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%Additional notesYYYY+ZAvon & SomersetZ BedfordshireZCambridgeshireZCheshireZ ClevelandZ CumbriaZ  DerbyshireZ Devon & CornwallZ DorsetZ DurhamZ Dyfed-PowysZ EssexZGloucestershireZGreater ManchesterZ GwentZ HampshireZ HertfordshireZ HumbersideZ KentZ LancashireZLeicestershireZ LincolnshireZLondon, City ofZ MerseysideZMetropolitan PoliceZNorfolkZ North WalesZNorth YorkshireZ NorthamptonshireZ! NorthumbriaZ"NottinghamshireZ# South WalesZ$South YorkshireZ% StaffordshireZ&SuffolkZ'SurreyZ(SussexZ) Thames ValleyZ* WarwickshireZ+ West MerciaZ, West MidlandsZ-West YorkshireZ. WiltshireYYYYYY Y Y Y Y @dom1.infra.intdataJSASCJSSCCJUCS2011 Q3 SeptemberWorking area4 Offenders found guiltyChapter 4 - convictions blank template.xlsContentsSummary Common values Table Q4.1 Table Q4.2 Table Q4.3 Table Q4a Table Q4b Table Q4c Table Q4dPivot 1Pivot 2Pivot 3Pivot 4Pivot 5Pivot 6Pivot 7 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3DataChecksheet valuesSheet2Sheet3YYYYZ Offence groupZh Sep 01Sep 02Sep 03Sep 04Sep 05Sep 06Sep 07Sep 08Sep 09Sep 10ZIndictable offencesZ# Violence against the personZ^  QhA@ʡEvB@C@!rhC@(\D@OnD@9vD@-D@xE@x&1F@Z Sexual offencesZ^  K@9v@~j@h|?@ rh@x&1@v@V-@"~@ˡE}@Z BurglaryZ^  ~jt8@ rH:@h|?9@/$8@o!7@Dl6@jt7@y&17@KW7@lQ7@Z RobberyZ^  Sc@ʡ@zGa@B`"[@@/$@Zd;!@ 2!@/$!@Cl @Z' Theft and handling stolen goodsZ^  ]_@= ףp_@KG^@w/\@ʡEZ@+.Y@S㥻Y@MbX9[@"~b\@bX9]@ZFraud and forgeryZ^ p= 5@/$a5@y&1L5@ʡE5@~j44@tV4@-F4@rh4@-4@E5@ZCriminal damageZ^ w/$@-&@jtD&@+N'@J +'@/$A)@Pn)@S$@jtD @~jt@Z Drug offencesZ^ MbXF@vG@ +I@v/E@T㥛0C@p= #D@D@V}I@y&1K@A`N@Z+#Other (excluding motoring offences)Z^ QE@SG@'1:I@GzDK@= ףp]J@/$I@Zd;/G@;OD@K7F@NbX9I@ZMotoring offencesZ^ Qk@L7A`@rh|@/ݤ@lq@(\@M@sh|?@5^I  @|?5^ @Z TotalZ^ V-t@V-t@NbX9u@1Z6t@NbX96s@q= ף6s@x&1@@@Zs Burglary@v@@@ @@L@@e@@@@Zr Robbery7@~@@@@@@o@@@ @9@@Z Theft and handling stolen goods\AAAAA A A8e AS AP3 A AZ| Fraud and forgery[@`@@@L@@`@@`@C@P@Zz Criminal damage@c@0@@@p@@@Є@P@`+@@@Zx  Drug offencesc@@!@@@@p@ @@ @ ?@Z Other notifiable offencesD@`a@'@@2@@ @@0@@@Z All notifiable offences~0A0AK1Ax1A}0A/A-A^ .A-Anc.AlW/AYYYYYYYYYYY6c@dom1.infra.intdataJSASCJSSCCJUCS2010Working area5 OffencesChapter 5 draft tables VA.xlsContentsSummary Common values Table 5.1 5.1 pivot Table 5.2 5.2 PivotVT pivotVT working sheet5.2 data5.2 CW TIC summary5.2 CW TIC pivot 5.2 PND data5.2 CW TIC data Table 5.3 5.3 pivot Table 5.4 5.4 pivot5.3 & 5.4 dataTable 5a5a PivotTable 5b 5b TIC Pivot 5b PND pivot 5b CW pivot5b Cautions pivot5b Convictions pivotTable 5c 5C summaryCautions convictions 2009 pivotCautions convictions 2010 pivotTIC CW 2009 pivotTIC CW 2010 pivot5c cautions convictions data 5c PND data5c TIC CW dataTable 5d 5d summary 5d RC summary 5d CW summary5d TIC summary 5d RC pivot 5d CW Pivot 5d TIC Pivot 5d RC data5d CW TIC data 5d data (2)5d data Table 7.1 7.1 pivot Table 7.3 7.3 pivot 5.1 in text TIC pre-2004YYYYYYYYYY Y Y Y Y YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Y!Y"Y#Y$Y%Y&Y'Y(Z @Z @Z #t@Z 'X@Z +b@Z /؟@Z 3@Z 7@Z ;p@Z ?@Z Ch@Z Gp@Z OД@Z S@Z W`s@Z [@Z _@w@Z c<@Z g@Z ky@Z o@Z s@Z w@Z {@Z @Z `}@Z p@Z y@Z Ԗ@Z @c@Z |@Z @Z @Z |@Y)Y*Y+Y,Y-Y.Y/Y0Y1Y2Y3Y4@Poise.HomeOffice.LocaldataRQGSitegroupRDS_MBCSNEWQuarterly monitor_MOVEDYr ending Sept 11Final quarterly figuresFinal Quarterly figures spreadsheet to Dec 2010_LOOKUP.xlsPopulation multipliersIncidence rates & numbersPrevalence & perceptions - %s tbl_NATIONALYYYYZabancar1+@fa1rvwapxx333Crime StatisticsPublicationsQuarterly Bulletin2015Yr to Mar 15Table productionPFA tablesFinal05. Police Force Area Data Tables - Crime in England and Wales, year ending March 2015.xlsNotesTable P1Table P2Table P3 Table P4 Table P5Table P6Table P7Y    ((  & _______Pub42;% ______Pub42;$ _____Pub42;# ____Pub42;" ___Pub42;__Pub41<__Pub41<! __Pub42;_Pub41<_Pub41<  _Pub42;_Sort<_Sort< _tbl201011< _tbl201011<& All_Offences;*CeBurglary<Burglary<Cautions<Cautions<* CCTrial2009Tried;! Convictions<! Convictions<) Criminal_Damage;#gCumbria<Cumbria<' Drug_Offences;$4dFinYear<FinYear<$ ForceNames;.+ Fraud_and_Forgery;5Ed  Guilty; HO<HO<# IneffCC_BandW<# IneffCC_BandW</IneffCC_BandW_and_figures</IneffCC_BandW_and_figures<m<m<" MagTrial; J] * MagTrial2009Glty; ,+ MagTrial2009Procs; new<new< Non<Non<+NonSanctionDetections<+NonSanctionDetections<NPItable< NPItable< - OffencesProceedings;  &Other): : : : : : : : : : : {: w: s: o: k: g: c: _: [: W: S: O: G: C: ?: ;: 7: 3: /: ': +: #: : ( Other_Offences;FVdowners<owners<owners<owners<owners<PND<PND<  ;  ;Q  ;S <# PRINT_AREA_MI<# PRINT_AREA_MI<Pub4a<Pub4a< PYO_BandW< PYO_BandW<+PYO_BandW_and_figures<)PYO_BandW_in_groups<4qry2010_11_ADULT_ALL_NOS_LOGIT<4qry2010_11_ADULT_ALL_NOS_LOGIT<1qry2010_11_YP_ALL_NOS_LOGIT<1qry2010_11_YP_ALL_NOS_LOGIT<'qryLastYear_Adult<'qryLastYear_Adult<Qtr<Qtr<! Robbery;Wgd) Sexual_Offences;hxd& Shop_Lifting;yd" Tab35AllAges<" Tab35AllAges<$ Tab35Total;2<"& Tab35Under18; "?+Table:=B"N;'Table:<B"N" tbl201011_YP<" tbl201011_YP<, Theft_and_Handling;e VAP;exc<xc< England and WalesVictim-based crimeOther crimes against society Area Codes Area NameViolence against the personHomicideViolence with injuryViolence without injurySexual offencesRobberyTheft offencesBurglaryDomestic burglaryNon-domestic burglaryVehicle offencesTheft from the person Bicycle theft ShopliftingAll other theft offencesCriminal damage and arson Drug offencesPossession of weapon offencesPublic order offences$Miscellaneous crimes against society E23000013 Cleveland E23000008Durham E23000007 Northumbria E12000001North East Region E23000006Cheshire E23000002Cumbria E23000005Greater Manchester E23000003 Lancashire E23000004 Merseyside E12000002North West Region E23000012 Humberside E23000009North Yorkshire E23000011South Yorkshire E23000010West Yorkshire E12000003Yorkshire and the Humber Region E23000018 E23000021Leicestershire E23000020 Lincolnshire E23000022Northamptonshire E23000019Nottinghamshire E12000004East Midlands Region E23000015 Staffordshire E23000017 Warwickshire E23000016 E23000014 West Midlands E12000005West Midlands Region E23000026 Bedfordshire E23000023Cambridgeshire E23000028Essex E23000027 Hertfordshire E23000024 E23000025 E12000006East of England Region E23000034London, City of E23000001Metropolitan Police E12000007 London Region E23000030 Hampshire E23000032Kent E23000031Surrey E23000033Sussex E23000029 Thames Valley E12000008South East Region E23000036Avon and Somerset E23000035Devon and Cornwall E23000039Dorset E23000037Gloucestershire E23000038 Wiltshire E12000009South West Region E92000001ENGLAND W15000004 Dyfed-Powys W15000002Gwent W15000001 North Wales W15000003 South Wales W92000004WALESBritish Transport Police K04000001ENGLAND AND WALESPossession of weapons offencesNumbers-+6. Following a system change at Norfolk constabulary in October 2015 a range of data reliability issues have been identified. At a national level the impact of this is small. The constabulary is expected to resolve these issues and revise data for the next quarterly publication.I7. Following a system change at Suffolk constabulary in October 2015 a range of data reliability issues have been identified, including the fact that some of the data submitted by the force is known to be duplicated. For instance, around 3% of offences submitted by Suffolk for October to December are estimated to be duplicates. In particular, 20% of sexual offences recorded between October to December 2015 are estimated to be duplicates. At a national level the impact of this is small. The constabulary is expected to resolve these issues and provide revised data during 2016/17. Derbyshire5  West Mercia5 Norfolk6Suffolk7CData tables shown in this workbook relate to police recorded crime.)The data contained in this file comprise:or write to: Crime Statistics and Analysis, Office for National Statistics, Segensworth Road, Titchfield, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RR!Statistical contact: John FlatleyTel: 020 7592 8695@Crime in England & Wales, year ending December 2015 - PFA tablesjThese data tables are published alongside the bulletin Crime in England & Wales, year ending December 20157Table P1: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, number of offences, year ending December 2015Table P2: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, percentage change, year ending December 2014 compared with year ending December 2015Table P3: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, rate of offences, year ending December 2015*Source: Police recorded crime, Home OfficeH1. Police recorded crime data are not designated as National Statistics.2. When interpreting data for police force areas, users should be aware of recent changes to recording practices. Further information is available in the 'Accuracy of the statistics' section of the statistical bulletin.C3. Currently, offences of fraud are excluded from subnational breakdowns of police recorded crime. Action Fraud have taken over the recording of fraud offences on behalf of individual police forces. In the year ending December 2015 Action Fraud recorded 224,683 offences of fraud against victims living in England or Wales.5. Following a system change at Norfolk constabulary in October 2015 a range of data reliability issues have been identified. At a national level the impact of this is small. The constabulary is expected to resolve these issues and revise data for the next quarterly publication.I6. Following a system change at Suffolk constabulary in October 2015 a range of data reliability issues have been identified, including the fact that some of the data submitted by the force is known to be duplicated. For instance, around 3% of offences submitted by Suffolk for October to December are estimated to be duplicates. In particular, 20% of sexual offences recorded between October to December 2015 are estimated to be duplicates. At a national level the impact of this is small. The constabulary is expected to resolve these issues and provide revised data during 2016/17. Table P1: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, number of offences, year ending December 20151,2'Total recorded crime (excluding fraud3)%& Derbyshire4  West Mercia4 Norfolk5Suffolk6Table P2: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, percentage change, year ending December 2014 compared with year ending December 20151,2Percentage change43. Currently, offences of fraud are excluded from subnational breakdowns of police recorded crime. Action Fraud have taken over the recording of fraud offences on behalf of individual police forces. In the year ending December 2015 Action Fraud recorded 224,683 offences of fraud against victims living in England or Wales. This represents no change in the volume of offences recorded by Action Fraud compared with the previous year. 84. '-' indicates that the base number is fewer than 50.Table P3: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, rate of offences, year ending December 20151,2Domestic burglary4Domestic burglary (households)4Rate per 1,000 population5, 6 Derbyshire7  West Mercia7 Norfolk8Suffolk9London, City of10London Region10 ENGLAND AND WALES113. Currently, offences of fraud are excluded from subnational breakdowns of police recorded crime. Action Fraud have taken over the recording of fraud offences on behalf of individual police forces. In the year ending December 2015 Action Fraud recorded 224,683 offences of fraud against victims living in England or Wales. This is equivalent to a rate of 3.9 offences of fraud recorded per 1,000 population.4. Domestic burglary rates are shown both by rate per 1,000 population and rate per 1,000 households. Household population figures are from the mid-2012 estimates.t5. The population figures used are the mid-2014 population estimates provided by the Office for National Statistics.6. Numbers will be affected by the size of the resident population relative to the transient or visiting populations and may therefore over-represent the number of crimes relative to the real population of potential victims.8. Following a system change at Norfolk constabulary in October 2015 a range of data reliability issues have been identified. At a national level the impact of this is small. The constabulary is expected to resolve these issues and revise data for the next quarterly publication.I9. Following a system change at Suffolk constabulary in Oc<itober 2015 a range of data reliability issues have been identified, including the fact that some of the data submitted by the force is known to be duplicated. For instance, around 3% of offences submitted by Suffolk for October to December are estimated to be duplicates. In particular, 20% of sexual offences recorded between October to December 2015 are estimated to be duplicates. At a national level the impact of this is small. The constabulary is expected to resolve these issues and provide revised data during 2016/17. :10. '+' Rates for London Region include 'London, City of'.11. Total rate for England and Wales includes offences recorded by British Transport Police and Action Fraud. However, no rates are given for British Transport Police or Action Fraud as their data are not provided for specified geographical areas. gFor explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and Wales2kFor further information about police recorded crime statistics, please email crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukM%Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.uk)4. Due to an issue with Home Office database mapping, data on  aggravated vehicle offences (code 37.2) were not collected from Derbyshire and West Mercia police forces from April 2015 onwards. Therefore  aggravated vehicle offences for these forces were those recorded during January to March 2015 only, meaning that the total number of vehicle offences recorded by these forces in the year ending December 2015 is around 1% too low. This is expected to be resolved by the next crime statistics publication. The impact at national level is very small.*5. Due to an issue with Home Office database mapping, data on  aggravated vehicle offences (code 37.2) were not collected from Derbyshire and West Mercia police forces from April 2015 onwards. Therefore  aggravated vehicle offences for these forces were those recorded during January to March 2015 only, meaning that the total number of vehicle offences recorded by these forces in the year ending December 2015 is around 1% too low. This is expected to be resolved by the next crime statistics publication. The impact at national level is very small.*7. Due to an issue with Home Office database mapping, data on  aggravated vehicle offences (code 37.2) were not collected from Derbyshire and West Mercia police forces from April 2015 onwards. Therefore  aggravated vehicle offences for these forces were those recorded during January to March 2015 only, meaning that the total number of vehicle offences recorded by these forces in the year ending December 2015 is around 1% too low. This is expected to be resolved by the next crime statistics publication. The impact at national level is very small.  4 > cm<F8B!+ [e=G9C f"p%&+09 ccB  W_c  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind"dXX BP(? BP(?&\(U} }  ,@\,@,@,@,@,@,@,@ ,@ , ,  ,,Y,,,,,,@,@  "   "   "     "       24,&2&2&22&222>@ yK lThese data tables are published alongside the bulletin Crime in England & Wales, year ending December 2012 yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/crime-stats/crime-statistics/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'cyK hFor explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and WalesyK http://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cD yK Table P1: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, number of offences, 2013/14'Table P1'!A1n yK Table P2: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, percentage change, 2012/13 compared with 2013/14'Table P2'!A1@ yK ~Table P3: Police recorded crime by offence group and police force area, English regions and Wales, rate of offences, 2013/14'Table P3'!A1tyK lFor further information about police recorded crime statistics, please email crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyK dmailto:crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyX;H,]ą'cyK &Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyK dmailto:crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyX;H,]ą'cggD  Q!'  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" (XX BP(? 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