~ @ l yyy w ᘋ@ i(P@ m&?~ @ p @s[ ? sd*Cy? sG?~ @ wJZB@HL}?jd?~ ?@ p?ZP?s\?? sC)?~  @ w 5z@Ϛb?uO0?~ ӷ@r p@U @sU? sw8+cG?~  ,@ {ӹLl@E|?M?~ @R@rpsss {g@x*.?@@zv?~ ~@ yyy {F@#(i#g?o?~ H@ psE06 @ssZ,s@ s>e-?~  @  O?O? u@ psƺ+A@srHa? s,,L?~  @<@ !i@'>] @=$=ɩ?~ @sss #z@J0*-Z@aT9?~ ܗ@ |"yyy %%1%?9M??~ @ x$saVc@s4E@ s0Fp%?~  @Dl,8 rftdPdrhtl|fthrdr @! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. @/ @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 x9 x: x; x< x= x> @? @ ' +L@ {? 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See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G V9sׅ7I  dMbP?_*+%&~?'~?(M&d2?)M&d2?MC 4dXXA4," HXX `? `?&`U} *r}  }  } m}  x}  x} } r}  rV  , @  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  lfffeeef  g  hy iz i{   hy iz  i{  jkkkjjjk lPV?I?W8_?~ @@ n looo p V@λ#݄? r|?~  -@ qooor z8u?vf? hh?~  8@ r_u4?7O&?l?~ @@r |Hˤ?7@ r& I@;?kj?~ @  ~՝^`@V? $+jH@~  @ stt p  Ga? i =vҽ? {O?~ @ u  vtt p  s@T@ w  |g@ @8|n? ~)?~  @  w if}@ + ?  j@~ @ l yyy w Rx,@ k݌? *3j3"?~ @ p fm? s? sO@?~ @ wm@mٔ?R{@~ ?@ pySFB?s| ? sG#tɝ?~  @ wm>k0?TA?ږ?~ ӷ@r pN<鿠?sߜcH? s+բN?~  ,@ wRSuc ?zopܽ?du\/?~ S@r px@s~ɂ(P? suLj@~  W@ w4?%G?I0?~ @r piwj$?sӋ? sI,`?~  ι@wsvtr pi?st+y? sAR/?~  @ uvvtr p(?@sG_? sxgw@~  @ w%޿@Fv)d?d| @~ @r py5@s',X? s:@~  @ w\]声@SL!?fA@~ н@r w!ܸ?f?z?~ @S@r lyyy w zsίU]@sPl@]? s@Q_#?~  6@ qyyyr zsx+?s? s%u?~  ,@ {%.M@$[U?=h+?~ @R@rpyyy {9=/ @b?s-@~ ~@ sss {I\$?}!?P<q?~ H@ ps6v$' @svӤq ? sA$@~  @  1?ER?52?~  u@ ps37l?sz$? s?~  @<@ !o @cgI?yC2@~ @sss #)n@B#.?\T@~ ܗ@ |"yyy %P(?b`8ț?DO?~ @ x$s$נ?`@s3? s7|H3J@~  @Dl,8 rftdPdrht\|fthrdr @! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. @/ @0 @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 @9 x: x; x< x= @> @? @ ' :? ? 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See Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household and area characteristics.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c88yK R1. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G V!i  dMbP?_*+%&~?'~?(M&d2?)M&d2?MC 4dXXA4," HXX `? `?&`U} *}  } } }  }  } }  V  , @  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  l   D p o q n  D  p  o  q  n  yX# @ o@M?M >%?~ @   j3 @ =Hb@ P:t? svy9?~  @@  s=]@ l"? dۏ? l*?~  V@ Ŝ4 @ۘ|U@!?xg?~ @  ~j4 @ lTw1@ m? 5P *?~  @ /@F[@ׇ?ˍy p?~ l@  5LA@ ,6K @ k.? /? g?~  @    /f@ !|@ `\O? Zb?~ \@    $ P@  ,z@ M sk @ ʵe? 3?~ @@   G?<@ 6"Mm @ ]ʃ߱? d8?~ R@    y^${h@ )i @ u? Ԫ?~ @ p Smxz? y?? b&-? E*?~ @ l*@^jN @ՉfR??YP?~ @ p_k-@ g @ IV? 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