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Severe disablement allowance* Industrial injury disablement benefit Student supportTable 12Year Bottom 2nd 3rd 4th Top2012/132013/14 Back to indexNon-retired householdsRETIRED households0Retired Households%All Households HouseholdsThis is the ratio of the total equivalised disposable income of the richest fifth of the population to that of the poorest fifth of the populationVHouseholds are ranked by equivalised disposable income, using the modified-OECD scale.Tax credits have changed in line with National Accounts, all tax credits have been classified as cash benefits from 2003/04 onwards.These are: Income Tax and Council Tax/Northern Ireland rates (after deducting discounts, Council Tax benefits and rates rebates).HDecile groups of ALL households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income5 6M Quintile groups of ALL households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income: ;JQuintile groups of ALL households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income7 8U Quintile groups of NON-RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable incomeB CS Decile groups of NON-RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income@ ARQuintile groups of NON-RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income? @PDecile groups of NON-RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income= >Q Quintile groups of RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income> ?O Decile groups of RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income< =NQuintile groups of RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income; <LDecile groups of RETIRED households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income9 :GRanked by equivalised disposable income, using the modified-OECD scale.6Income, taxes and benefits per household ( per year) Private pensions, annuities2  Tax credits3  Other cash benefits4 ( Council Tax and Northern Ireland rates5' ) less: Council Tax benefit/Rates rebatesCIncluding Universal Credit & Government training scheme allowances.ACouncil Tax and Northern Ireland rates after deducting discounts.All the tables show unequivalised income unless otherwise stated. Equivalised income has been used in the ranking process to produce the quintile/decile groups (and to produce the percentage shares and Gini coefficients).:Income has been equivalised using the modified-OECD scale.LIncludes all workplace pensions, individual personal pensions and annuities.#Figures may not sum due to roundingO '-' in the tables indicates no data while '0' reflects rounding of a low value Children2 Children are defined as people aged under 16 or aged between 16 and 19, not married nor in a Civil Partnership, nor living with a partner; and living with parent(s)/guardian(s); and receiving non-advanced further education or in unwaged-government training. Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit. The recording of tax credits has changed in line with National Accounts, all tax credits have been classified as cash benefits.u1 This is a measure of the dispersion of each definition of income (see Background Notes in the Statistical Bulletin)Gini coefficientsS80/S20 Lower boundPublished estimate Upper boundCVAll households Gini coefficient (%)1Median equivalised disposable income ( per year)Mean ( per year)Non-retired households Retired households X1 Households are ranked by equivalised disposable income, using the modified-OECD scale.Table 13YSummary of the effects of taxes and benefits on ALL households by quintile group, 2015/16PAverage incomes, taxes and benefits of ALL households by quintile group, 2015/16NAverage incomes, taxes and benefits of ALL households by decile group, 2015/16GHousehold characteristics of ALL households by quintile group , 2015/16DHousehold characteristics of ALL households by decile group, 2015/16XAverage incomes, taxes and benefits of NON-RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16VAverage incomes, taxes and benefits of NON-RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16NHousehold characteristics of NON-RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16LHousehold characteristics of NON-RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16TAverage incomes, taxes and benefits of RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16SAverage incomes, taxes and benefits of RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16 JHousehold characteristics of RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16HHousehold characteristics of RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16rTime series of median equivalised disposable household income by household type, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices)jTime series of mean equivalised disposable household income by quintile, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices)Percentage shares of equivalised hous<5ehold income and Gini coefficients, for ALL households, RETIRED households and NON-RETIRED households, 2015/16|Gini coefficients for the distribution of income at each stage of the tax-benefit system for ALL households, 1977 to 2015/16/S80/20 ratio, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices)O95 per cent confidence intervals for key statistics, financial year ending 2016cTABLE 1: Summary of the effects of taxes and benefits on ALL households by quintile group1, 2015/16YZYTABLE 2: Average incomes, taxes and benefits of ALL households by quintile group, 2015/16XTABLE 2a: Average incomes, taxes and benefits of ALL households by decile group, 2015/16OTABLE 3: Household characteristics of ALL households by quintile group, 2015/16NTABLE 3a: Household characteristics of ALL households by decile group, 2015/16aTABLE 4: Average incomes, taxes and benefits of NON-RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16`TABLE 4a: Average incomes, taxes and benefits of NON-RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16WTABLE 5: Household characteristics of NON-RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16VTABLE 5a: Household characteristics of NON-RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16]TABLE 6: Average incomes, taxes and benefits of RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16]TABLE 6a: Average incomes, taxes and benefits of RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16 STABLE 7: Household characteristics of RETIRED households by quintile group, 2015/16RTABLE 7a: Household characteristics of RETIRED households by decile group, 2015/16_Table 8: Timeseries of median equivalised disposable income, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices1)]^ per year (2015/16 prices)ZTable 9: Mean equivalised disposable household income, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices)[TABLE 10: Percentage shares of equivalised household income and Gini coefficients1, 2015/16QR-2015/16Table 14_Income and source of income by age of household reference person for all UK households, 2015/16Table 15NIncome and source of income by household tenure for all UK households, 2015/16Table 16yIncome and source of income by socio-economic classification of household reference person for all UK households, 2015/16Table 17SIncome and source of income for all UK households, 1977 to 2015/16 (2015/16 prices)Table 18iAverage gross annual household income by Output Area Classification1 (OAC) for all UK households, 2015/16Table 19&Number of households in the populationAverage annual household incomeWages and salaries$Imputed income from benefits in kindSelf-employment incomePrivate pensions, annuitiesInvestment income Other incomeTenure of dwelling000s$Percentage of gross household income Social rentedPrivate rented unfurnishedPrivate rented furnished Rent free With mortgageRental purchaseOwned outrightY1 See Table 2 for information relating to the composition of different sources of income.Sources of income1(UrbanRuralS1 Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales but excludes Northern Ireland.Y2 See Table 2 for information relating to the composition of different sources of income.XTABLE 15: Income and source of income by household tenure for all UK households, 2015/163 For 1978 it is not possible to provide a breakdown of income from employment into employee wages and salaries and self-employment income.`4 Prior to 1990 imputed income from benefits in kind was not included in gross household income.q5 Prior to 1996/97 income figures are unweighted. From 1996/97 onwards income figures are based on weighted data. Year3,4,5(Sources of income2(^TABLE 18: Income and source of income for all UK households, 1977 to 2015/16 (2015/16 prices1)\]!Large employers/higher managerialHigher professional!Lower managerial and professional IntermediateSmall employersLower supervisory Semi-routineRoutine=2 National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC).m4 Student households must be living at a private residential address to be sampled by the Living Costs and Food Survey. Communal establishments such as university halls of residence are excluded from the sampling frame. Any student currently living away in a halls of residence will not be included as a household member if the student's family home is interviewed./5 Includes those who are economically inactive.TABLE 17: Income and source of income by socio-economic classification of household reference person for all UK households, 2015/16Rural residents CosmopolitansEthnicity centralMulticultural metropolitans Urbanites SuburbanitesConstrained city dwellersHard-pressed livingOAC Supergroup 1OAC Supergroup 2OAC Supergroup 3OAC Supergroup 4OAC Supergroup 5OAC Supergroup 6OAC Supergroup 7OAC Supergroup 8$Weighted number of households (000s)$Total number of households in sample!Total number of persons in sample Total number of adults in sample0Weighted average number of persons per household!Gross annual household income ()21 This table uses 2011 Output Area ClassificationssTABLE 19: Average gross annual household income by Output Area Classification1 (OAC) for all UK households, 2015/16MO NS-SEC Group2 (Long-term unemployed3( Students4(Occupation not stated5(JQuintile groups of all households ranked by equivalised1 disposable income7 8Quintile group2( Decile group2 (Equivalised income1)#Bottom quintile1 (mean, per year)( Top quintile1 (mean, per year) ( $Quintile groups of ALL households1 !*"Table 20lTime series of median equivalised disposable household income by quintile, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices)iTable 20: Median equivalised disposable household income by quintile, 1977-2015/16, UK (2015/16 prices) plus cash benefits2 ) less direct taxes3 and employees' NIC Deflator '3 Includes those who have never worked.*Table 12: S80/20 ratio1, 1977-2015/16, UK Table 21IThe consumer prices index including owner-occupiers housing costs (CPIH)Income figures have been deflated to 2015/16 prices using the consumer prices index including owner-occupiers housing costs (CPIH).STable 21: The consumer prices index including owner-occupiers housing costs (CPIH)1 Income figures have been deflated to 2015/16 prices using the consumer prices index including owner-occupiers housing costs (CPIH).TABLE 11: Gini coefficients for the distribution of income at each stage of the tax and benefit system for all households, 1977-2015/16, UKrTABLE 16: Income and source of income by urban/rural area for all households in Great Britain1, 2013/14 to 2015/16]^FTable 13: 95 per cent confidence intervals for key statistics, 2015/16 Household Disposable Income and Inequality, UK - Reference Tables1  h Income and source of income by urban/rural area for all households in Great Britain, 2013/14 to 2015/16TAge of head of householdiTABLE 14: Income and source of income by age of household reference person for all UK households, 2015/16Sources of income1 Less than 3030 to 4950 to 6465 to 74 75 or over7 7zM8C9g9]9:;|G<=<=Z>P>>a?W@Z@P @ YAO GB= ?C5 C D GJ;L1{OqPQTWsnZ@S]%_` a Sb% c efmi?jjWl)mw*osDvccB  .ǟ1  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M\\NP3RVWPRXX038\Newport Mono PC 4dXXA4,DINU"+= SMTJKMXLBaynhsj adminBaynhsj admin,,,,,Baynhsj admind" 2XX333333?333333?&<3U} ~} $$} } $ ~.@@@@@@@      q&z{{{{{{{{{{{{|}(|||||||||||||}(|||||||||||||}(|||||||||||||}(|||||||||||||}(|||||||||||||}(|||||||||||||} yv yw Zx w Zy w Zz w Z{ w Z| w Z} w Z~ w Z w Z x Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z w Z  Z w Z  Z  Z  Z   Z  r Z    Z  D|l8,,,,,, ! 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