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???+ Comma,( Comma [0]-&Currency.. Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text %0 F Followed Hyperlink   1Good;Good  a%2 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O3 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?4 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%235 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}%64 Hyperlink   7InputuInput ̙ ??v% 8 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 9NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal %: Normal 2 2 ;Noteb Note   <OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???=$Percent >Title1Title I}% ?TotalMTotal %OO@ Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16` Index Table 1MGTable 2aTable 2bkTable 3S:Table 4Table 5kTable 6Table 7xXTable 8Table 9Table 10CBTable 11Table 12Table 13cTable 14, {Index of tablesTableTitle2a2bAll persons aged 16 and over PercentagesMenWomen All persons16 to 2425 to 4445 to 64 65 and overAll aged 16 and over-Proportion who drank alcohol in the last week2005 1 22006 2 32007 32008 32009 32010 32011 3BProportion who drank alcohol on five on more days in the last week|Source: Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, General Lifestyle Survey and General Household Survey; Office for National StatisticsHEstimates prior to 2006 cover a fiscal year rather than a calendar year.Estimates for 2005 and 2006 both include the period 1 January 2006 to 31 March 2006 as a result of a change in survey year from a fiscal year to a calendar year.5Estimates for 2006 to 2011 include longitudinal data.2005 4 52006 5 62007 62008 62009 62010 62011 6Estimates in Table 2a will differ from the estimates in Table 2b. This is because Table 2a uses the entire population as the base, whereas Table 2b uses those who drank alcohol in the last week as the base.{Where a person drank equally heavily on two or more days, they were asked information about the most recent of these days.yThe stated number of units differs for men and women. For example 4/3 units means 4 units for men, and 3 units for women.?All persons aged 16 and over who drank alcohol in the last week2005 2 32006 3 42007 42008 42009 42010 42011 4 In employmentILO unemployed 1Economically inactive 1'As a proportion of the whole population Teetotal 2Drank in the last week,Drank on at least five days in the last week.On heaviest 3 drinking day in the last week...  Weighted base (000s) for...TeetotalDrank alcohol in the last week/Units on heaviest drinking day in the last weekUnweighted sample for...;As a proportion of those who drank alcohol in the last weekWeighted base (000s)Unweighted sampleESource: Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Office for National StatisticsInternational Labour Organisation ( ILO) definitions of economic activity have been used. Unemployed people are those who are not in work, but are looking for work. Economically inactive people are those who are neither in work nor looking for work, such as retired people and students.The heaviest drinking day in the last week is the day on which the most alcohol was drunk. When equal amounts of alcohol were consumed on two or more days, respondents were asked about the most recent of these days.Gross annual personal income 1Up to 9,999.99 210,000 up to 14,999.9915,000 up to 19,999.9920,000 up to 29,999.9930,000 up to 39,999.9940,000 or more Teetotal 3.On heaviest 4 drinking day in the last week...  'Gross annual personal income includes all personal income before deductions for tax, National Insurance etc. It relates to income that is directly received (such as pay, benefits or interest from savings), and does not include income received through a third party (such as a spouse or partner).KThe 'up to 9,999.99' group does not include those with no personal income.$Highest achieved qualification levelDegree (or equivalent)%Higher education (below degree level)A-Levels or HighersONC or National Level BTEC&O-Level or GCSE equivalent (grade A-C)?GSCE (grade D-G), CSE (grade 2-5) or Standard Grade (level 4-6)Other qualifications 1No formal qualifications4Includes foreign qualifications below degree levels.'Managerial and professional occupationsIntermediate occupationsRoutine and manual occupations Teetotal 1.On heaviest 2 drinking day in the last week...  Single Married 1 CohabitingWidowed / Divorced / SeparatedBThe group 'married' includes those in same-sex Civil Partnerships.All persons aged 16 to 7065 to 70All aged 16 to 70 Lives aloneLives with othersAll persons aged 16 to 60Live with dependent children 1 %Do not live with dependent children 1# Teetotal 2 .On heaviest 3 drinking day in the last week... EPersons aged 16 and over have not been classed as dependent children.The Government's Alcohol Strategy defines binge drinkers as men who report exceeding eight units of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, and women who report exceeding six units. North East North WestYorkshire and The Humber East Midlands West MidlandsEast of EnglandLondon South East South WestEnglandWalesScotland Great Britain#Strong beer / stout / lager / ciderSpirits or liqueursWine / champagneAlcopopsIn line with the Government s Alcohol Strategy, men are considered to have binged if they drank more than eight units of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, and women if they drank more than six units.yThe stated number of units differs for men and women. For example 8/6 units means 8 units for men, and 6 units for women.kIf someone drank equally heavily on more than one day, they were asked about the most recent of these days.VDoes not include shandy that has been pre-packaged, such as cans or bottles of shandy.Never smoked cigarettes 1 Ex-smoker 2 All non- smokers 3Light smoker 4 Moderate smoker 5Heavy smoker 6 All cigarette smokers 7 Teetotal 8.On heaviest 9 drinking day in the last week...  The group 'never smoked cigarettes' contains people who said that they do not smoke cigarettes nowadays, and have never smoked cigarettes regularly.The group 'ex-smoker' contains those who said that they do not smoke cigarettes nowadays, but have smoked cigarettes regularly in the past.%The group 'non-smokers' contains a small number of people who could not be allocated to either of the 'never smoked cigarettes' or 'ex-smoker' groups. These people said that they do not smoke cigarettes nowadays, but could not say whether they had ever smoked cigarettes regularly in the past.NLight smokers are those who smoke on average fewer than 10 cigarettes per day.tModerate smokers are those who smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day on average, but fewer than 20 cigarettes per day.@Heavy smokers are those who smoke 20 or more cigarettes per day.The group 'all cigarette smokers' contains a small number of people who said that they smoke cigarettes, but who did not say how many cigarettes they smoke.uWhere a person drank equally heavily on two or more days, the heaviest day relates to the most recent of these days..Normal strength beer / stout / lager / cider 4-Sherry or martiniYDrinking frequency in the week before interview, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016Weighted base 2016 (000s)Unweighted sample 2016Never smoked cigarettes 1 Ex-smoker 2 ?Drinking habits and economic activity, Great Britain, 2014-20164Drinking habits and income, Great Britain, 2014-2016Unweighted sample Non-smoker 3 Light smoker 4 Moderate smoker 5Heavy smoker 6 ?Drinking habits and cigarette smoking, Great Britain, 2014-2016Proportion of adults who drank the stated amounts of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016Proportion of adults who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank the stated levels of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016SProportion of adults who are teetotallers, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016@Drinking habits, by level of education, Great Britain, 2014-2016KDrinking habits, by socio-economic classification, Great Britain, 2014-2016< ADrinking habits, by relationship status, Great Britain, 2014-2016PDrinking habits, by age and whether person lives alone, Great Britain, 2014-2016fDrinking habits, by sex and whether dependent children live in the household, Great Britain, 2014-20164Drinking habits, by region, Great Britain, 2014-2016Types of drink consumed on heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, by binge-drinking status, Great Britain, 2014-2016NExceeded 4 (men)/3 (women) units on heaviest drinking day in the last week 3 7 !K OExceeded 8 (men)/6 (women) units on heaviest drinking day in the last week 3 7 K OExceeded 12 (men)/9 (women) units on heaviest drinking day in the last week 3 7L %...exceeded 4 (men)/3 (women) units 4#&...exceeded 8(men)/6 (women) units 4 5"&...exceeded 12 (men)/9 (women) units 4$%...exceeded 4 (men)/3 (women) units 5#'...exceeded 8 (men)/6 (women) units 5 6#&...exceeded 12 (men)/9 (women) units 5$%...exceeded 4 (men)/3 (women) units 3#'...exceeded 8 (men)/6 (women) units 3 4#&...exceeded 12 (men)/9 (women) units 3$&...exceeded 4 (men)/3 (women) units 10#)...exceeded 8 (men)/6 (women) units 10 11#'...exceeded 12 (men)/9 (women) units 10$PBinge drinkers (exceeded 8 (men)/6 (women) units on heaviest drinking day) 1 2 3J VOther drinkers (did not exceed 8 (men)/6 (women) units on heaviest drinking day) 1 2 3Q Group Statistic 2016 Sample2016 Point estimate 2015 Sample2015 Point estimate Lower limit Upper limitMen aged 16 to 24 GProportion of population who drank alcohol in the week before interviewMen aged 25 to 44 Men aged 45 to 64 Men aged 65 and over Men all aged 16 and over Women aged 16 to 24 Women aged 25 to 44 Women aged 45 to 64 Women aged 65 and over Women all aged 16 and over All persons aged 16 to 24 All persons aged 25 to 44 All persons aged 45 to 64 All persons aged 65 and over "All persons all aged 16 and over \Proportion of population who drank alcohol on five or more days in the week before interviewjProportion of population who drank more than 4 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewjProportion of population who drank more than 3 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewlProportion of population who drank more than 4/3 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewjProportion of population who drank more than 8 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewjProportion of population who drank more than 6 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewlProportion of population who drank more than 8/6 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewkProportion of population who drank more than 12 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewjProportion of population who drank more than 9 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewmProportion of population who drank more than 12/9 units on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewwProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 4 units on heaviest drinking daywProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 3 units on heaviest drinking dayyProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 4/3 units on heaviest drinking daywProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 8 units on heaviest drinking daywProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 6 units on heaviest drinking dayyProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 8/6 units on heaviest drinking dayxProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 12 units on heaviest drinking daywProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 9 units on heaviest drinking dayzProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 12/9 units on heaviest drinking day-Proportion of population who are teetotallersMen - In employmentMen - ILO unemployedMen - Economically inactiveWomen - In employmentWomen - ILO unemployedWomen - Economically inactiveAll - In employmentAll - ILO unemployedAll - Economically inactiveuProportion of population who drank more than 4 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewuProportion of population who drank more than 3 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewwProportion of population who drank more than 4/3 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewuProportion of population who drank more than 8 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewuProportion of population who drank more than 6 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewwProportion of population who drank more than 8/6 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewvProportion of population who drank more than 12 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewuProportion of population who drank more than 9 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewxProportion of population who drank more than 12/9 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 4 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 4 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 3 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 4/3 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 8 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 6 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 8/6 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 12 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 9 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 12/9 units of alcohol in the week before interview on heaviest drinking day!All persons - income up to 9,999*All persons - income 10,000 up to 14,999*All persons - income 15,000 up to 19,999-All persons - income 20,000 up to 29,999.99-All persons - income 30,000 up to 39,999.99$All persons - income 40,000 or moreProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 4/3 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 8/6 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking dayProportion of those who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank more than 12/9 units of alcohol on heaviest drinking day"All persons - Degree or equivalent-All persons - Higher education (below degree) All persons - A-levels / Highers'All persons - ONC / National level BTEC.All persons - O-level or GCSE equivalent (A-C)AAll persons - GCSE (D-G), CSE (grade 2-5) or Standard Grade (4-6)"All persons - Other qualifications<<All persons - No qualifications5All persons - Managerial and professional occupations&All persons - Intermediate occupations,All persons - Routine and manual occupationsAll persons - SingleAll persons - MarriedAll persons - Cohabiting,All persons - Widowed / divorced / separated&All persons aged 16 to 24 - Live alone,All persons aged 16 to 24 - Live with others&All persons aged 25 to 44 - Live alone,All persons aged 25 to 44 - Live with others&All persons aged 45 to 64 - Live alone,All persons aged 45 to 64 - Live with others&All persons aged 65 to 70 - Live alone,All persons aged 65 to 70 - Live with others&All persons aged 16 to 70 - Live alone,All persons aged 16 to 70 - Live with others"Men - Live with dependent children)Men - Do not live with dependent children$Women - Live with dependent children+Women - Do not live with dependent children*All persons - Live with dependent children1All persons - Do not live with dependent childrenAll persons - North EastAll persons - North West&All persons - Yorkshire and The HumberAll persons - East MidlandsAll persons - West MidlandsAll persons - East of EnglandAll persons - LondonAll persons - South EastAll persons - South WestAll persons -EnglandAll persons - WalesAll persons - ScotlandAll persons - Great Britain"Men aged 16 to 24 - Binge drinkersgDrank normal strength beer, stout, lager or cider on heaviest drinking day in the week before interview"Men aged 25 to 44 - Binge drinkers"Men aged 45 to 64 - Binge drinkers%Men aged 65 and over - Binge drinkersMen all ages - Binge drinkers$Women aged 16 to 24 - Binge drinkers$Women aged 25 to 44 - Binge drinkers$Women aged 45 to 64 - Binge drinkers'Women aged 65 and over - Binge drinkersWomen all ages - Binge drinkers*All persons aged 16 to 24 - Binge drinkers*All persons aged 25 to 44 - Binge drinkers*All persons aged 45 to 64 - Binge drinkers-All persons aged 65 and over - Binge drinkers%All persons all ages - Binge drinkers^Drank strong beer, stout, lager or cider on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewNDrank spirits / liqueurs on heaviest drinknig day in the week before interviewLDrank sherry / martini on heaviest drinking day in the week before interviewLDrank wine / champagne on heaviest drinknig day in the week before interviewDDrank alcopops on heaviest drinking day in the week before interview&Men aged 16 to 24 - Not binge drinkers&Men aged 25 to 44 - Not binge drinkers&Men aged 45 to 64 - Not binge drinkers)Men aged 65 and over - Not binge drinkers!Men all ages - Not binge drinkers(Women aged 16 to 24 - Not binge drinkers(Women aged 25 to 44 - Not binge drinkers(Women aged 45 to 64 - Not binge drinkers+Women aged 65 and over - Not binge drinkers#Women all ages - Not binge drinkers.All persons aged 16 to 24 - Not binge drinkers.All persons aged 25 to 44 - Not binge drinkers.All persons aged 45 to 64 - Not binge drinkers1All persons aged 65 and over - Not binge drinkers)All persons all ages - Not binge drinkers%All persons - Never smoked cigarettesAll persons - Ex-smokersAll persons - Light smokersAll persons - Moderate smokersAll persons - Heavy smokersAll persons - Non-smokerAll persons - Cigarette smokerConfidence Intervals, 2015-20161. Confidence intervals are a measure of the statistical precision of an estimate and show the range of uncertainty around the estimated figure. Calculations based on small numbers of events are often subject to random fluctuations.2. We are in the process of reviewing the methods used to calculate the 95% confidence intervals for our smoking statistics, as described in the accompanying bulletin. The confidence intervals in this table are based on a normal approximation method.r3. 'Sample' provides an indication of the total number of respondents for each of the statistics reported below. PTeetotallers are those who said that they do not drink alcohol at all nowadays. Teetotallers are those who said that they do not drink alcohol at all nowadays whereas the data in Tables 1 and 2 concern those who said they had drank in the previous week._Drinking frequency in the week before interview, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016 1 2 3YProportion of the population who drank the stated amounts of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Proportion of those who drank alcohol in the last week who drank the stated levels of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7WProportion of adults who are teetotal, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2016 1 2 3 4PIDrinking habits and economic activity, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4 5?@Drinking habits and income, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4 5 65\Drinking habits, by highest achieved qualification level, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4 5SRDrinking habits by socio-economic classification, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4KJDrinking habits by relationship status, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4 5AWDrinking habits by age and whether person lives alone, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4PpDrinking habits, by sex and whether dependent children live in the household, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4 5f ;Drinking habits by region, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 44Types of drink consumed on heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, by binge-drinking status, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4WDrinking habits and cigarette smoking, Great Britain, 2014-2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11?\Confidence intervals for the Adult Drinking Habits estimates, Great Britain, 2015-2016 1 2 3V95% confidence interval 95% confidence intervaldo okOpqr2uu_vhy zA | ~>#5ۉ7"t@@ ȜU V.jϮ\Ir˲8kϴ<5 R 9 39ccB  [  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?M\\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono PC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,Baynhsj admind" MXX BP(? BP(?&\(U} B} $A} $ A:@Y@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@   ~ ?     ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ "@ ~ $@ ~ &@ ~ (@ ~ *@ ~ ,@ d AAAAAAA6  >@dAB yK Proportion who drank alcohol in the last week, and proportion who drank alcohol on five or more days in the last week, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2013 'Table 1'!A1yK WProportion of teetotallers in the population, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2013 'Table 3'!A1yK ;Drinking habits and economic activity, Great Britain, 2013 'Table 4'!A1yK 9Drinking habits and personal income, Great Britain, 2013 'Table 5'!A1yK <Drinking habits and level of education, Great Britain, 2013 'Table 6'!A1 yK FDrinking habits by socio-economic classification, Great Britain, 2013 'Table 7'!A1 yK <Drinking habits by relationship status, Great Britain, 2013 'Table 8'!A1 yK KDrinking habits by age and whether person lives alone, Great Britain, 2013 'Table 9'!A1 yK aDrinking habits by sex and whether dependent children live in the household, Great Britain, 2013'Table 10'!A1 yK /Drinking habits by region, Great Britain, 2013'Table 11'!A1HyK Types of drink consumed on heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, by binge-drinking status, Great Britain, 2014-2016'Table 12'!A1yK @Drinking habits and cigarette smoking, Great Britain, 2014-2016'Table 13'!A1yK Proportion of adults who drank the stated amounts of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day in the week before interview, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2013'Table 2a'!A1yK Proportion of adults who drank alcohol in the week before interview who drank the stated levels of alcohol on their heaviest drinking day, by sex and age, Great Britain, 2005-2013'Table 2b'!A1yK  Confidence Intervals, 2015-2016'Table 14'!A1ggD  07eE  dMbP?_*+%&jZ?'jZ?(~?)~?M\\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono PC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,Baynhsj admind" NXX BP(? 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