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Comma 3 3/&Currency0. Currency [0]1Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 2Good;Good  a%3 Heading 1G Heading 1 DTj%Dr4 Heading 2G Heading 2 DTj%?5 Heading 3G Heading 3 DTj%236 Heading 49 Heading 4 DTj%79 Hyperlink  c%8 Hyperlink 2 3< Hyperlink 2 3  c9 Hyperlink 3 2: Hyperlink 4 ;InputuInput ̙ ??v% < Linked CellK Linked Cell }% =NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal %> Normal 10? Normal 10 2@ Normal 11A Normal 179 Normal 17 %B Normal 2 2CNormal 2 2 2 3D Normal 2 3 2? Normal 2 3 2 % ENormal 3FNormal 3 2 2 2G Normal 3 2 3: Normal 3 2 3  HNormal 7 INormal 8 JNormal 91K,Normal_13 Worry about crime appendix tablesL Normal_Book1#MNormal_Ch4 IPV Appendix tables7N2Normal_CinEW 1011 Chapter 2 Appendix tables v5.1 29O4Normal_CinEW 1011 Chapter 2 Appendix tables v5.1 2 21P,Normal_Experience of ASB 04-05 - sig testingQ Normal_Sheet1 RNoteb Note   SOutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???T$Percent UTitle1Title DTj% VTotalMTotal %DrDrW Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16` Notes6Table 1Table 2#Table 3.Table 4ioTable 5͛Table 6Table 7Table 8&2Table 9Table 10, D     ;  ;@  ;   ;<  ;A  ;B  ;   ;  ;  ;   ;  "England and Wales Percentages All violence2 Violence with injuryWoundingAssault with minor injuryViolence without injury$Unweighted base - number of adults3# ,Percentage of adults, victims once or more4:* + ALL ADULTSMarital statusMarried/civil partnered16-24 Cohabiting25-34Single35-44 Separated45-54&Divorced/legally dissolved partnership55-64Widowed65-7475+Respondent's employment status In employmentMen UnemployedEconomically inactiveStudentLooking after family/homeLong-term/temporarily sick/illRetiredOther inactiveRespondent's occupation'Managerial and professional occupationsWomenIntermediate occupationsRoutine and manual occupations%Never worked and long-term unemployedFull-time studentsNot classifiedHighest qualificationDegree or diplomaApprenticeship or A/AS level O level/GCSE Ethnic groupOtherNoneWhite5White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British$Long-standing illness or disability White - IrishWhite - Gypsy/Irish traveller..Limits activities"White - any other white backgroundDoes not limit activities'No long-standing illness or disability Mixed/multiple ethnic groups!Mixed - White and Black Caribbean'Hours out of home on an average weekdayMixed - White and Black AfricanLess than 3 hoursMixed - White and AsianBetween 3 and 7 hours2Mixed - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background7 hours or longerAsian/Asian BritishAsian - IndianAsian - PakistaniAsian - BangladeshiAsian - Chinese"Asian - Any other Asian background%Black/African/Caribbean/Black BritishBlack - AfricanBlack - Caribbean4Black - Any other Black/African/Caribbean backgroundOther ethnic groupOther ethnic group - Arab+Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic groupJSource: Crime Survey for England and Wales, Office for National StatisticsQ1. See Section 7.3 of the User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.  $ 2. 'All violence' includes wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of the User Guide for more information. _ | <3. Bases refer to all violence; other bases will be similar.S4. Figures are not published for CSEW estimates based on fewer than 50 respondents... Denotes 'not available'. +Percentage of adults, victims once or more:Structure of householdSingle adult & child(ren)Adults & child(ren)Adult(s) & no childrenTotal household incomeLess than 10,00010,000 less than 20,00020,000 less than 30,00030,000 less than 40,00040,000 less than 50,00050,000 or more4No income stated or not enough information provided TenureOwnersSocial rentersPrivate rentersAccommodation type HousesDetached Semi-detachedTerracedFlats/maisonettesOther accommodationOutput area classificationRural residents CosmopolitansEthnicity centralMulticultural metropolitans Urbanites SuburbanitesConstrained city dwellersHard-pressed living Area typeUrbanRuralLevel of physical disorderHighNot highEmployment deprivation index20% most deprived output areasOther output areas20% least deprived output areasDomestic AcquaintanceStranger"White - Any other white background$Living environment deprivation indexPersonal incidents, percentages Time of weekTime of day (two groups)Time of day (five groups)During the weekMorning Afternoon!During early evening (6pm - 10pm)$During late evening (10pm -midnight)During night (midnight - 6am)Alcohol-relatedNot alcohol-relatedNot known if alcohol-related"Unweighted base - number of adultsLocationNumber of offendersOneTwoThree Four or moreSex of offender(s)Male(s) Female(s)Both Aged under 16 Aged 16 to 24 Aged 25 to 39Aged 40 or olderKnown by sight or to speak to Known wellOffence group2 Jan '81 to Dec '81Jan '91 to Dec '91Jan '95 to Dec '95Jan '97 to Dec '97Apr '01 to Mar '02Apr '02 to Mar '03Apr '03 to Mar '04Apr '04 to Mar '05Apr '05 to Mar '06Apr '06 to Mar '07Apr '07 to Mar '08Apr '08 to Mar '09Apr '09 to Mar '10Apr '10 to Mar '11Apr '11 to Mar '12Apr '12 to Mar '13Apr '13 to Mar '14Apr '14 to Mar '15Apr '16 to Mar '17'April 2016 to March 2017 compared with:Apr '15 to Mar '16-Percentage of adults, victims more than once: VIOLENCE3Domestic violence1. Prior to year ending March 2002, CSEW respondents were asked about their experience of crime in the previous calendar year, so year-labels identify the year in which the crime took place. Following the change to continuous interviewing, respondents' experience of crime relates to the full 12 months prior to interview (i.e. a moving reference period), so year-labels from year ending March 2002 onwards identify the CSEW year of interview.*Age of offender(s)hFor explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and Wales.3=>uData tables shown in this workbook relate to police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).)The data contained in this file comprise:For further information about the Crime Survey for England and Wales and police recorded crime statistics, please email crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.uk x!Statistical contact: John FlatleyTel: 020 7592 8695%Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.uk10-15 year olds Know someone who carries a knife4Has personally carried a knife in the last 12 months16-29 year olds:1Unweighted base - number of adults aged 16 to 2930 ,3. Includes don't know/don't want to answer.I: indicates that the CSEW question was not asked in that particular year. Acquaintance3 Not known/no current suspect4 Other sexual relationship5 Stranger6 Violence against the person*Source: Police recorded crime, Home OfficeH1. Police recorded crime data are not designated as National Statistics.z3. Includes all acquaintances and known relationships which cannot be counted as family relatives or sexual relationships.4. Includes all cases where no suspect has yet been identified as well as cases where a suspect has been identified but the relationship status of the victim to the suspect has not been established.5. Includes all sexual relationships where the victim and suspect are not currently partners and have not previously been partners.1. Violent incidents comprise wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of the User Guide for more information. b  c1. See Section 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household and area characteristics.  " , 1. Violent incidents comprise wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of the User Guide for more information.b  e2. See Chapter 5 of the User Guide for more information about the crime types included in this table.  " 1. These questions were first asked in the survey for 10-15s in the year ending March 2012 and for 16-29s in the year ending March 2014.`2. Numbers may differ to those previously published owing to a minor methodological improvement.v2. Data based on 10 forces that provided data via the Home Office Data Hub. Data have not been reconciled with forces.ZThe nature of violent crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2017 - Appendix Tables5Unweighted base - number of children aged 10 to 152,32 ~ or write to: Crime Statistics and Analysis, Office for National Statistics, Room 1400, Segensworth Road, Titchfield, PO15 5RRoTable 1: Prevalence of violence, by type of violence and personal characteristics1, year ending March 2017 CSEWQRnTable 1: Prevalence of violence, by type of violence and personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWyTable 2: Prevalence of violence, by type of violence and household and area charact< eristics1, year ending March 2017 CSEW[\xTable 2: Prevalence of violence, by type of violence and household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW_3. These data are based on combined data from year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017.,4. Weekend is from Friday 6pm to Monday 6am.At the weekend4 p5. Morning is from 6am to noon; afternoon is from noon to 6pm. Includes 'morning or afternoon, can't say which'.Morning / Afternoon5 l6. Evening is from 6pm to midnight; night is midnight to 6am. Includes 'evening or night, can't say which'.Evening / Night6 2. Whether incident is alcohol-related is based on a question asking whether the victim perceived the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol. This question is asked to victims able to say something about the offender(s). Victims were able to say something about the offender(s) in 99% of all violent incidents. Question is not asked where the offender(s) were perceived to be children aged less than 10 years.Table 5: Timing of violent incidents1 by whether the incident was alcohol-related2, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW3$%4QRTable 5: Timing of violent incidents by whether the incident was alcohol-related, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEWTable 6: Location of violent incidents1 by whether the incident was alcohol-related2, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW3&'STi4. Includes home premises, whether inside/outside or garage/shed, home car park or nearby street to home.Around the home4K5. Includes work premises, whether inside/outside or work garage/car parks. Around work5 6. Includes streets near work/college/sports ground/public entertainment/train or tube stations etc., subway, park/open spaces, waste grounds, and street markets.Street6I7. Includes pub/club premises, whether inside or nearby street/car parks. Pub or club7 8. Includes public transport.Other location859. Includes street, pub or club and public transport.Public space locations9Table 6: Location of violent incidents by whether the incident was alcohol-related, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEWTable 7: Whether violent incidents1 were alcohol-related2, by offender characteristics, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW3"#89Table 7: Whether violent incidents were alcohol-related, by offender characteristics, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEWRelationship to victim4,5g5. All victims were asked about their relationship to the offender(s) - this includes detailed questions of victims who experienced three or less offences and brief questions to those who experienced more than three but less than six offences in the last year. Figures here are based on incidents in which the victim could say something about the offender(s).4. The offender-victim relationship is classified as: 'stranger' if the victim did not have any information about the offender(s), or did not know and had never seen the offender(s) before; 'known by sight or to speak to' if at least one offender falls into either category; and 'known well' if at least one offender falls into this category (for multiple offenders this takes priority over any less well-known offenders).Adults aged 16 and over3. Two different breakdowns are provided for violence. One relates to whether injury was inflicted (violence with/without injury), the other relates to the victim-offender relationship (domestic, acquaintance, stranger).zTable 3: Prevalence of violence, by victim-offender relationship and personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEWTable 4: Prevalence of violence, by victim-offender relationship and household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW{Table 3: Prevalence of violence, by victim-offender relationship and personal characteristics1, year ending March 2017 CSEW]^Table 4: Prevalence of violence, by victim-offender relationship and household and area characteristics1, year ending March 2017 CSEWgh$Statistically significant differenceTable 8: Proportion of victims of violence who were victimised more than once, by type of violence, year ending December 1981 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1Table 8: Proportion of victims of violence who were victimised more than once, by type of violence, year ending December 1981 to year ending March 2017 CSEWTable 9: Prevalence of knife carrying among 10-15 years old and 16-29 year olds, year ending March 2012 to year ending March 2017 CSEWTable 9: Prevalence of knife carrying among 10-15 years old and 16-29 year olds, year ending March 2012 to year ending March 2017 CSEW1Table 10: Police recorded violent offences with 'other' victim-suspect relationship, by type of relationship, Home Office Data Hub (10 forces), year ending March 2017Table 10: Police recorded violent offences with 'other' victim-suspect relationship, by type of relationship, Home Office Data Hub (10 forces), year ending March 20171,26. Includes all cases where it has been identified that the victim and suspect were not known to each other prior to the offence. mThese data are published alongside 'The nature of violent crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2017'#2. Whether incident is alcohol-related is based on a question asking whether the victim perceived the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol. This question is asked to victims able to say something about the offender(s). Victims were able to say something about the offender(s) in 99% of all violent incidents. Question is not asked where the offender(s) were perceived to be children aged less than 10 years. ٴp`յxhC3ڷk[XH s 9) ſ fV td'v(xhjZg3ozi~cc  PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VWmLXxwŰ@m>EX(}YKD]MCqo-X\_HN[Chq =9_rp1J\*hާ(h,=cXcB,1gMxD&#+B$,]ՖmyF] QoDK4p&/$xz),KN9Cm$إ1f"{xI؏1(32{gJvߟB4)DYp/oafpILVvms⌎bf Ï :ln|MvYe6cU='X@#:y@CF7dJNYoOU` 7HxɏéOWJf"S=ޜ 8mN O!:L+@r=^ q8i)V_5ۙ>)]P!aLf:HWH\ Wv), ~-@- |T{)D@۠(?^yW;2=˘VH<եvO[$pIhODE= vEO"Ax6sMLAת![N}g< \%O7E2˜ C"J N b"1([Z~+䚐Vm鶓tt1,>BOs8XI{MN#XX/+Nrj ۬@d22Z      yK hFor explanatory notes on these statistics, see the User Guide to Crime Statistics for England and WalesyK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cL yK Table 1: Proportion of adults who were victims of violence by offence type and personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 1'!A1Z yK Table 2: Proportion of adults who were victims of violence by offence type, household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 2'!A1T yK Table 3: Proportion of adults who were victims of violence by type of violence and personal characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 3'!A1b yK Table 4: Proportion of adults who were victims of violence by type of violence, household and area characteristics, year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 4'!A1 yK Table 5: Timing of violent incidents by whether the victim perceived the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol ('alcohol-related'), combined year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 5'!A1yK Table 6: Location of violent incidents by whether the victim perceived the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol ('alcohol-related'), combined year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 6'!A1,yK Table 7: Proportion of violent incidents where victim perceived the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident ('alcohol-related'), offender characteristics year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 7'!A1yK Table 8: Proportion of victims of violence who were victimised more than once, year ending December 1981 to year ending March 2017 CSEW, with statistical significance of change 'Table 8'!A1yK &Email: crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyK dmailto:crimestatistics@ons.gsi.gov.ukyX;H,]ą'cFyK Table 9: Prevalence of knife carrying, 10-15 years old and 16-29 year olds, year ending March 2012 to year ending March 2017 CSEW 'Table 9'!A1yK Table 10: Proportion of offences, by relationship of victim to suspect in the 'other' category broken down, Home Office Data Hub (10 forces), year ending March 2017'Table 10'!A1@yK nThese data are published alongside 'The nature of violent crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2017'yK ,https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/thenatureofviolentcrimeinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2017yX;H,]ą'cggD G `Wr5  dMbP?_*+%& BP(?' BP(?(jZ?)jZ?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" <XX BP(? 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Dlzr:4444@@A B C D E F G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^@_@ @@ &Aarrrrr&Barrrrr$Carrrrr$Darrrrr$Earrrrr$FarrrrrGG HaaaaaH IaaaaaI JaaaaaJ KaaaaaK Laaaaaq MaaaaaM NaaaaaqN Oaaaaaqqooooo PaaaaaPq QaaaaaqQ Raaaaaqq SaaaaaSq TaaaaaT UaaaaaqU VuqWWq[q]qDPl$**((((,,,,$*,$,,$,*, >@ drr " <<;;yK N1. See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cH<<yK 2. 'All violence' includes wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G X˴  dMbP?_*+%& BP(?' BP(?(jZ?)jZ?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" AXX BP(? 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'All violence' includes wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c::yK d1. See Section 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household and area characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G U$'  dMbP?_*+%& BP(?' BP(?(jZ?)jZ?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" <XX BP(? 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See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/specific/crime-statistics-methodology/user-guides/index.htmlyX;H,]ą'c;;yK N1. See Section 7.3 of User Guide for definitions of personal characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cH<<yK 2. 'All violence' includes wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G W?Oo[wfaj  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" PXX BP(? 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'All violence' includes wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'c::yK d1. See Section 7.1 and 7.2 of the User Guide for definitions of household and area characteristics.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G    dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" WXX333333?333333?&<3U} }  U }  } } U }  } }  }  } }  }   J@@@@@@@ @ @  @    2  @  *,                   i;@iPvO@_O50@POP@k t$@}1@r$3@aNGtC@nvMS@ GO1T@ pMN@P8nx:@WrQ@X@:@J:R@ 34mP@c@H@h-@ JÇ'@ =)@ ij$#@&]Z.@>Yn @2$0@7EyM.@z'@j@ 'uX@   < x@`z@{@@~Z@pr@j@d@_@  Q2  *  *   * " *.<08\ XD<< <4< >@  R      V yK 1. Violent incidents comprise wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of the User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G uK  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" dXX333333?333333?&<3U} }  } q }  }  }  :@@@@@@ @ @  @    2   @ @ @ @                     /=@اRQ`B@v]#bA@43W@6,SD>@ O@ *D=M@ۂ%K@\RkG@k :@^J@Ѳ 69@ OC(@E G@e2@'@\/@),&@   * q@e@a@d@@j@t@ Q  "  *     " " " 0^$4.^zz<&4< $$444$>@ R  V yK 1. Violent incidents comprise wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of the User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G  9  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" LXX333333?333333?&<3U} a} a} Ua}  a :@@@(@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@,,,, ,  2@@  XX    c c c c  !!   "{=1E@"׼UH@"ߡ"@~ "p@# "PSE@"[,_B@"]3@~ "V@# a"/,KI@" Τ,!@~ " d@ # ";G{^=A@"k;K@"4&@~ "M@#$$$# u%%%# "e["@" T@"\䑼[ @~ "R@ &# a"7H@" D@"[>D$@~ "r@# a"NF7-DI@"ID%C@"Qߢ#ީ$@~ "Py@# a"o/wA@"5I@"@,@~ "`n@#'((()# u***+# a"D5J@"a!Ϊ@@"#EA/@~ "{@# a"JC@"|+H@"?MU'@~ " j@#---------- a"%aK@@p%O@"ײA @~ "`t@# .Q/0.. " *   D0 l ,B\\\\*\\\*`\\\*\r\ 4< >@ 2VyK 1. Violent incidents comprise wounding, assault with minor injury and assault without injury. See Section 5.1 of the User Guide for more information.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G K*  dMbP?_*+% & BP(?' BP(?(jZ?)jZ?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" 2XX BP(? 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See Chapter 5 of the User Guide for more information about the crime types included in this table.yK https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/methodologies/crimeandjusticemethodologyyX;H,]ą'cggD G (R_iBt~҈  dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MC odXXLetter,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLbaynhsj adminbaynhsj admin,,,,,baynhsj admind" dXX333333?333333?&<3U} 4@@                 , @                 62222222222222222228111111222222222222222222 u6222222222222222222222222      *222222222222222222 4222222222222222222 6222222222222222222222222 6*η@,:@@{AX@ze<@;qq3@2a@*222222222222222222 hQE!?*?2Wq?>rVA?Qcw->?w,k?*22222222222222222 *@@@<@h@@*2222222222222222228 222222222222222222 6 222222222222222222    {3J@ K@ 5@ o@* 222222222222222222    nF? H? #Fi]? 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